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All American
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consider yourself officially called out you omnipotent faggot

why the fuck don't you get off your fucking high horse and do some shit down here you divine dickhead

you won't, you don't listen to a god damned prayer because YOU DON'T FUCKING EXIST!

it explains every fucking worldly shortcoming, so all you faith healers, televangelists, and Christians can PISS OFF


8/3/2008 12:12:10 AM

All American
9870 Posts
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it begins

8/3/2008 12:12:45 AM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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omnipotent is a great word.

8/3/2008 12:12:55 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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8/3/2008 12:13:58 AM

All American
4474 Posts
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red and yellow, black and blue

Jesus loves me more than you,

Jesus loves the little children of the worlllllddd.

8/3/2008 12:15:17 AM

All American
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This green tea tastes like green piss with citrus! AARGH!

8/3/2008 12:16:59 AM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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shut up and suck it up

8/3/2008 12:36:47 AM

2940 Posts
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Oh God, not this shit again.

8/3/2008 12:41:21 AM

All American
4852 Posts
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just look at this stupid shit

8/3/2008 12:53:30 AM

15126 Posts
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Quote :

8/3/2008 12:58:55 AM

All American
6209 Posts
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Spontaneous, there must have been a reason you prayed to begin with. God gave you the grace to pray, and you did. It just takes patience and a lot of faith. If you trust God that He will answer your prayer, it will be answered. If you pray and its half-hearted and full of doubt, it won't happen. It's all about faith. Shoot me down if you want, that's just what I've learned from my personal experience. You are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

Btw: I <3 people who can do improv! You might have to tell me about your ComedyWorx stuff at another time, I'd love to hear it.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:10 AM. Reason : Just wanted to agree with Walls, omnipotent is a lovely vocabulary word.]

8/3/2008 12:59:14 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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Yes, on both accounts.

8/3/2008 12:59:33 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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^^ How'd you find out I do improv?

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:01 AM. Reason : There but for the flip of a coin go we]

8/3/2008 1:00:01 AM

15126 Posts
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8/3/2008 1:01:25 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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Oh yeah.

8/3/2008 1:01:51 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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8/3/2008 1:05:48 AM

5959 Posts
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Quote :
"YOU DON'T ******* EXIST!"

if He does not exist...why curse Him? Not to mention the fact that all of what you just said is...well, wow! I would honestly be scared for my life.

8/3/2008 1:06:10 AM

All American
10000 Posts
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omnipotent is a great word.

8/3/2008 1:06:23 AM

All American
34495 Posts
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Quote :
"Spontaneous, there must have been a reason you prayed to begin with. God gave you the grace to pray, and you did. It just takes patience and a lot of faith. If you trust God that He will answer your prayer, it will be answered. If you pray and its half-hearted and full of doubt, it won't happen. It's all about faith. Shoot me down if you want, that's just what I've learned from my personal experience. You are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

Btw: I <3 people who can do improv! You might have to tell me about your ComedyWorx stuff at another time, I'd love to hear it.


Completely true.

Hades always answers my prayers, just have faith.

8/3/2008 1:08:55 AM

All American
10892 Posts
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8/3/2008 1:10:35 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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Just a bad day, compounded by the bad memories that my brother is reopening.

8/3/2008 1:15:04 AM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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this thread title = going to hell.

8/3/2008 1:15:52 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:20 AM. Reason : The bros used short loop lighting on both of 'em in this scene, btw.]

8/3/2008 1:16:21 AM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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ok my son, tell my your problems and I can help you. I went to an awesome party and drank lots of Jack and Coke so I am feeling generous and so is all the mob of Raleigh since one of the head guys had a huge 65th bday party. let's see what we can do.

8/3/2008 1:20:50 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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embed plz.

8/3/2008 1:21:35 AM

All American
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8/3/2008 1:23:16 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:26 AM. Reason : dammit, I just embedded South Pakr!]

8/3/2008 1:25:30 AM

All American
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^^^^ Basically, I'm a hated-filled person with the inability to let go of parents' past mistakes which horribly impeded my ability to successfully complete a college education while at the same time struggling with getting over my mistakes which have hindered my ability to enjoy any success, big or small, because the perpetual guilt that surrounds me over the fact that I can't take care of family, friends, nor self.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:27 AM. Reason : *breath*]

8/3/2008 1:27:12 AM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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wow I am the exact same except I graduated
I can't take care of myself, anyone, anything and I am 29. try living with that shit. I really sucks I know.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:31 AM. Reason : true]

8/3/2008 1:29:14 AM

All American
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Your parents might have fucked up, but you don't have to. You're not created in their image, they have nothing to do with your life. Confronting them may be something you'll need to do way down the line, but at the moment, your most important responsibility is first and foremost to your own life and happiness. Don't write this off, I'm not quoting anybody, I'm just telling you what I've learned on my own.

To hold a grudge against those who have done you wrong may feel satisfying at the moment, but it will not make you a better man. To prevail, you've got to let go of your past demons, and to forgive - otherwise, you will be imprisoned and possessed by the past. Detach yourself from something as tempting and gratifying as hate.

Do not try to take care of anyone else at the moment. It is not your responsibility. Focus on your own life, goals, and ambitions right now, because you have a lot of catching up to do, and because God wants to see you grow closer to Him. It might seem selfish right now, but it's why He created all of us - for fellowship with Him. To let others drag you down, make you miserable, and place demands on you that they don't deserve, is another temptation (that I took over 5 years to overcome myself). Tend to your own garden.

Lastly, any pain and hate that you feel right now is not justified, but it can be healthy only if you can survive it and become stronger than it. The iron in your chains will bleed into your blood and make you a better man. The trick is to survive it, friend. Then you can start to really live your life the way you've always wanted to. No money, no fame, no success by others' standards, and certainly no pain or regrets.

8/3/2008 1:36:33 AM

All American
6209 Posts
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cddweller, that was the most amazing thing I have read today. Thank you.

8/3/2008 1:41:46 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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yea gonna go ahead and agree with that.

pretty amazing.

8/3/2008 1:43:07 AM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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Quote :
"God wants to see you grow closer to Him"

so ya coming over later honey?

8/3/2008 1:43:20 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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I'll be around eventually.

8/3/2008 1:48:07 AM

All American
17118 Posts
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I completely agree with what cddweller said, minus the God part. But whatever it takes to find peace within, whether it's faith in a god or faith in yourself, do it. Life's too awesome to spend pissed off at others. Let go, find a niche that you're comfortable in and where you're not constantly failing to live up to any ill-conceived expectations.

There comes an age where your parents (or upbringing) are no longer responsible for your actions. This age varies from person to person, but once you begin to see the world as something bigger than yourself, bigger than even your mind can comprehend, you're probably there. That's when you must forgive those who may have wronged you in the past, or at least stunted your personal growth, and begin making your own decisions based on what you believe to be right. Basically, if you're old enough to understand the gravity of blaming your parents for your mental state, you're old enough to overcome it.

8/3/2008 5:04:50 AM

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