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 Message Boards » » Could you all unsuspend El Nachó plz Page [1]  
balls deep
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I think he was supposed to be out by now, and someone forgot

Best regards,

7/30/2008 11:05:08 PM

All American
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yes. and receivedeath, rtc407, jtmoneyncsu, and diamondace.

im pretty sure someone forgot about these guys too

7/31/2008 12:33:41 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Is that the guy that bombs threads with annoying pic/noises for no reason? yeah, you can leave that guy banned

7/31/2008 12:52:17 AM

All American
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he just pic-bombed a thread 2 days ago

7/31/2008 1:07:29 AM

balls deep
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^^^ no. no one has forgotten about them.

^^ no, you're thinking about the people mentioned in ^^^ post. I believe that he did that a couple times 2 days ago. A short suspension should be enough. Hardly anything to ban someone over.

but anyway, it would be great if a mod could respond instead of some know nothing peons

7/31/2008 7:14:29 AM

All American
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Was it because of this? Don't they call this HTML abuse now?


7/31/2008 7:31:29 AM

balls deep
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I think it was for putting flash objects in wolfood's Obama threads

[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 8:04 AM. Reason : s]

7/31/2008 8:01:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but anyway, it would be great if a mod could respond instead of some know nothing peons"

Wow, I sure was told

Keep the bitch suspended

7/31/2008 8:15:04 AM

All American
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7/31/2008 9:33:37 AM

balls deep
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thanks. so now that that's been established....

he would like to know if this was indeed meant to be a long term suspension?
if so, then a he has learned his lesson. also, a warning will suffice in the future.
if it's a case where THE POWERS THAT BE simply forgot to free him, could they possibly hit that little 'unsuspend' button at their earliest convenience?

OK, I need to go move a beached whale, rescue a puppy from a burning building, replant a forest, and contribute to cancer research. I'll check back with you guys later.

[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 10:06 AM. Reason : paypal is broken, so I can't grease any moderator's palms today]

7/31/2008 10:03:42 AM

1004 Posts
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El Nacho should be let out simply for the hilarity ensuing every time RSXTypeS posts and that guy goes on the attack about it.

7/31/2008 10:11:26 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Is that the guy that bombs threads with annoying pic/noises for no reason? yeah, you can leave that guy banned"

Firstly, it was a thread, not threads. Secondly, I very much so had a reason, and thirdly, who the fuck is d357r0y3r and why the fuck should anyone care about his opinion on this matter?

Also, just so it goes on public record now, Everyone should know that theDuke866 is now moderating Chit Chat using his own set of rules. He's clearly ignoring the account abuse policy (suspensions without warnings), suspending people for things that were previously deemed acceptable by chit chat moderators, as well as going back on previous statements that he's made - "I still, however, maintain that less is more when it comes to moderation on this website, especially in Chit Chat." ?topic=531756&page=1#11780053

7/31/2008 11:21:55 AM

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well as long as it's on public record....

7/31/2008 11:23:29 AM

El Nachó
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Well now it is.

7/31/2008 11:24:07 AM

balls deep
89881 Posts
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thanks guys

7/31/2008 11:33:13 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"Firstly, it was a thread, not threads. Secondly, I very much so had a reason, and thirdly, who the fuck is d357r0y3r and why the fuck should anyone care about his opinion on this matter?"

I don't remember what thread it was, but it was one where you said something like "take it to soap box," and started bombing. It's pretty fucking annoying. If a thread doesn't interest you, don't post in it, don't read it, and more importantly, don't try to ruin it so no one else can read the thread without muting their sound.

7/31/2008 3:28:55 PM

El Nachó
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That wolfood douchenozzle is an osama fanboy, plain and simple. He's not capable of having even a pseudo-intelligent conversation about politics. But yet he finds it necessary to make at least one pro-obama/bush bashing thread in Chit Chat at least once a week. I've been told by the moderators of Chit Chat that posting the rgb.swf flash that I posted was an appropriate response for chit chat. Apparently moderators of other sections didn't see things in the same light.

Either way, the issue is over. Thanks for putting in your two unnecessary cents.

7/31/2008 3:43:02 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"It's pretty fucking annoying. If a thread doesn't interest you, don't post in it, don't read it, and more importantly, don't try to ruin it so no one else can read the thread without muting their sound."

8/1/2008 7:04:52 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Thanks for putting in your two unnecessary cents."

8/1/2008 10:07:23 PM

All American
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^^^ i thought we'd resolved that via PM. Apparently you're a little more dense than I originally thought.

i'm not really a fan of those flash embeds, but they certainly aren't suspension worthy in and of themselves. using them for the specific purpose of rendering a thread unuseable becuase you happen to not like it certainly is, though. TWW doesn't need 100 self-appointed moderators fucking up threads for everyone else.

[Edited on August 1, 2008 at 10:57 PM. Reason : asdfad]

8/1/2008 10:56:38 PM

El Nachó
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What part of

Quote :
"Either way, the issue is over."

implied that the issue hadn't been resolved?

Apparently you're a little more dense than I originally thought.

8/1/2008 11:07:26 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"Apparently you're a little more dense than I originally thought."

lol, for real??

8/2/2008 4:45:59 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"That wolfood douchenozzle is an osama fanboy, plain and simple. He's not capable of having even a pseudo-intelligent conversation about politics."

Where's the pot, kettle, black image that pisses you off so much when I need it?

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 4:16 PM. Reason : .]

8/4/2008 4:15:56 PM

1004 Posts
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Oh great, Stein is making his nutriding rounds today.

8/4/2008 4:30:25 PM

play so hard
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Oh great, chance is using that same, old, worn out, lame-ass insult yet again.

8/4/2008 5:21:43 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Where's the pot, kettle, black image that pisses you off so much when I need it?"
Don't flatter yourself. You've never once even came close to "pissing me off".

But since you asked, and since it applies to you 100 times more than it does to me (especially in this situation):

You never get tired of complaining about people complaining, do you?

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 8:26 PM. Reason : Every time Stein posts in a thread it's like..."own me...own me" and I'm always happy to oblige.]

8/4/2008 8:25:33 PM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » Could you all unsuspend El Nachó plz Page [1]  
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