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 Message Boards » » always check your brake fluid Page [1]  
All American
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if not, you might end up going around a culdesac in neutral like 30000 times to stop your car

8/4/2008 9:28:11 AM

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8/4/2008 9:28:36 AM

All American
23473 Posts
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i guess you don't have an emergency brake

8/4/2008 9:29:41 AM

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8/4/2008 9:30:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i guess you don't have an emergency brake"

you're right. i drive a space ship.

look it was 530 and dark and i've never done a emergency brake drill. i know where it is now.

oh i mean this wasnt me, im just telling you guys.

8/4/2008 9:33:58 AM

All American
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its funny either way

son what in gods name were you doing out there at 530 this morn.....

trying to stop my car cause i didnt check may brake fluid.......


8/4/2008 9:37:00 AM

All American
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yeah its terrible. i think maybe THEY flushed the line and didnt put any more in on accident. either way its scary as hell not having brakes and if i didnt stay calm i probably not be able to find a car insurance company to insure me cause if it was a... parking lot... and not a culdesac, i'd be FUCKED right now.

ha ha

so learn from my stupidity. check the fluids in your car, even if you're sure they are ok.

see you guys later!

8/4/2008 9:40:28 AM

All American
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funny, good stuff.

Why I do all my own work.

8/4/2008 9:49:34 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"Sex : F"

8/4/2008 9:51:01 AM

All American
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Okay, I make my boyfriend change my tires and I'd ask him to help if I needed to drop the engine. Happy now?

Oil, valves, brake fluid, bulbs, replacing the chain, all easy on a motorcycle. Will probably need help with anything other than fluids, interior and electrical on a car because I am a weakling and some of that stuff is torqued so tight I can be standing on the wrench and not make it move

8/4/2008 9:55:43 AM

All American
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first grad student i know that can change/adjust valves

8/4/2008 9:58:23 AM

32613 Posts
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i actually meant that as a compliment, no need to get defensive.

8/4/2008 9:59:55 AM

Bee Hugger
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check your oil too. trust me. it's the difference between $25 and $2500

8/4/2008 10:02:11 AM

147487 Posts
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this thread made me lol

8/4/2008 10:02:16 AM

All American
5405 Posts
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my brake light came on yesterday

8/4/2008 10:05:12 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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I thought you didn't believe me. Other people have tried to call BS in the past.

I get bored at nail salons and hate shopping so I had to find a different hobby.

8/4/2008 10:08:06 AM

All American
23473 Posts
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keep driving. it will be okay. it probly doesnt mean somethings wrong

8/4/2008 10:08:08 AM

All American
28213 Posts
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You should always still have one set of brakes unless you drive something 1980-back.

8/4/2008 10:42:46 AM

All American
25459 Posts
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Yeah $ leg, there's nothing like missing a 6am appointment because your god forsaken brakes don't work. I told you about the e-brake the other day y0! You didn't listen, haha!!

Maybe g money god is mad because you didn't go to the right church? You know how there's only one church that's right? Like every church claims they're right, but there's only one right church or whatever. So you must have tried to go to the wrong one or some shit and he made sure you couldn't get there.

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 12:03 PM. Reason : ]

8/4/2008 12:01:02 PM

All American
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^ ha ha. i think jesus and his disciples cut my brake line and gave me dat die slow.... the slow leak, the die quick. that spaceship is way too new to be having that kind of trouble on its own. i should trade for a different color spaceship and park it in the guest space.

Quote :
"You should always still have one set of brakes unless you drive something 1980-back."

yeah, it's from the 40's but it's an import... and foreign made stuff lasts forever

8/4/2008 12:51:07 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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Haha at this entire thread.

8/4/2008 1:50:21 PM

All American
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8/4/2008 2:21:31 PM

All American
4474 Posts
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lol reminds me of one time a good many years back when a guy at my dad's shop didn't bleed the brake lines to get pressure back on the cylinder, then took off in reverse trying to be cool out of the garage bay and continued across the parking lot with some screaming right into the ditch.

8/4/2008 2:40:17 PM

All American
11036 Posts
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Can you downshift an automatic going from D to 2 to 1? I mean of course, if you didn't know you had an e-brake or flew a spaceship?

8/4/2008 2:54:56 PM

409 Posts
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hahahhahahhaha this shit just made my day

Quote :
"neutral 30000 times"

8/4/2008 3:10:02 PM

All American
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8/4/2008 3:12:24 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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Were you pumping the brakes or just holding it on the floor and screaming "HALP ME HALP ME!!!"?

8/4/2008 3:12:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Can you downshift an automatic going from D to 2 to 1? I mean of course, if you didn't know you had an e-brake or flew a spaceship?"

my spaceship is a 1947 model, similar to the one that crashed in roswell, NM.

it has that funky "tap to the left" kind of manual automatic thing and will do 1,2, and 3 while shifted into M... (also N, -1, -2, and R. it also has H (hover), and laser blaster triggers at 9 and 3 on the steering wheel)

i didn't even think about trying to gear down, it was all so fast. i was basically looking at it in this order cause i knew i didnt have long to decide... i was only doing like 20 MAYBE when it happened so i made 3 options

a) find somewhere to coast it out
b) find a curb to hit/drag
c) if all else failed, throw it into park or reverse and hope like hell it stopped me. this was only in the event that i happened to turn off into a parking lot or somewhere where i'd end up hitting like 4 cars.

UNluckily i turned downhill slightly, but it quickly turned to luck when there was a culdesac

Quote :
"Were you pumping the brakes or just holding it on the floor and screaming "HALP ME HALP ME!!!"?"

this happened to me in my old UFO on i-40 going 75 miles per hour... so i got all the screaming out of my system that time. i was pretty calm. after it went to the floor i tried to pump it a little bit but then i concentrated on avoiding STUFF until it stopped on its own


8/4/2008 3:28:05 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » always check your brake fluid Page [1]  
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