paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
Just ran out and grabbed it from a RedBox. I'll update. 7/24/2008 12:57:44 AM
lmnop All American 4809 Posts user info edit post |
He dies at the end. 7/24/2008 12:59:52 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
Sat down with an ice-cold can of diet coke, just hit "play" on title screen
in it for the long haul. 7/24/2008 1:06:58 AM
Apocalypse All American 17555 Posts user info edit post |
Make sure you keep updating this thread throughout the film. 7/24/2008 1:08:11 AM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post | 7/24/2008 1:09:41 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
movie great so far, sad when he left the hippies 7/24/2008 1:52:10 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
this movie is the dumbest shit ever.
THE END 7/24/2008 2:05:38 AM
Apocalypse All American 17555 Posts user info edit post |
thought this was a porno at first 7/24/2008 2:08:51 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
Chapter 3: Manhood 7/24/2008 2:24:45 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 2:25 AM. Reason : ] 7/24/2008 2:25:27 AM
tschudi All American 6195 Posts user info edit post |
fuck this movie 7/24/2008 2:30:16 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
1.5 hours in...time for some WATAAAA
 7/24/2008 2:41:09 AM
wolfpack2105 All American 12428 Posts user info edit post |
im thinkin about puttin in Hot Rod and fallin asleep to it 7/24/2008 3:05:15 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
dude got seriously skinny for this movie
^ what is that?
holy shit, when the old man asked if he could adopt dude as his grandson, that choked me up
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 3:29 AM. Reason : woooooow i need to go club a seal or something...] 7/24/2008 3:26:14 AM
hypaone All American 11084 Posts user info edit post |
Palindrome alert 7/24/2008 3:31:55 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
man and then right after that, the scene with his father walking out into the street before dinner
choked up TWICE
i hate these insanely good, but leave me depressed as shit 7/24/2008 3:42:19 AM
Colemania All American 1081 Posts user info edit post |
i read the book a while, ive been meaning to see this 7/24/2008 3:44:42 AM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
oh well, I loved it. amazingly directed and written, would recommend to anyone. if you haven't seen it, prepare to have that "want to be happy for everyone but still depressed as fuck" feeling afterward
^ never read the book so I don't know how it compares, but the movie is amazing
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 3:47 AM. Reason : sadf] 7/24/2008 3:46:34 AM
Donogh5 All American 971 Posts user info edit post |
i'm with NC86
just as well i watched it on a plane or i would've wanted those 148 minutes back 7/24/2008 7:26:17 AM
ddf583 All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
While I was watching this movie I kept thinking of the scene in Pulp Fiction where Jules is telling Vincent that he wants to leave everything behind and travel from place to place having adventures. Vincent says something like, "Yeah, there's a word for that. It's called a bum, you want to be a bum." 7/24/2008 7:31:52 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
the book is better
sean p33n could have done a better job with the directing. i still enjoyed it though. the music with eddie vedder was great. 7/24/2008 7:37:27 AM
marko Tom Joad 72868 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 9:03 AM. Reason : thread is dead tho] 7/24/2008 9:02:47 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
i thought the movie was fantastic i love true stories and no matter what anyone thinks ... doing something like this is totally bad ass and hardcore as fuck
Quote : | "the music with eddie vedder was great." |
great soundtrack for this movie 7/24/2008 9:08:12 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "wolfpack2105 All American 3298 Posts user info edit post
im thinkin about puttin in Hot Rod and fallin asleep to it
7/24/2008 3:05:15 AM paerabol All American 9452 Posts user info edit post
dude got seriously skinny for this movie
^ what is that? " |
dude, you gotta see that one
It looked cheesey as hell in the previews, but probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time (it is retarded, but hilarious nonetheless) 7/24/2008 9:11:07 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i absolutely hated this movie. this was the worst movie i've seen in a LONG time. it was way too long. it was extremely cliche. sean penn, you failed. oh and the soundtrack fucking sucks. fuck you eddie vedder. " |
khcadwal, you hurt my feelings with this post. i thought the sound track was great  7/24/2008 9:13:07 AM
Donogh5 All American 971 Posts user info edit post |
i did like the soundtrack
i just got the impression he was trying to make a statement, but failed miserably
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 9:58 AM. Reason : ] 7/24/2008 9:56:43 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
the movie sucked donkey balls
rich kid tries to make a point, dies because he did something stupid, and then gets a movie for it
a lot of stupid people die every day, but they don't get movies
the soundtrack sucked
if he could have held on for 2 more weeks, he would have been found by moose hunters 7/24/2008 10:02:33 AM
tschudi All American 6195 Posts user info edit post |
the movie sucked donkey balls
rich kid tries to make a point, dies because he did something stupid, and then gets a movie for it
a lot of stupid people die every day, but they don't get movies
the soundtrack sucked (really fucking sucked, the second i heard eddie vedder moaning i stopped taking the movie seriously)
if he could have held on for 2 more weeks, he would have been found by moose hunters 7/24/2008 10:53:32 AM
AVLien Starting Lineup 73 Posts user info edit post |
or if he went a quarter mile further downstream there was a hunting lodge....and it didn't look like he had it so fucking rough he could've at least holla'd at his sister...and eddie vedder was the worst/funniest thing is just him making a bunch of fucking noises trying to sound like an indian or some shit... soundtrack is laugh out loud bad...should have just played ten over the movie and saved us all from listening to new Eddie Vedder 7/24/2008 12:40:38 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "or if he went a quarter mile further downstream there was a hunting lodge" |
that's right, i had forgotten about that
Quote : | "and it didn't look like he had it so fucking rough he could've at least holla'd at his sister" |
inorite...that kind of pissed me off, too
all-in-all, he wasn't really as much "into the wild" as he originally thought, eh? 7/24/2008 12:45:24 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
KngDouchebag here....rawr rawr rawr] 7/24/2008 12:46:33 PM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
christ almighty, you people have no soul 7/24/2008 3:06:52 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i hated all the cliche shots. and all the christ like portrayals of him. so what, he got along with some hippies. does that make him christ? nooo. and like him in LA looking in a window and seeing his reflection and then seeing himself as a business man. oh wow that is really moving and creative. and did we really need one more shot to illustrate the point of the movie? i think we got it the first million times. like uhh when he left his family and burned all his money and social security card, etc. we get it. he was disenchanted with society. i just didn't need a million cliche shots and a shitty eddie vedder songs ever 5 seconds to reiterate.
my apologies to the eddie vedder fans
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 3:09 PM. Reason : i think sean penn treats the audience like they're idiots with this film] 7/24/2008 3:09:17 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
dont let your boyfriend influence you --- (i kid / i kid) 7/24/2008 3:24:37 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
haha i was the one that didn't like it first (i think i posted about it first after we watched it in the other thread) 7/24/2008 3:58:02 PM