DamnStraight All American 16665 Posts user info edit post |
Ok, So I bought a house and the previous owners had cats. The laundry room was where they kept the litterbox and that damn closet smells like cats. We've tried to clean it multiple times but that smell just fucking lingers on.
Does anyone have any recommendations on products to use or something that I can ignite in there to eliminate the smell of pussy piss and shit? (note: I dont have any animals, and I really dont understand how the laundry room STILL smells after all the cleaning attempts we've done in there....)
Oh TWW, yo' help would be much appreciated.... 8/1/2008 12:09:49 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
what have you done/used so far? 8/1/2008 12:11:00 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
you will get use to it, they shit/piss soaked in the floor....not much you can do... 8/1/2008 12:11:22 PM
ImYoPusha All American 6249 Posts user info edit post |
paint the walls and clorox the floors 8/1/2008 12:11:59 PM
miska All American 22242 Posts user info edit post |
spraying vinegar helps neutralize bad smells, and I'd try baking soda too.
(separately )] 8/1/2008 12:12:13 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
why so semi-serious? 8/1/2008 12:13:33 PM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
8/1/2008 12:13:36 PM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
Put down new flooring. If it's vinyl you can buy pieces at Real Deal on S. Saunders or at Lowe's pretty cheap. Before you put the floor down paint Kilz on the subfloor. 8/1/2008 12:13:42 PM
DamnStraight All American 16665 Posts user info edit post |
random thought
isnt vinegar+baking soda the shit that you put in like middle school science fair volcanos?
we've used probably around $50 worth of random cleaning supplies in there ranging form ajax to clorox...we've also exploded a bottle of febreeze and sacrificed a baby lamb.
[Edited on August 1, 2008 at 12:15 PM. Reason : update] 8/1/2008 12:13:51 PM
Jader All American 2869 Posts user info edit post |
you cant do anything other than get new floors. cat piss is fuckin toxic. 8/1/2008 12:16:37 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
killz on the floor and walls. 8/1/2008 1:36:35 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
reason No. 1 why i dislike cats 8/1/2008 2:27:06 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Depending on how bad it is, and how much the floors have been soaked with catpiss, you may need to douse everything with Nature's Miracle.
They have a cat formula that really does work. Get it at petsmart.
When I lived with elise for a bit, her cats pissed on my bed every goddamn day. So I was doing lots of laundry
I'm also not so diligent about changing my cats litter box, so sometimes she pees on my clothes. ~5washes/soaks with vinegar and tide, vs 1 wash with nature's miracle.
She's peed on carpet, too, and nature's miracle doesn't get the smell out fully, but we also didn't follow the directions...just squirted some on and forgot about it
[Edited on August 1, 2008 at 2:35 PM. Reason : dgf] 8/1/2008 2:34:36 PM