jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
ok weve heard about the nastiest houses, lets get opinions on all that youve seen
take us inside tww cribs 7/25/2008 12:35:07 PM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
I've never been in a twwer's house that I know of 7/25/2008 12:36:24 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:38 PM. Reason : TWW Cribs exposed??????]
7/25/2008 12:36:41 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
69/ashes/tiberius xsmp
haha ncsukat saw mine at a really bad time once i'm probably like her worst 
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:37 PM. Reason : only 2 really nasty ones i can think of] 7/25/2008 12:37:04 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
dnl's place when he was living with aksnoopy was worse than anything i have ever seen
and yes, my last place was bad - i went through a tough time with a spraying cat, but since moving - and others can back this up - my shit is on point. 7/25/2008 12:39:29 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
every place of XS I've ever been to has been good stuff 7/25/2008 12:40:03 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
haha no way man...you got like maggots and shit in the sink...turds were all over the place...only habitated the computer room, never really took showers...the stinch was so awful
me and ak's place was fairly good...you never really saw it 7/25/2008 12:40:43 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "turds were all over the place" |
7/25/2008 12:53:04 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
wat 7/25/2008 12:53:43 PM
Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
Insert obligatory Pics or it didn't happen here
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:55 PM. Reason : ummm] 7/25/2008 12:54:55 PM
Mulva All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
How much would someone want financially to end the gay weasel DNL's miserable existence? Apparently judging by descriptions of his dwelling his erasure wouldn't be noticed above the stench for weeks giving you time to skedaddle 7/25/2008 12:56:03 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
^funny. leave him be, as he seems quite capable of the job himself. 7/25/2008 12:58:37 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
people around here would notice for sure
I dont think he could get past two consecutive days of not posting before the authorities are called 7/25/2008 12:59:28 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
did you two have a falling out?
is the bromance over?
:'( 7/25/2008 12:59:42 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i got the impression xsmp literally cleaned his litter boxes twice a year
when i helped him clean(cause the smell was making me gag[had literally 27 bags of trash in his kitchen]) he told me his place hadn't been that clean in like 12 months 7/25/2008 2:17:14 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
jackleg saw my old apartment in Greensboro when he helped me move in my new couches. That was solid, btw. 7/25/2008 2:22:56 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I think Casey is the only one that has been to my place.
I think. 7/25/2008 2:23:57 PM