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All American
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There are laws against humans killing cardinals. There are no laws against cardinals killing cardinals.

6/6/2024 12:22:06 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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That's what I call a cardinal sin!

6/19/2024 9:38:13 PM

Save TWW
4205 Posts
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TIL that mud dauber tubes are filled with spiders. I knocked an 8 inch tube down and when it hit the concrete, a hundred spiders spilled out. They weren't little either, some were big guys. They also weren't moving, but definitely still alive since they were slightly twitching. I left them all over the concrete because I didn't know if they were going to start swarming everywhere.

There were so many spiders I thought it must have been some type of spider nest, but after googling I learned something new. Mud daubers apparently put paralyzed spiders in their tubes for the larvae to eat It was freaky.

6/24/2024 9:50:00 PM

Burn it all down.
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I'm stuck in my current house because I don't want to give up my 2.7% rate

6/29/2024 4:12:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"lol, the insane cardinal is back. I guess he got so much brain damage attacking the mirrors (still attached to my house) that he forgot that they existed and went back to regularly attacking my front windows. Lately he's been going after the brass plate thing at the bottom of my front door. I'm gonna try hanging up a bird feeder with tons of seed, hoping to attract other cardinals that he will choose to fight instead of my house."

That is really strange. For years now we have several bird feeders near our house, and we see lots of cardinals gather around them an din the surrounding trees/bushes on a daily basis. I see them bicker and chase each other sometimes, but nothing that comes close to what you're describing. And none of them have ever attacked our windows (that I know of). That cardinal has some serious anger issues.

7/10/2024 3:07:27 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I think I said it on a previous page, but I have also witnessed a male cardinal attack a window repeatedly over months and years. Then he died. And that's the end of that. Certainly they don't all do it, but some definitely do. Male bluebirds also attack my side mirrors on car parked in the driveway and accordingly shit all over the corresponding doors.

7/10/2024 9:51:10 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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hvac coil failed on a 2.5 ton r22 system. 4 years ago had the same failure on a 5ton unit and the replacement cost along with updating a ton of stuff was 12.5k. similar replacement quotes this year are in the 20-22k range

came home from a vacation out of the country to find my water heater tank had failed and flooded my basement. the house has a recirc line so I had to turn off all the water to stop the leak. luckily I have 2, though the other one had the burner assembly fail years ago and I just left it since I don't need 2 tanks worth. had to cut some lines to cap out the 2nd unit and then move the burner unit from the blown tank to the 1st unit but at least i've got (hot)water again.

7/16/2024 2:16:52 PM

balls deep
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My neighbor parks like an asshole. I've counted 14+ cars, trucks, and trailers that he parks....on his driveway, lawn, and street parking around his home. Other than his "junkyard", the rest of the neighborhood looks classy.

He has run afoul of the HOA, and has a littany of lawsuits and bankruptcies on his record. Although the street parking is legal (cars can run, are registered, and have current tags), they are supremely annoying, because they never move. The cars take up street parking on a street he doesn't live on, in front of houses that don't belong to him. And the cars all look busted.

7/24/2024 10:13:24 AM

All American
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^ Given the "vintage" nature of the vehicles, I bet if you called the cops on all of them and claimed they're inoperable the cop they sent out to tag them wouldn't question it.

7/25/2024 2:09:46 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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Quote :
"Replaced the bad tank with a heat pump unit. Added a breaker and ran a line. Tied pex into the existing copper and added a tee to an existing hvac condensate drain to add my water heater condensate drain. Saved about 2800 over having a contractor do it and I got a sweet new dolly and some pex tools out of it"

9/5/2024 1:16:01 PM

All American
23292 Posts
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Lady transferred it and now the county won't change it back.

I'd be pissed.

9/12/2024 2:46:18 PM

Save TWW
4205 Posts
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^^ nice work!

12/5/2024 11:02:43 PM

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