baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
i dont know. it seems a little soon for me.
of course ive seen it done after 3-6 months of dating.
maybe their madly in love off the bat and know each other THAT WELL.
personally, i havnt seen it work out very well. and if they are together, then its def. a rocky relationship and people dont want to break up because others will say "told you so"
post more stats plz 8/5/2008 4:11:09 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
is she knocked up? 8/5/2008 4:12:23 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
nah, lets just speculate. 8/5/2008 4:12:45 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
i thought yall been going out longer than that 8/5/2008 4:12:56 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Actually getting married after a year? Or getting engaged. Both are damn fast. 8/5/2008 4:13:22 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
not long enough to know someone well enough to marry them IMO 8/5/2008 4:13:41 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
i've been dating the same girl for 3 days shy of 7 years...still no ring
i don't know what's taking her so long  8/5/2008 4:14:17 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
my mother is convinced i'll get married after 6 months or less and live happily ever after 8/5/2008 4:15:36 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
A little scary if you ask me!!!
You have lots of time to pop the question, wait it out a little  8/5/2008 4:16:17 PM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
negros, this isnt about me.
im just sayin 8/5/2008 4:17:10 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
My parents were together for 3 months before they ran away and got married in SC (no waiting for a marriage license in SC). My grandpa didn't like my Dad, but Mom was determined to have him... so they ran away and got married before grandpa could get any more involved. Granted, neither one of them really had anything, and Mom dropped out of college to move to another city with my Dad, but they made it; and have been making it for 27 years now. 
[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 4:18 PM. Reason : ] 8/5/2008 4:18:08 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i just think my mom meant
"if you find somebody that can tolerate your ass for 6 months you better go ahead and marry them"
 8/5/2008 4:18:32 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
i could get married, but she has to have her own tv (in the bedroom and the living room w/headphones), and laptop. 8/5/2008 4:20:21 PM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
ex just got engaged to someone they knew for only 4 months. (I dated that ex for seven years )
it kinda makes me laugh, what an idiot! 8/5/2008 4:22:34 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ex just got engaged to someone they knew for only 4 months. (I dated that ex for seven years )" |
maybe your ex realized she could not afford to spend another 7 to find out its not gona work out! divorce is always an option 8/5/2008 4:45:07 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Ken and I had dated a little over a year when we got married. He proposed at the 4 month mark. I think we are good. Then again we were friends for a while so we knew what was up. 8/5/2008 4:49:03 PM
CeilingCat All American 1222 Posts user info edit post |
Me and Mr. Cat dated for 1 year before we got engaged and married a little after being together 2 years. We've been together almost 5 years total.
I think that's a reasonable amount of time to go through the dating-engaged-married business. Any longer than 3 years and it's kinda like "shit or get off the pot". 8/5/2008 4:50:28 PM
TheTabbyCat All American 4428 Posts user info edit post |
My hubby and I got married after dating for 5 months. I was knocked up, but we had moved in together before the knock upage and were getting along great. Five years later, we're still doing awesome.
Sadly, I have had several friends in very similar situations where it didn't work out quite so well. One friend got married after knowing the guy for a matter of weeks. They've been hitched for a year but she gets smacked around and there are now 2 children involved. My cousin got married after knowing the guy for a year and now they pretty much don't live together and are occasional fuck buddies. They just haven't went through with the divorce. Another of my cousins got knocked up but waited a while before getting married to the guy. They ended up breaking up within a matter of months of being married.
So I say it depends on how well you know the other person and even then, there's still a large chance things will end in divorce. 8/5/2008 4:51:49 PM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
getting married after ten years of dating is a little soon  8/5/2008 4:54:50 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148890 Posts user info edit post |
baonest how long have the 2 lived together? i hope they've lived together for at least a few months 8/5/2008 4:56:49 PM
confusi0n All American 5076 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He proposed at the 4 month mark" |
I usually dont even remember middle names or birthdays after 4 months 8/5/2008 4:59:25 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
I've been dating the same guy for 14 months now
This 18 year old girl I work with has been dating her fiance for 12 months, they're both going to different colleges and are Catholic.
Yeah, that does not have fail written all over it. 8/5/2008 5:00:39 PM
Joie begonias is my boo 22491 Posts user info edit post |
it depends
age is a factor
dating someone a year and getting married at age 22 verses age 32
by this hypothetical 32 i think you may have dated around a lot and figured out what you want and dont want and although it is a little soon, a year isn't that bad.
imho of course  8/5/2008 5:02:24 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
im almost a hypothetical 32, wanna do it 8/5/2008 5:03:34 PM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
Who cares, you can just get a divorce if things don't work out. 8/5/2008 5:05:34 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
^ gg, sir! 8/5/2008 5:06:35 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
All of my friends at school grew up and settled down And they mortgaged up their lives One things not said too much, but I think it's true They just get married cause there's nothing else to do, so
I'm just sittin' on a fence You can say i got no sense Trying to make up my mind Really is too horrifying So I'm sittin on a fence 8/5/2008 5:07:32 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
My bf and I have been together for 5 years. We're not engaged or married. We lived together for about 2 years, and it worked out just fine. So, IF one day he and I get married, I think we'll be ok.
Quote : | "Any longer than 3 years and it's kinda like "shit or get off the pot"." |
[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 5:09 PM. Reason : ] 8/5/2008 5:08:38 PM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
I'm lucky to make it to 3 months...
Quote : | ""if you find somebody that can tolerate your ass for 6 months you better go ahead and marry them" " |
It's in the mom's handbook guide... If you throw in crazy in the mix, the amount of time goes by half. 8/5/2008 5:10:56 PM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Quote : "ex just got engaged to someone they knew for only 4 months. (I dated that ex for seven years )"
maybe your ex realized she could not afford to spend another 7 to find out its not gona work out! divorce is always an option
" |
naw the ex always knew it would never work out -we figured that out in two years. I think we just loved/hated each other. couldn't live w/o the other kinda thing-drove each other crazy kinda thing. The biggest problem was the families were at odds. 8/5/2008 5:13:28 PM
blah All American 4532 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Any longer than 3 years and it's kinda like "shit or get off the pot"." | bahaha 8/5/2008 5:33:10 PM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
I'd say anything longer than 2 years is too long to just be still dating... 8/5/2008 5:35:01 PM
dagreenone All American 5971 Posts user info edit post |
maybe they hit it off really well and date every single night, so they know each real well. 8/5/2008 5:36:29 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
my parents dated for 5 years...
they were "engaged" a month
they have been married 32 years
granted dad was 29 and mom was 33 8/5/2008 5:39:36 PM
Kitty B All American 19088 Posts user info edit post |
we were "engaged" in a month and officially engaged by 6 months. married after 2 years because my parents needed an extra year to save up for the wedding, otherwise it would have been within a year of dating. 8/5/2008 5:43:57 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
my parents marriage was arranged so they got engaged first and then dated for couple months and got married. Celebrated 25yrs anniversary in June, 2005  8/5/2008 5:46:31 PM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
We got engaged after almost a year and a half of dating, but our wedding plans are at least a year away.
Previously, I dated a girl for about three years and knew from a month or two in that we'd never get hitched. It's just different circumstances. 8/5/2008 5:47:44 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
SEVERAL people i work with meet, date, get engaged and are married within 1-2 years of meeting the person
unfortunately the circumstance of the training program sort of pressures people into that situation but whatever
i knew one couple that met in april, were engaged by july and married by december
i personally am friends with half a dozen couples who have done this
i think it straight up crazy and i would not do this but people fall in love and it makes sense to them 8/5/2008 6:00:57 PM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |

8/5/2008 6:06:34 PM
RyaNCSU1 All American 1496 Posts user info edit post |
I dated my current wife for a year... proposed. We were engaged and lived together almost two years before actually making it official. Have now been married 2 and a half years.
I dont believe you truely get to know someone until you live with them. I swear I thought we were to going to kill eachother the first 6 months we lived together. 8/5/2008 7:05:53 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
my good friend has been dating her fiance since February.
they got engaged last month.
getting married in may.
he's 22, she's 25
they might not make it to the altar at this point..... 8/5/2008 7:10:07 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, getting married that soon in the game is stupid. 8/5/2008 7:17:33 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
about the living together thing, i see that as a definite yes for me before tying the knot
and if i didnt think i needed to, im pretty sure my mom would force me  8/5/2008 7:39:28 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i've been dating the same person for almost 3 years and marriage does not appear to be in the near future.
so i feel as though i'm on the opposite end of this spectrum ( )
but yea i think getting married after less than a year of dating is soon...but who am i to judge really. there are people that get married after knowing each other and dating forever and stay married for like 25 years and then get divorced. 8/5/2008 7:41:43 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
that would be mighty quick for me
[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 7:45 PM. Reason :
8/5/2008 7:45:33 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i think i'm just going to get married next month sometime 8/5/2008 7:46:32 PM
Big4Country All American 11921 Posts user info edit post |
My parents dated for about a little over a year and they have been married 30 years. 8/5/2008 7:48:01 PM
Scuba Steve All American 6931 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "RUSSIAN
8/5/2008 7:48:03 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
well i think age probably matters.
if you are like 22 date someone for a year and get married, that might be soon
but if you're like 28 and date someone for a probably know yourself a little better and have things more figured out in life, so maybe that is fine. 8/5/2008 7:48:58 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
If a guy wants to get married right away, means once you really find out what's going on you'd run like hell. At least that's my opinion on the matter. 8/5/2008 7:49:22 PM