jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is inspired by the fact that I haven't been even close to drunk in about 2 months and haven't had a drink in two weeks. I take the SC Bar exam on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. When I get out Wednesday I drive back to Charleston to meet two of my best friends who are coming down to help me celebrate and go see Talib Kweli and Nas perform downtown. I plan on having trouble moving the next day.
What have been your most drunken moments?? Special occasions?? Birthdays/graduations/anniversaries?? Completely random nights??
I'll get started off with a couple:
22nd Birthday:
Unlike most people, I didn't have a big 21st...but my 22nd made up for it. I worked the whole summer at a bar in Wrightsville Beach (22 North). The only weekend night I had off was the Saturday night of my birthday.
Started off the early afternoon with a 22oz Icehouse. For some reason my roommate got me a bottle of Alize that I finished off (with a little help) while I played about 10 games of beer pong before we went to the beach bars around 10pm...followed immediately by a shot about every 5 minutes. I think I blacked out around 11:30...but from stories...managed to keep drinking until 2:30. Woke up with only minor injuries...scabbed up and stiff elbow and a busted right big toe. I still had a month left in the summer and kept running into people until the day I left that "met me on my birthday."
Last Night of Work at Bar:
Had been working at this bar in downtown Charleston for two years. By the time I left, I was the senior bartender there and the last of the "original crew" that basically opened the place. I hadn't planned on drinking a lot my last night because I had my first class of Bar review the next morning at 9.
However, all the regulars came in and started buying shots around 8pm. I apparently finished a whole bottle of Grand Marnier myself...next thing I know I wake up with my pants still on in this girl's bed who I had been hanging out with (she lives about 5 blocks down from the bar on King St...the main street in Charleston). Apparently I blacked out around 11:30pm...left the bar at midnight (left my fellow bartender there all by himself). The girl said I was banging on her door, and when she opened the door my shirt was gone but my tie was still around my neck (work attire is black pants, white dress shirt, and tie). I then passed out in the bathroom and somehow managed to crawl in the bed.
Story confirmed from people who saw me stumbling down King St that night, shirtless...with tie around neck. Ran into one of the local bums a couple days later who thanked me for the dress shirt. Pretty happy with the way I went out.
I've got a few other ones...but those stick out. I rarely black out..I'm a pretty responsible drinker 95% of the time...but it happens every now and then. But those are definitely the earliest times I've ever blacked out.
Somebody else's turn.
[yes...I'm cool because I drink]
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 11:40 PM. Reason : put into paragraphs for easier reading] 7/24/2008 11:31:18 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
why big blocks of texts ?
I usually read your posts but I'll save this one till tomorrow at the office 7/24/2008 11:33:00 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
i only read all that bc you're cute
my worst drunk story is prob the time i threw up at LGAs security check point and they let me fly anyway. where i proceeded to dry heave on the plane and pass out
there is a lot more to the story, but thats all im willing to reveal here 7/24/2008 11:35:54 PM
fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |
I live next to the Flying Saucer in Charlotte & have completed three plates at 200-per. Since I didn't have anything better to do with a few grand over the last three years  7/24/2008 11:37:14 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
we have a saucer in houston!! i go there when i need a little piece of raleigh 7/24/2008 11:38:23 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
^^^Awh...come on...you can't give partial stories. This thread warrants full disclosure.
[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 11:38 PM. Reason : .] 7/24/2008 11:38:36 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
awww i <3 you jbrick. good luck on the bar!!
once on our annual ski trip (it was my first annual ski trip) i was so black out that i ripped off my shirt and threw it into the fireplace (which had a fire in it). like i literally ripped it open down the middle hulk hogan style. i know it doesn't sound that cool but i am small so a small girl doing that is probably...well...about as unattractive as it gets. this was also after i got so black out (the day before) and made out with a guy i didn't know (tschudi) in a corner while all my friends laughed and video taped it (and the camera with the footage was later stolen. so...thats floating around out there somewhere). that was almost 3 years ago. i've done some growing up since then.
my other one i think i've mentioned in another thread but this happened the past year and i'm not entirely 100% proud of it. but i woke up on tshudi's carpet and my pants were wet and i didn't really understand why and i just jumped into bed. only to realize later i peed my pants not that cool but sort of hilarious.
mostly when i get really really drunk i do exciting things (must do the dismay of my friends) like let stray animals into people's houses. i let a stray pitbull into my old townhouse and cried when eric (tschudi) made me put it outside to sleep and then it wasn't there int he morning. and a few months ago at radiohead in charlotte i found a doberman on the side of the road. so we stopped, put him in the car, and i let him in to my friend jon's apt (cathcart). he was a really really sweet puppy. its just...not drunk people probably don't pick up stray dobermans off the side of the road at 2am. we went through the drive through at jack in the box and got him 3 waters and a hamburger though. 7/24/2008 11:41:44 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
how are these milestones?
Drunken stories, yes...but, milestones?
I've got plenty of these stories, but damn... 7/24/2008 11:43:26 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
the real story is far too long and personal to post on tdub
the next most horrible time...
i went drinking with from friends from work here and it ended horribly. they kept feeding me shots i threw up in the little trashcan under the paper towels in the bathroom, among other places (including a magazine sleeve on my way home the next morning-- that was interesting....). i believe i threw up 9 times in 12 hours... 8 of which i was sleeping
the positive part was i ended up staying in this guys room that i hate (he was out of town) and i vomitted all over his bathroom the next morning.
there is a party at the same house on saturday but im not planning on drinking that much again 7/24/2008 11:43:45 PM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
I had a pretty insane night last week with sparky and Fosheezie
But I cannot elaborate on it publicly  7/24/2008 11:44:00 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i was so black out that i ripped off my shirt and threw it into the fireplace (which had a fire in it). like i literally ripped it open down the middle hulk hogan style." |
That....is....awesome. 7/24/2008 11:44:35 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Drunken stories, yes...but, milestones?" |
Milestones sounds better. 7/24/2008 11:45:18 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
Sounds better, yes. Is it the appropriate word, no. 7/24/2008 11:46:19 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
It's not exactly inappropriate. And I weighed "sounds good" with "appropriate and correct"...and milestones came out on top. 7/24/2008 11:48:00 PM
cynosural All American 9870 Posts user info edit post |
not one to brag about drinking 7/24/2008 11:48:21 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
you'll make a stellar lawyer 7/24/2008 11:48:43 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
I've been trashed in many major cities the world over
but I never thought that my drinking was the cool part 7/24/2008 11:48:57 PM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
Milestone: The time I drank enough that I didn't have a single sip for 3 years after that night.
Milestone: Instead of thinking 'holy crap' or laughing when people tell drunk stories, I actually feel sorry for them - until I realize they're doing it to themselves
Milestones: Becoming a snob about what you drink, having a hangover every single time you drink, and usually only having a drink in celebration of something.
Milestone: Being thought of as 'old' and 'no fun'  7/24/2008 11:49:11 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |

7/24/2008 11:49:52 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
abstinence is for people too weak for moderation
boom 7/24/2008 11:50:54 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
whatever people can tell drunk stories and you don't have to feel sorry for them. my parents don't drink often but there are always fun family gathering christmas party stories to be told about when everyone was in the club getting tipsy together.
i don't feel the need to be judgmental and feel sorry for people who tell drunk stories. maybe if all they do is get drunk, sure. but telling a story here and there is nothing to be judgmental/feel sorry for a person about. its like equating drinking with being unsuccessful or something. if someone has drunk stories they must be unsuccessful/have a pathetic life/whatever and i should feel sorry for them? i don't really get it. 7/24/2008 11:52:26 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
because she can't handle her liquor she's got to feel superior to others as a means of compensation
when I hear people like her tell stories about how much better than others they are I almost feel sorry for them  7/24/2008 11:54:05 PM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
Here's a milestone, and the last time I got blackout drunk.
December Hillsborough hike night. I honestly don't even know what year it was, all I remember is that I was so poor I couldn't afford to go. I had just recently read the Tucker Max story about his death mix, and obviously thought it was a good idea.
I lifted a couple of diet sprites from a drink machine at school, and bought a bottle of everclear. Fortunately I had been given a 3 liter CamelBak as a present, and had GatorAde powder at the house. I poured all the everclear in first, thinking it would be fine with everything else (first mistake). Then I proceeded to get dressed. I went for the t-shirt, sweatshirt, camelbak, jacket layering (second mistake). Ran the camelbak tube down my sleeve so I could sip inconspicously.
I made it from Jackpot to Mitches. At first, every sip tasted like the 7th level of hell. But it was freezing outside so it was keeping me warm and I kept drinking. By the time we got to the bell tower mart, the mixture on my back began tasting like a good PJ. Walking into Mitches it was like Kool-Aid.
I remember nothing from Mitches until apparently 4-5am (whenever sunrise was). My next memory was me, still walking around on Hillsborough st, but somehow wearing only shoes, pants, and the camelbak.
I lost my underwear, socks, tshirt, undershirt, and jacket. And everyone was gone, and it was morning. And I was freezing.
I heard stories about the shit I did inside and after Mitches, mostly involving stripping my clothes off because I was hot, or sucking on my magic juice like a little baby. Amazingly, I got everything back, thanks in large part to the big crowds of friends I apparently kept bumping into, although it took several weeks to reclaim everything. 7/24/2008 11:56:44 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
I'll go ahead and throw another one out there...
(For some reason, these first few stories are all involving the bar where I'm working at the present time)
So I'm working at a bar that just opened up on Folly Beach...which is about 20 minutes from downtown Charleston where I was living at the time. So when I worked at night I rarely drank at work because I had to drive so far home. And if I worked a day shift, I would usually go back downtown and go out. Well we had been open for a few weeks, and me and the bar manager both got off our day shifts around 6pm and decided to make a night of it...
We started off with dinner and drinks at our bar and then go down to a local beach bar and start to play pool for shots. We play about 10 games (pretty even, he might have been up 6-4 on me) before all the servers start to get off and show up at the bar around 11. Shots and drinks continue to fly...and I'm about to order a drink when I look down at the bar...it starts to move and look fuzzy. So I make a smart decision and instead of asking for another drink, ask the bartender to close out my tab (since I did it incognito, didn't get to split the drinks up on everyone else's tab, and ended up taking the whole $180). Then I proceed to sneak out the bar.
End up waking up on the beach (sans shirt) around 6 am as joggers are running past me (soaking wet). Head back to my car to see that I've puked in the back of the car (awesome). Go back to sleep in the car for a few more hours (too drunk to drive). Wake up around 9 and drive home. Definitely got the "where did you go last night??" about 20 times the next day at work. Also pissed because I lost my favorite work shirt. 7/24/2008 11:57:05 PM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
Jesus, Kid - No One's judging anyone here(certainly not me).... Lets not turn it into more than it is..... 
Quote : | "when I hear people like her tell stories about how much better than others" |
Pretty sure I missed that part, but since we're on the subject.... who pissed on you?!
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:04 AM. Reason : ] 7/24/2008 11:58:05 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but I never thought that my drinking was the cool part" |
My cool comment was made in jest. 7/24/2008 11:58:19 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I lost my underwear, socks, tshirt, undershirt, and jacket. And everyone was gone, and it was morning. And I was freezing." |
That's pretty impressive.
Quote : | "you'll make a stellar lawyer" |
I hope to god my legal skills have nothing to do with anything I've ever posted on TWW.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason : .] 7/24/2008 11:59:59 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
21st: Called my HS german teacher at 3am. She and her husband both got a kick out of that. Had to sit down on the steps at Mitch's to leave the bar. I don't remember anything after looking under the table and going OOOOH ARTFAGGY because a couple people at the table had on some of those artfaggy shoes.
My birthday is 12/21. On 12/23, I was in the body shop at the mall, and the cashier asks if I'm feeling better. I'm all 'wha...?' She goes 'I was at Mitch's the other night, and you were in bad shape'

Some time last year: a whole lot of liquor, all by myself, late at night. Like, woke up the next morning and went HOLY SHIT! I'm not disclosing the reason on that one
Bf's cousin's wedding in peoria, IL last summer.
Lesson learned? Don't get into a drinking contest with an irish cop. I was chugging champagne an hour? into the reception. I HATE champagne! It was a hellish ride from peoria to chicago. By the time we got to chicago, I was like 'man, fuck it. They're going to white castle, and I don't care if I puke myself inside out...it's better than dry heaving because I'm sucking on ice cubes'. FYI, white castle is a better cure for hangovers than bojangles
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason : ] 7/25/2008 12:02:04 AM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Then I proceed to sneak out the bar." |
one part of the nyc drunk story is that while drinks were being purchased for my friend and me, i snuck to the bar to close my tab and "snuck" a screwdriver bc i thought i'd get in trouble if they saw me with it, lol wtff
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:06 AM. Reason : rkklsfj] 7/25/2008 12:04:02 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Jesus, Kid - No One's judging anyone here(certainly not me).... Lets not turn it into more than it is.....
" |
i know i know! i was just saying. most of my stories are long gone (those were the days, sigh) and i drink, but its not like i'm some out of control drunk that vomits every five seconds. so. just wanted to clear that up. disclaimer: i am not perfect and i am a sloppy drunk
and i'm old and get hangovers way too easy these days (feel your pain there)
also, i'm not a good lesson learner.
^LOL. i love getting drunk and feeling the need to sneak things.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:07 AM. Reason : .] 7/25/2008 12:05:45 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
ive black out and have ended up in other peoples homes/bathrooms/bedrooms 7/25/2008 12:06:41 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
I drank three 12 packs one day
I dunno... people that know me in Raleigh know some of the crazy shit that I've done drinking
but I got better - I still like to wild out now and then, though
I've fallen down stairs, etc. but I'm usually pretty well behaved and well spoken 7/25/2008 12:07:18 AM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
i always end up making it home or at least to a friends place
but i hate staying somewhere else, nothing beats waking up hungover and ready to die in your own bed! 7/25/2008 12:07:21 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
I've passed out on an ant hill
people got me up eventually 7/25/2008 12:08:25 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
in college i had this thing where i liked to sleep in bathroom/bathtubs. i think it was cold tile floors, really.
after bathrooms i moved on to closets. i don't know what the appeal was there. 7/25/2008 12:09:17 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i snuck to the bar to close my tab and "snuck" a screwdriver bc i thought i'd get in trouble if they saw me with it, lol wtff" |
It makes perfect sense at the time.
If only we could go back and see what was going on in our heads during some of these nights. That would be pretty priceless. 7/25/2008 12:09:56 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
from a psychological view point.
you like to feel safe/are a bit paranoid. a bathroom or closet is a small room where you can feel safe
^^ reason for passing out in bathrooms/closets
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:12 AM. Reason : x ] 7/25/2008 12:11:18 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
see you kids can't seem to handle your drink
I used to put down a pint of cheap whiskey and a six pack at parties and still be coherent and relatively well behaved
unless my emotions get on top of me in which case I end up throwing bottles at cars in the middle of the street - but that's only happened a few times 7/25/2008 12:11:50 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
a milestone
The night i drank an entire case of beer was the same night I met my wife. 7/25/2008 12:12:05 AM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
I suppose my point is that none of those things are things to be proud of, but are simply part of who I am. Nothing more, Nothing less.
And for the record, the ones I REALLY feel sorry for are the little girls (yes, I get to call them that) at the bars that are so trashed that their speech is slured & mascara is running down their face, while being hit on by a man who convinces her she's interesting - while already planning his cyote ugly move the following morning..... But I'm sure she'll have a good story to tell later, and a cell phone call log stalking the poor dude, trying to get him to be her boyfriend for days afterwards to prove it.
That wasn't meant to be judgemental - just think of it as fortune telling for the freshman class  7/25/2008 12:12:18 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
okay how about the night my friend and I each drank a pint of whiskey and went party hopping and then decided to become burglars
that's not a milestone
unless the road leads to prison 7/25/2008 12:14:00 AM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
How bout this Snewf, Why don't you share some of your revelations while impaired... surely there are a few of those to go around... 7/25/2008 12:15:31 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ oh i feel sorry for those people, too
i'm just talking about a group of young professional 20 somethings having a few drinks. but that is because that is what i do. and i mean yea i have my drunk out of hand stories, but its not like i'm all "PARTYYYYYY" every weekend. sadly, i'm not 19 anymore. life...not easy. haha. so now i see your point. yes i feel sorry for those girls, as well.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:15 AM. Reason : .] 7/25/2008 12:15:38 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
those girls usually end up dropping out or getting pregnant or sticking around and taking 6 years to graduate 7/25/2008 12:18:07 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
what do you mean revelations?
I've learned lots of things from various altered states it is sometimes very helpful to have a different perspective
but I know I can't be twisted all of the time because then sobriety is the altered state and I can only afford sobriety as my baseline 7/25/2008 12:20:54 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
hey what's wrong with taking 6 years to graduate?  7/25/2008 12:21:11 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
yeah fuckin' a
took me 6 years
sometimes its fun to take the long way around 7/25/2008 12:21:46 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I drank three 12 packs one day" |
Ahhh...that reminds me of the "case race."
The Case Race:
So a good friend of mine from high school got a job in Charleston and moved down here in the middle of the summer two years ago. His first weekend down he says he wants to go to the beach and have a case race (who can go through a case first). So we both go to the store, get a case, and head out to the beach around 10:30am. We're both going beer for beer at a pretty decent pace. When we get into the teens, we start to sneak beers. He goes for a swim, I shotgun a beer...etc. We each had a designated counter to make sure there was no cheating. I ended up winning by two beers (we finished around 4pm).
During our case race we made some friends on the beach who were going to have a cookout/party back at their place later that afternoon and they invited us. We head over there (effin sweet beach house with huge pool) and are doing our best not to make complete asses out of ourselves when I hear what sounds like kids playing next door. I walk over to this 10 foot tall wooden fence, peak through, and see two kids playing in a yard with a slip-n-slide and a bunch of balls (inflatable, soccer, kickballs). I'm captivated.
So I somehow scale the fence and plop over into their yard and they just freeze. I look on the porch and their mom is just sitting there staring at me. Next thing I know, the young boy (probably about 10)...takes one of the kickballs and chunks it me...hitting me square in the face. The girl (probably around 7) grabs another ball and throws it at me. For the next 30 minutes I'm running around their yard like a chicken with my head cut off while the kids are trying to peg me with balls. I'll sometimes grab a ball and try to hit them back...I'm busting my ass running across the slip-n-side.
I'm finally about to pass out (non-stop running). So I scale back over the fence...and when I get back on the other side I heard the mom go..."now what do we say kids??" "Thanks for playing with us sir." I replied with a "no problem." Then I look up...and everyone at the party is standing at the fence staring at me. They had been watching me for about the last 20 minutes. They were all like...wtf?? I told them that those kids looked like they were having fun and I wanted to join in.
I still want to know what was going through that mom's head to let some drunk 20something year old kid jump over a fence and play with her kids. I'm thinking she might have been a little sauced up herself. 7/25/2008 12:22:35 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
well, for guys its different.
i'll take 5 years to graduate, but thats mainly because i was doing a lot of stuff...lots and lots of stuff 7/25/2008 12:23:21 AM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
okay one day some of us got together (saps was there and febin too) and did a power hour from noon to 1AM
then at like 2 or 3 we end up in Los Cazadores and I'm propped up on a bar stool
I was so drunk I couldn't talk sense by 6PM
way to waste a day, Nick 7/25/2008 12:24:13 AM