JayMCnasty All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
why do people go there 7/30/2008 6:52:26 PM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
to bring back coke? 7/30/2008 6:53:21 PM
JayMCnasty All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
oh ok that makes sense then 7/30/2008 6:53:32 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
damn this was way easier than i thought 7/30/2008 6:54:29 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
cause some parts are pretty?
 7/30/2008 6:56:02 PM
The Dude All American 6502 Posts user info edit post |
I went for 2 weeks in high school on a service trip
I stayed at my grandma's house (she was there with the peace core) in this small town in southern Honduras
I loved it. It was dirty and poor but weed was $.60 for about 3 joints worth of weed.
I stayed high the entire time I was there and spent less than $20 on weed.
Food was good and I played lots of b-ball with the locals. Overall it was one of the best two weeks in my life. 7/30/2008 6:56:37 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
in other words
The Dude abides. 7/30/2008 6:57:21 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
damn i so want to go now
with like a roll of quarters 7/30/2008 6:58:19 PM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Honduras is in the process of changing to a system of "oral" arguments, which should make the system more efficient. However, the present system relies on a series of written submittals to the juzgado based on information obtained during the discovery phase of the case. The Judges, who claim they are overburdened since there are only a handful of them to cover numerous cases, must review each of these paper files. As a result, although there are guidelines as to how many days prosecutors, defenders, and lawyers have to present their arguments during this phase, the actual process generally takes months, and sometimes years before the Court sentences the defendant. For example, it is not unusual for American citizens to be held in Honduran prisons for over a year before being sentenced for possession of small quantities of marijuana. Honduras does not have a procedure similar to what in the U.S. is called "plea bargaining".
At the conclusion of the trial, the juzgado reaches a sentence of "guilty" or "not guilty" and sends this decision to the Court of Appeals (Corte de Apelaciones) for ratification. The prosecutor has the ability to appeal the Juzgado's sentence of "not guilty". If the prosecutor does not appeal and the Court of Appeals ratifies the Juzgado's sentence of "not guilty", the defendant is released. If the Juzgado hands down a "guilty" verdict, the Court of Appeals can either affirm the decision or return the case to the juzgado for further study. If the Court of Appeal affirms the guilty sentence, the defendant may appeal to that Court. If, after review, they ratify the Juzgado's guilty verdict, the Court of Appeals must then submit the case to the Supreme Court (Corte Suprema) for a final decision. There is no specific length of time by which each of these steps must be concluded and delays are frequent.
The Honduran prison system, like others in Latin America, provides minimal food to prisoners and no clothing. Prisoners rely on families and friends to provide assistance. American prisoners often pay extra for supplemental food and better accommodations in the prisons." |
http://honduras.usembassy.gov/english/mission/sections/con_17.htm 7/30/2008 7:02:06 PM
The Dude All American 6502 Posts user info edit post |
it was soooo sketchy getting weed for the first time. No one there spoke any english at all and I knew minimal spanish.
I waited until the high school kids got out of school and looked for one that I thought smoked weed
First person I asked took me to this dudes house/shack. I gave him 40 lempiras (17 lempiras on the dollar) and he gave me 4 bricks of weed wrapped in newspaper.
It was really really fresh moist schwag but it got me high as shit. 7/30/2008 7:03:31 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
tu tienes morta was what i was told means like "do you have weed" 7/30/2008 7:03:55 PM
puck_it All American 15446 Posts user info edit post |
i was on the island of rotan or something like that on a cruise port stop. mother fuckers have a bojangles there. 7/30/2008 7:31:07 PM