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 Message Boards » » How would I go about doing this? Page [1]  
Shitter Pilot
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I am going to be running a half marathon in November and a marathon in December (good for me, I know). Anyways, I want to get people to sponsor me during my training and on the actual runs by donating a certain amount per mile. I want to do this so that I can:

1. Donate it to some charity

2. Start my own charity of some sort, specifically for children.

How would I go about collecting the money in a convenient manner that doesn't involve me going around and collecting. Also, I'd like to get other people involved in it if they want, or they can start their own (I don't think I'd be collecting a lot of money by myself).

7/28/2008 1:00:37 PM

Bee Hugger
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7/28/2008 1:01:14 PM

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dont and say you did

i tell chicks i used to run marathons as a pick up line all the time

7/28/2008 1:01:25 PM

All American
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Start by dropping the "children" thing. It's played out and no one really likes children.

7/28/2008 1:01:37 PM

Shitter Pilot
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Probably shouldn't have posted this in Chit Chat. I'm serious though, I think it would help keep me motivated and what not.

7/28/2008 1:04:49 PM

All American
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donate it for the advancement of aids

7/28/2008 1:05:58 PM

Shitter Pilot
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I was thinking along the lines of brain tumors/cancer research. My friends two-year-old developed a cancerous brain tumour when he was 10 months and has been going through FINALLY gets off chemo next month and has a trach because the invasive surgery to byopsy (sp) the tumor paralyzed his vocal chords and all. The chemo made the tumor stop growing but it's still there, the doc can't tell from CAT scans and doesn't want to do more surgery to find out since he thinks it's only scar tissue. Either way, something charity for research into something like that. That way, not only am I benefiting from the running with my health, other people are too.

7/28/2008 1:11:24 PM

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I would bring you water!!

7/28/2008 3:50:45 PM

Shitter Pilot
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^ Thanks, you're such a pal. <3

See you this weekend!

7/29/2008 1:32:22 PM

All American
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you should:
a. Research existing charities - I'm POSITIVE there is one already out there for what you're talking about
b. Send out e-mails to your friends/family telling them about the charity and about the 2 races you're going to be participating in and give a suggested amount that they should donate DIRECTLY to the charity on your behalf (maybe like $1/mile or something).
c. Ask them to send you an e-mail confirming what they donated
d. Put together some sort of letter and/or a t-shirt to thank the ppl that donated

7/29/2008 1:35:32 PM

Shitter Pilot
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^ Thanks, that's the best suggestion I've had so far.

7/29/2008 1:38:28 PM

All American
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you REALLY don't want to start your own non-profit. WAY way way way too much paperwork involved!

Also, with them actually donating directly to the charity, they get to use it as a tax write-off.

7/29/2008 1:39:29 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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^ That'd probably be my selling point for the whole thing - if anyone is heartless enough to deny research into something to help babies and children who never had a chance at a full life.

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 1:44 PM. Reason : xxxxxxxx]

7/29/2008 1:43:26 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » How would I go about doing this? Page [1]  
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