punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
Apologies to the mods for making double post, can the moderator please delete the other thread in the Study Hall and leave this one here.
Hi guys
I am writing a long report for my English class which is basically trying to open an Art Theater in the downtown area for the university students. I have gathered the crime statistics for the area from year 2000 to 2007 and also did 100 surveys on campus asking people if they would be interested in going to such place if it was available. Now I need to get at least 4 pages out of this information and my mind just went blank. How can I divide it up into different sections? I got the laziest groupmates and I am having to do their share also. Thanks in Advance. 7/28/2008 11:03:29 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:43 PM. Reason : .]
7/28/2008 11:17:48 PM
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks a lot.
Any more suggestions would be appreciated guys. This is the first time I got screwed by such a lazy group and paper is due on 31st. 7/28/2008 11:30:17 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
4 pages shouldn't be that bad 7/28/2008 11:33:38 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:43 PM. Reason : .]
7/28/2008 11:38:06 PM
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
I am doing one of my groupmate's part who decided to stop coming to class 5 days before it ends and now I can't think of anything to divide it in different sections with the crime stats and suvey so I can get at least 3 to 4 pages. Any help would be appreciated.
At this ART THEATER they will play small budget films and we will not be painting anything
[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:41 PM. Reason : confusion] 7/28/2008 11:38:53 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
since you had to bold up and yell at me, nevermind. you werent very explanative about what you would be doing inside so dont blame me for spending 15 minutes at 11:45pm trying to help you.
[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:44 PM. Reason : .] 7/28/2008 11:42:38 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
google how to present survey data and follow the format. 7/29/2008 12:02:28 AM
hypaone All American 11084 Posts user info edit post |
XSMP giveth, and XSMP taketh away. 7/29/2008 12:03:47 AM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
You could get at least two paragraphs by discussing rather or not 100 surveys is a statistically significant sample and how representative your sampling demographic is to your target demographic. 7/29/2008 12:26:42 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
you're a fucking idiot if you cant write 4 pages.
the fact that you actually spent the time asking such questions and still cant squeeze 4 pages makes you grand retard of tww.
i could write 4 pages about the level of stupidity you possess. 7/29/2008 12:43:28 AM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
You could include in your paper that I would never in my lifetime go to this place. 7/29/2008 12:45:07 AM
parsonsb All American 13206 Posts user info edit post |
i mean if you were going to show all of stanley kubrick's films back to back one day as a special event, or do something like lebowski fest there i'd probably go
or porn i'd go for porn... maybe 7/29/2008 1:01:02 AM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
what does crime have to do with it? are students going to get mugged in the dark there? 7/29/2008 1:05:02 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
Introduction Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2 Body Paragraph #3 Conclusion Words Cited 7/29/2008 6:01:46 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
[words] cited
the k and the d aren't even close man 7/29/2008 6:26:39 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
it's too damn early for that shit! 
7/29/2008 6:39:44 AM
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
How was I yelling in this thread? I am not sure what the guy at the top is talking about. I m not used to this blogging thing. 7/29/2008 9:57:14 AM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
haha blogging 7/29/2008 10:07:46 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
NOT 7/29/2008 10:25:55 AM