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Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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I really don't like you right now. They just revoked/refunded the pro-rata share for the family membership that my brother and i had there. We no long live in the same house, even though we are immediate family. they say too many people are taking advantage of the family status....bullshit. i will go shoot my guns elsewhere.

8/2/2008 6:15:19 PM

All American
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I don't see how it's taking advantage of family status if you're still family. If you got divorced or something or legally disowned them somehow then it might make sense. Otherwise it's just kind of strange man.

8/2/2008 6:38:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"too many people are taking advantage of the family status"

no idea what their policy or pricing is

but in the business sense of it, that says to me that they're full and no longer need word-of-mouth customers, and they need to get rid of some bums to make room for paying customers

8/2/2008 6:41:01 PM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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we paid them $275 for a year brother goes 4-5 times a month and i maybe go every 2 months. i don't see where they were going. i used to be totally satisfied with them, but will not go back. this is ridiculous. i have had a family membership there for 3 years.

8/2/2008 6:44:33 PM

All American
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Yeah $leg, those passes are BIG $ dude. Like they charge you out the ass to get one, so you'd better be able to use that facility whenever you damn well please after paying that kind of money.

8/2/2008 6:47:47 PM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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So, on this note, where is there a good range to shoot at? PDHSC has lost my business and Davi's closed their indoor range.

8/3/2008 9:40:30 AM

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I don't know, douche bag.

8/3/2008 9:40:57 AM

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There's Range One down by lillington.

8/3/2008 9:46:26 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"Gold Membership (Family)...... $310 yr

Includes unlimited range time (range1) for individuals, guest and family members of the same household * (no additional range fees)"

8/3/2008 9:48:04 AM

All American
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Eagle One LE Supply should have an open range. They're in north Raleigh, I like them.

Davis SUCKED ASS. I will tell that story when I get back from riding in a bit, remind me. It involved a gun grab, lol.

^ Problem is, from what I understand Mike TOLD THEM IT WAS OK and THEN REVOKED THE CARD.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 9:49 AM. Reason : !]

8/3/2008 9:48:23 AM

All American
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I don't want to double post, but that rule is new and so is the price increase as of last month. Mike retoactively terminated any memberships that didn't meet his new criteria. Eventually he lack of customer service and degrading facilities are going to run him out of business...its just gonna be the next Davi's.

8/4/2008 12:20:01 AM

All American
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I didn't really like their range. They charged way more than Davi's and had a lower quality range. Their range is too dark, the machines at Davi's were nicer, and I feel like it was safer too. When I shot at PDHSC I could see rounds bouncing all over the place down range. One of them actually flew back at me and literally missed my face by about an inch. I could feel the air from the lead flying by me, then it hit the bulletproof glass directly behind me. The only redeeming things about that place are the close combat range, the fact that they let you rent automatic guns, and their guns are a lot cheaper to buy (READ: not rent). Very nice guys, though.

8/4/2008 5:14:37 AM

All American
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davi's closed the range?

thank hell thats one less thing they are doing...hopefully they kick the bucket soon

as for PDHSC....thats shitty to hear about them going down hill

especially since they are a "family" business and all

8/4/2008 7:17:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Eagle One LE Supply should have an open range. They're in north Raleigh, I like them."

i like them, jason is the one i usually talk to, very nice guy.

range is open most of the time, unless they are having a Glock Shooting match.

if you have a Glock pistol, it's a good time to get it worked on for $FREE$.

8/4/2008 8:52:06 AM

All American
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Have you ever been to a Glock shooting match there? I didn't know they did that. I would love to have a few things done to my G22.

8/4/2008 9:49:51 AM

All American
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I've been while they were shooting, but no I don't own a glock.

Sorry I was mistaken. A Glock Shooting Foundation match has free armorers.

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 10:08 AM. Reason : c]

8/4/2008 10:07:09 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
4865 Posts
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I just want to re-iterate that PDHSC sucks balls.

8/9/2008 3:44:21 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » PDHSC - Personal Defense & Handgun Safety Center Page [1]  
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