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 Message Boards » » 'A Beautiful Lie" Video Page [1]  
All American
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I know it's fairly old, but I just wanted to know if anyone else likes it. The whole idea is cool and the images are beautiful. Global warming is REAL folks!

8/4/2008 12:01:28 AM

All American
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post a link! i havent seen it

8/4/2008 12:02:30 AM

All American
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I haven't seen the video, but I 30 Seconds to Mars.

and gtfo with that global warming crap

8/4/2008 12:03:37 AM

All American
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I love it and love the song. I really wish their wallpapers on their site were higher quality I really wanted one that was of glaciers and I can't seem to find ones I like on the net so far.

8/4/2008 12:05:28 AM

All American
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I have it on iTunes, the clarity is much better. But here's a free Youtube link!

8/4/2008 12:05:50 AM

All American
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you know... i heard that Denver had the longest streak of 90+ degree days in 135 years... that means that 135 years ago, they had the same weather as today... you know... before the industrial revolution that supposedly started the whole global warming thing

8/4/2008 12:07:20 AM

All American
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OMJared Leto

8/4/2008 12:11:37 AM

All American
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while we're talking about 30 Seconds to Mars videos I just want to say that that video for The Kill fucking rules.

8/4/2008 12:12:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Global warming is REAL folks!


That's Rich

8/4/2008 12:12:43 AM

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8/4/2008 12:14:31 AM

All American
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watching and digging

8/4/2008 12:15:59 AM

All American
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Here's some info I found on iTunes by a reviewer, I can't stand by the credibility of a few things, though.

"The crew refused to set foot on the glacier because it was deemed too dangerous.

The weather was so cold that taking your hood off for a minute could result in frostbite. Their hoods were off for the entire video.

39 hours of film were shot. 5 minutes of slow motion were used, all and all about 1:59 of footage.

It was filmed from a helicopter by amateurs, because of the dangerous conditions on the actual iceberg.

The black lines you see in the video are huge slits in the ice. Thousands of others are unseen. The glaciers were literally breaking under their feet.

If you look closely during part of the video you can see pools in the glaciers. These are water pools from the glacier melting.

It took almost a year to plan, took a week to film, and 6 months to edit.

Jared directed, partially paid for, and edited the video himself. He edited it on 3 different countries while filming his new movie Mr. Nobody.

The original idea was to film in Antarctica and the crew wanted it filmed on a green screen. Jared refused to back down and Greenland was eventually chosen for the video (and no green screen was ever used).

The band had to carry their own equipment on and off of the helicopter. In the scene with the flags, the helicopter caused so much wind that Shannon's drum set would go flying 30 feet away.

192 kinds of insurance were required to shoot the video.

It was so dangerous that the helicopter crew said if they band did not return to the chopper at a certain time, they would leave without them and the band would have to sleep on the glacier.

And the most honorable thing of all, after shoveling barrels of his own money into this video, every dime from the proceeds of the video goes to the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). "

8/4/2008 12:16:18 AM

All American
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real full story behind it. their website is

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 12:45 AM. Reason : k]

8/4/2008 12:19:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The weather was so cold that taking your hood off for a minute could result in frostbite. Their hoods were off for the entire video."

that contradicts this:

Quote :
"If you look closely during part of the video you can see pools in the glaciers. These are water pools from the glacier melting."

8/4/2008 12:23:27 AM

All American
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interesting site

im a tree hugger

8/4/2008 12:25:49 AM

All American
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Yeah I really can't say any of that stuff is true. I don't know that person's source for all of that information.

Btw thanks Goldengirl for the link, I completely forgot about the website. They have a better link to the video and photos and the story.

8/4/2008 12:26:26 AM

All American
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yea the video on the site is much better

8/4/2008 12:27:15 AM

All American
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i happen to find The Attack my fave song by them

8/4/2008 12:28:03 AM

All American
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after reading the site i think i will spend the leftover itunes dollars i have on buying their cd

i only buy music from bands i respect. kanye west for example, while i enjoy his music, i think hes a shitty person and get his music from alternative sources

8/4/2008 12:30:09 AM

All American
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I love the video for "The Kill" also

8/4/2008 12:35:53 AM

All American
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A Beautiful Lie is a fantastic album. The Kill, Attack, A Beautiful Lie, Yesterday, and Battle of One all kickass. I've been thinking about picking up some of their older stuff.

8/4/2008 12:38:41 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » 'A Beautiful Lie" Video Page [1]  
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