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All American
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working at a new place. not gonna give any names or anything, but im starting my 3rd week this week. i work with a crew and i have taken time to meet them and they know im out there to work hard. i am their boss (or future boss) once i get settled in. my boss has been riding my knutesack pretty hard and letting me know every minute thing ive done wrong when others on the crew make much bigger mistakes. i have yet to make any huge mistakes, and even when i do something correctly he searches to find something wrong with it. its getting to be a bit overdone and im wondering tww....will it end or is that just how it is when you get outta school?

7/28/2008 2:13:16 PM

All American
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it never ends, and you better be careful who you bitch about it to

7/28/2008 2:14:50 PM

All American
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how much is the pay

7/28/2008 2:15:37 PM

All American
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yeah i dont say anything to anybody on the crew, i never would. i dont get pissed or cop an attitude, i just try to keep my spirits up but its pretty disheartening when you go 110 percent and theres still a problem.

^ haha not much, im in it more for the experience. the pay will come with the experience in a few years.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 2:18 PM. Reason : .]

7/28/2008 2:16:51 PM

32613 Posts
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i'm going through the same shit

it gets better i think

7/28/2008 2:18:18 PM

22518 Posts
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well look at it this way

if he is riding your nuts about small shit and other get away with bigger shit, maybe he sees you in a top level position and is pushing you and the others, well fuck em

7/28/2008 2:18:20 PM

All American
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as crazy as it sounds, you're probably safer just being an asshole back or bitching to your coworkers than using the open door policy and talking to your bosses boss. retaliatory termination is pretty common shit, and its very hard to prove in court. or to the ESC for unemployment benefits, or etc, etc etc.

not all jobs are like that, but i'd say that most of them are. thats why everyone is an alcoholic

7/28/2008 2:19:51 PM

All American
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yea true. i mean trust me ive done a few jobs where ive known theres been something not right. ive heard it then. ive also done jobs where i couldnt imagine anything being wrong and it still is.

^ i wont do either of that. any future employer will call him to find out my credentials and i need the reference.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 2:21 PM. Reason : .]

7/28/2008 2:20:26 PM

All American
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i would shoot that shit up if i were you.

7/28/2008 2:20:32 PM

All American
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yeah, if the potential reference is a dickhead, then i'd go postal

if you don't need it, then cuss em all out!!!

when you have bills and will eventually end up living in your car if you get fired... thats when you have to bite your tongue.

ps dont take frustration management advice from jackleg

7/28/2008 2:23:58 PM

All American
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yea i need to pay the bills, and i only deal with my boss directly for around 20 minutes a day total. its really not that bad but bothers me down deep because i want to do work that nobody could find something wrong with.

7/28/2008 2:26:00 PM

All American
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this is sorta relevant... i just applied to volunteer, and was referred to another person (B)in the org, so i sent him an email on the 22nd. waited 5 days, and sent a followup email to the original contact(A), just to see if there were any other people i should contact (different areas of volunteering). this is the response i received, which i thought was pretty asinine.

Quote :
"Sorry I didn't immediately get back to you. Generally, when you apply for a job or inquire about volunteering, you might want to give the person you are writing to at least a week before you start getting impatient for a reply. No matter how impressive your skill set is, we all are very busy, and queries are answered in the order in which they are received."

and it continues to provide further info.
i responded to him just saying i wanted to get the ball rolling. am i wrong?

7/28/2008 3:09:58 PM

All American
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no, i think people love to act flustered/overly busy to give their job more meaning

7/28/2008 3:41:43 PM

All American
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^^ they say to wait a week... a week is 5 business days. even if you were talking just normal days, you sent it 2 days early (by their standards)

id find somewhere else to "volunteer"

i generally don't even give people that long. between 3 to 7 business days at the most... all my followup emails go out on mondays for anything before thursday of the previous week. if someone gets a call or an email on monday-wednesday, and can't at least follow up by friday afternoon, then they find out on monday morning how much i do not appreciate that shit.

7/28/2008 3:47:00 PM

All American
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yea. i basically don't want to have anything to do with person B who sent that email.

other than that the org is pretty cool, and they do some cool stuff. but it is volunteering so i know that A) i am low on the totem pole, but B) i am giving my time, and expect to be treated with respect.

7/28/2008 3:50:55 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » starting a new job Page [1]  
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