Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
or outside of Wilmington? hotels seems to start at like 58 per night, and for one person that seems kinda lame - but I guess since it's a hot spot area for the beach that makes sense
do they have any hostels or YMCAs or even a hotel like in the 50 dollar range? (that extra 10 bucks just isn't cutting it for me)
also, if anyone has an apt down there I would be willing to pay you handsomely to stay there (I would not hang out there and be annoying, just a place to presumably sleep and have a shower) - but I'm not really expecting anyone would want a stranger to stay with them
anyway thx in advance 7/25/2008 1:38:07 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
7/25/2008 1:38:52 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
lol 7/25/2008 1:39:05 PM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
taking this obsession a bit far 7/25/2008 1:39:35 PM
The Dude All American 6502 Posts user info edit post |
don't stay at Econolodge or Motel 6
If you don't mind shitholes then Econolodge is the lesser of the shitholes
Both are about $70 a night for the weekend
and much less during the week 7/25/2008 1:40:49 PM
Atlas All American 1665 Posts user info edit post |
America's Best Value Inn.
I don't know current prices, but last time I was there it was like $30/night.
Then again this was like last october.
Assuming you're looking for a shithole.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 1:41 PM. Reason : shithole] 7/25/2008 1:41:15 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I don't mind shitholes
I just clearly remember like 10 years ago (and I suppose this isn't adjusting for inflation) staying in a motel for like 35-40 bucks and it was pretty decent
times they are a-changin 
^thx I'll check that out
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 1:42 PM. Reason : ] 7/25/2008 1:41:43 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
So what are you coming to our wonderful area for? 7/25/2008 1:41:49 PM
ddf583 All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
is there a reason other than stalking for you to be going to Wilmington? 7/25/2008 1:41:50 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |

7/25/2008 1:43:04 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
7/25/2008 1:44:31 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I am coming to go to... the beach!
yeah, that's it
not stalk  7/25/2008 1:46:11 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
Don't forget the sunscreen.  7/25/2008 1:47:01 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |

7/25/2008 1:48:03 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
^^hell yeah I dont want to get burned
but I just may not go if I can't find somewhere cheap enough 
I wish I had some friends down that way
someone be my friend thx 7/25/2008 1:51:32 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
welp...on the brightside, i don't have to worry about you running into me unless you find a 4wd.  7/25/2008 1:52:18 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |

7/25/2008 1:52:41 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
what's wrong with me running into you  7/25/2008 1:58:12 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
uhm... 7/25/2008 3:15:03 PM
NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
eh he's not that bad, lol 7/25/2008 3:18:25 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |

7/25/2008 3:20:05 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
so when's this wilmington excursion? We need to have a tdub party.  7/25/2008 3:20:07 PM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
I once saw this Airbag character. He was outfitted in a very delectable way.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 3:20 PM. Reason : [no homo] btw.] 7/25/2008 3:20:25 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I'll have a fucking TWW party if I can find a place to stay 7/25/2008 3:21:12 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
Yep and Charles Manson "seemed like a nice enough guy" 7/25/2008 3:22:23 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
ha. you could stay on the beach for $10/day(or just $50) if you had a truck.  7/25/2008 3:23:05 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I might even sleep in my car
I'll pay someone 5 dollars per shower to let me use their shower for a day or three  7/25/2008 3:23:48 PM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
Why are you even going down there? 7/25/2008 3:24:27 PM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
Charles Manson never dressed in a delectable way.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 3:25 PM. Reason : ^^There are public showers on the beach. Just wear a swimsuit, or shower after 3am.] 7/25/2008 3:24:34 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
oh shit public showers
people might look at me weird for using shampoo and shit tho lol
why am I going down there?
well you'll never know... 7/25/2008 3:25:57 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
umm actually i'm guessing you've only seen prison shots of him then.... the dude didn't look to crazy till he was thrown in jail
 7/25/2008 3:26:46 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
why are you comparing me to Charles Manson?
are you that misanthropic? 7/25/2008 3:27:06 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
the real question is, are you gonna get lucky while you're here?  7/25/2008 3:27:09 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
or is it?? 7/25/2008 3:28:55 PM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "why am I going down there?
well you'll never know..." |
Actually I already know.
And when I saw Uncle Charlie at Spahn Ranch, he never dressed in a delectable manner.
[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 3:31 PM. Reason : Airbag will get lucky, but he will also do some things prematurely, which will ruin the moment.] 7/25/2008 3:30:44 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
not really someone just said he didn't dress appealing
i'm not one to be attracted to dudes but doesn't look to friggin creepy there 7/25/2008 3:30:54 PM
Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
my uncle lives there. He's a housing contractor who builds pimp ass houses. They are WAY out of your budget.
I guess I didn't really help out. 7/25/2008 3:30:56 PM
ddf583 All American 2950 Posts user info edit post | 7/25/2008 3:31:24 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I don't mind my threads being padded with useless info, carry on  7/25/2008 3:31:48 PM
Sincere Veteran 109 Posts user info edit post |
it is about 2 hours away from raleigh how have you guys never been ILLmington 7/25/2008 3:33:00 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
My family had a beach house in Holden and I had to drive through Wilmington a few times... from what I saw of it, it was trashy looking... but I went the same way every time... 7/25/2008 3:34:11 PM
Sincere Veteran 109 Posts user info edit post |
wilmington is far from trashy just like any city, it has trashy parts but most of wilmington is really pretty especially the historic part 7/25/2008 3:35:07 PM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
I think Wilmington is dope
seriously 7/25/2008 3:36:30 PM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "it is about 2 hours away from raleigh" |
driving 20mph over the limit the whole way. 7/25/2008 3:42:52 PM
dezidelight Veteran 363 Posts user info edit post |
my brother just slept on the beach. but i guess he could go to my parent's house to shower, etc.
sorry. the beach has been crowded with ugly fat people the last few days anyway... maybe it's just where i sit, but geez.
good luck 7/25/2008 3:46:46 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "driving 20mph over the limit the whole way." |
Uh, Google maps says 2 hours 6 minutes. 7/25/2008 3:52:06 PM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
132 miles, so of course you will be driving 60mph the whole time and not hit any traffic or red lights. How could I have forgotten. 7/25/2008 4:20:47 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
not on 40 7/25/2008 4:21:31 PM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
if you had a truck you could just camp on the beach.
I'm planning such a camping trip sometime in late aug early sept I think. 7/25/2008 4:33:03 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i'll set you up 7/25/2008 4:33:20 PM