dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
why 17year olds shouldnt have kids 7/29/2008 3:08:25 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
summary? 7/29/2008 3:20:27 PM
SSS All American 3646 Posts user info edit post |
parents were at home, but not watching baby black lab puppy chews baby to death
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 3:24 PM. Reason : sss] 7/29/2008 3:24:15 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like bad pet owners to me
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 3:25 PM. Reason : ] 7/29/2008 3:25:31 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
did they rub the dog's face in it? 7/29/2008 3:27:40 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
^winner 7/29/2008 3:29:08 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
^^DUDE  7/29/2008 3:31:21 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
dude thats some cold blooded funnyness right thur 7/29/2008 3:31:55 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
yeah if you look at the parents they're 17 punk-rocker kids, & the grand-mother looks like she once crack rock from an OD
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : nm]
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : ^and you my friend are EVIL bwahahahaha] 7/29/2008 3:33:00 PM
IRSeriousCat All American 6092 Posts user info edit post |
yeah i noticed the same about the parties involved. the weird thing is the neighborhood appeared to be pretty nice from the glimpses they provided. 7/29/2008 3:35:23 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
^yeah i was thinking the same thing.....i was like that seems like a pretty nice 7/29/2008 3:36:34 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
I really don't understand how that happens. I understand that puppies are playful and chewy little guys. I understand that babies are really small and defenseless. What I do not understand is how a puppy can basically play with the baby until it dies without anyone in the house noticing...
I wonder if the baby was already dead before the puppy got ahold of him. 7/29/2008 3:37:23 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "did they rub the dog's face in it?" |
bhahahahah 7/29/2008 3:37:39 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I really don't understand how that happens. I understand that puppies are playful and chewy little guys. I understand that babies are really small and defenseless. What I do not understand is how a puppy can basically play with the baby until it dies without anyone in the house noticing...
I wonder if the baby was already dead before the puppy got ahold of him." |
So is this a CSI or a Law & Order episode? 7/29/2008 3:38:25 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
stranger things have happened. 7/29/2008 3:42:01 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
i lol'd 7/29/2008 3:42:22 PM
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
i like the grandmother with the religious tattoo and spurs jersey. 7/29/2008 3:43:35 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 3:44 PM. Reason : ^what do you mean you LIKE her?? like you wanna bwn her????] 7/29/2008 3:44:18 PM
sd2nc All American 9963 Posts user info edit post |
^^She needs to recognize the OKC Thunder is coming to town 7/29/2008 3:47:23 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
How do you A. Not watch your child B. Not watch your dog w/ a chewing problem 7/29/2008 3:49:39 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
I'm still waiting for the obligatory dead baby jokes 7/29/2008 3:50:33 PM
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
7/29/2008 3:50:36 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "How do you A. Not watch your child" |
Be 17 y.o punk rock worthless parents
Quote : | "B. Not watch your dog w/ a chewing problem" |
Be 17 y.o punk rock worthless parents 7/29/2008 3:58:39 PM
sd2nc All American 9963 Posts user info edit post |
^^That's a Speedy Claxton jersey. Grandma takes it to the hole. 7/29/2008 4:00:31 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
Q:How many babies does it take to paint a house?
A: Depends how hard you throw them.
[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 4:05 PM. Reason : ] 7/29/2008 4:03:43 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |

7/29/2008 4:04:12 PM
mrfrog ☯ 15145 Posts user info edit post |
does this work for the Darwin Awards? 7/29/2008 4:07:26 PM
moron All American 34495 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I really don't understand how that happens. I understand that puppies are playful and chewy little guys. I understand that babies are really small and defenseless. What I do not understand is how a puppy can basically play with the baby until it dies without anyone in the house noticing...
I wonder if the baby was already dead before the puppy got ahold of him." |
It doesn't take a lot to kill a 2 month old. You could just about thump them wrong and kill them.
They were idiots to trust a puppy around a baby though. The puppy just sees a small wriggling thing that may as well be a rabbit, it doesn't know that it's a human just like it's owners. I would even be nervous with cats around a baby like that. 7/29/2008 4:34:34 PM
sd2nc All American 9963 Posts user info edit post |
The parents admitted the pup had bit the kid several times before. 7/29/2008 4:37:20 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
If my dog did this there would be no evidence of that dog for police to deal with. How in the hell did they not know this was happening in the first place?  7/29/2008 4:42:39 PM
jessiejepp All American 2732 Posts user info edit post |
gg 7/31/2008 6:45:09 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
gg on what??  7/31/2008 7:03:32 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "did they rub the dog's face in it?" |
TWW always manages to bring the going-to-hell funnies. 7/31/2008 7:17:29 PM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
f il 7/31/2008 7:29:08 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
Hmmmmm... Something tells me they should investigate the following angle:
"Takin' care of a baby is hard, yo. Let's leave it in this room with the dog and let the problem take care of itself." 7/31/2008 7:41:23 PM
Fumbler All American 4670 Posts user info edit post |
I think they said the baby was in a swing. Babby hanging from something = potential fun for a crazy lab
 7/31/2008 9:23:24 PM
OmarBadu zidik 25081 Posts user info edit post |
parents have given up
Quote : | "The family of a gay teenager who was fatally shot in class blames the school district for allowing their son to wear makeup and feminine clothing to school — factors the family claims led to the death." |
his parents allowed him out of the house with the clothes on (and access to the clothes) - how can it be the school's fault
do school dress codes have gender rules - the school was probably afraid to act because they thought they'd be sued if they did]] 8/15/2008 10:20:36 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
they didn't send him home of course  8/15/2008 10:21:57 AM
cheerwhiner All American 8302 Posts user info edit post |
to white trash people
dogs > anything else. ANYTHING else. 8/15/2008 10:23:39 AM
ncstatetke All American 41128 Posts user info edit post |
every time I read "suprise" I feel like yelling "SOO-PRIZE!!!!" 8/15/2008 10:25:16 AM
skeeter IDFWY 1538 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think the incident is funny at all but I did LOL when they showed the clip of the parents and grandmother.  8/15/2008 10:27:24 AM
LickHer All American 1580 Posts user info edit post |
that guy (kid) looked like he had some sort of epic abomination of a mullet 8/15/2008 11:05:03 AM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
$20 meth was involved. 8/15/2008 11:10:31 AM
skeeter IDFWY 1538 Posts user info edit post |
I was thinking maybe coke/crack...but meth is a good possibility 8/15/2008 12:08:16 PM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
scary, just plain scary 8/15/2008 1:26:49 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
thisis why some people should not procreate 8/15/2008 1:27:47 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
well, at least their child won't grow up to be a terribly troubled burden on society 8/15/2008 1:35:15 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
RE: the gay kid that was shot to death
chembob Yankee Cowboy 27011 Posts user info edit post |
wow] 8/15/2008 2:48:34 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
yes, its the school's fault you don't pay attention to what your kid wears. Go ahead and blame the school system for your kid's different personality. Right.
the puppy incident is sad. Poor baby. 
8/15/2008 3:39:27 PM