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 Message Boards » » Women: Stay-at-Home Wife - Married & Childless Page [1] 2, Next  
25081 Posts
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haha my wife just sent this to me and said it sounds like a great idea and asked pretty please

i wish my only job for tuesdays was to do a few loads of laundry

this isn't for wives that quit work to raise the kids and then didn't go back to work - this is for wives that never had kids that need a break from the stresses of work it sounds like - only wives have stressful jobs maybe

Quote :
" Davis says her life isn't luxurious. "Tuesdays are my laundry day," she says. "I go grocery shopping on Wednesdays and clean house on Thursdays." Mondays and Fridays are reserved for appointments and other errands.

But her schedule also allows for charity work and leisure: reading, creative writing and exploring new hobbies, like sewing."

Quote :
""If you told me years ago that I was going to be a stay-at-home wife, I would have laughed at you," says Catherine Zoerb, 27. Yet after the Wichita, Kansas, resident finished graduate school in 2005, she found herself unemployed, childless -- and strangely happy. With her husband's support, Zoerb decided to just stay home."

Quote :
"Everyone seems to be OK with women staying home when they have kids," says Davis, who currently doesn't plan to have children. "I've actually heard people say that women who don't work are a drain on society."

sounds like a rough life - i can see this once one of the people in the marriage makes more than enough money so that they live well below their means with just the 1 salary - that just isn't how it is for most of the US though

my mom works while my step-dad is home most of the time (for the past ~6 years at least) and from time to time he'll get a consulting gig for a few months - it seems to work for them but she makes enough to where he works to get out of the house more so than to keep them fed

8/5/2008 4:12:10 PM

19447 Posts
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If that works for them, then go for it, but if I tried to pull something like that I'd just be stuck feeling like I wasn't holding up my end of the bargain. Not to mention I'd be ridiculously bored all the time, so I'd never want to do it in the first place ...

8/5/2008 4:22:19 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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i would resent my wife....

8/5/2008 4:24:39 PM

2940 Posts
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isn't this what a normal wife's supposed to do?

8/5/2008 4:25:57 PM

50085 Posts
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My mom worked for 2 years since she married my Dad (and that was just b/c she liked the job)... she hasn't worked since we moved from CT in '99 but she stays busy. She does all sorts of charity and groups and shit...

Lol, he doesn't resent her though... all he cares about his a drink in his hand and a meal on his plate when he gets home from work

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 4:30 PM. Reason : oh, didn't see the childless part... that is beat.]

8/5/2008 4:27:58 PM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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sounds like a good gig. if you can do it then i say go for it, but its hard for young families these days to go with out 2 incomes especially if there are children.

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 4:31 PM. Reason : .]

8/5/2008 4:30:55 PM

Flying Tiger
All American
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That's what my mom did...though homeschooling three kids might as well be a full-time job with ridiculous amounts of overtime.

8/5/2008 4:45:13 PM

19447 Posts
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You are missing the point that she's doing it with NO kids.

8/5/2008 4:45:39 PM

25081 Posts
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Quote :
"That's what my mom did...though homeschooling three kids might as well be a full-time job with ridiculous amounts of overtime."

can you read at all? the title of the thread even says CHILDLESS...was she homeschooling other poeple's kids?

8/5/2008 4:46:08 PM

All American
27290 Posts
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If I never had any kids and my wife wanted to be completely jobless, that house better spotless when I get home from work, and my meals better be made for me.

8/5/2008 4:46:42 PM

All American
985 Posts
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this gives broads too much free time to get into some mischievous shit.

alcoholism and infidelity, ftl

8/5/2008 4:48:18 PM

All American
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Hell if I married someone that could support me with out us making any sacrafices then I would love to not have a job. I would probably do my best to stay busy though. However, I know that will never happen and the only time I plan to stay home is when I have children and I'm off for having children. And since I'll be a teacher I'll try to schedule all my births so I have my kids just in time for my maternity leave to run out right before summer so I can get an extra 2.5 months of leave.

But yeah, okay.

8/5/2008 4:49:40 PM

All American
11291 Posts
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i'd be totally down with it

8/5/2008 4:50:36 PM

19447 Posts
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I'd just prefer to do all the laundry, cleaning, cooking AND have a job.

8/5/2008 4:52:56 PM

All American
17555 Posts
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As long as the cooking is good/on time, and the blow jobs are plentiful, I'm content.

8/5/2008 4:54:55 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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it doesn't take a whole day to do laundry

it doesn't take a whole day to go grocery shopping

it doesn't take a whole day to clean the house

she better be cutting the grass every week, packing me an awesome lunch, and having a home-cooked dinner for me 5 out of 7 nights a week.

and fuck volunteering.

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 4:55 PM. Reason : flame on ladies]

8/5/2008 4:55:12 PM

49741 Posts
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washing, ironing, fucking, etc...

8/5/2008 4:57:25 PM

All American
896 Posts
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What about all those lazy ass boyfriends who live off their girlfriends? Aren't there a plethera more of those than these "stay at home moms"?

8/5/2008 5:08:25 PM

45208 Posts
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My dream job

8/5/2008 5:09:58 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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my mom is like this. she never raised us. we had nannys. she has two maids. and is at one of her many beach houses most of the time. so it all sounds normal to me. except my mom is still bitter that she still has to do laundry and buy groceries, and visit her grandchildren. ha ha ha. I wish she would get a job or a life!

8/5/2008 5:21:29 PM

All American
17555 Posts
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Quote :
"What about all those lazy ass boyfriends who live off their girlfriends? Aren't there a plethera more of those than these "stay at home moms"?"

8/5/2008 5:25:29 PM

All American
7911 Posts
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Quote :
"What about all those lazy ass boyfriends who live off their girlfriends? Aren't there a plethera more of those than these "stay at home moms"?"


8/5/2008 5:26:04 PM

105 Posts
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Quote :
"And since I'll be a teacher I'll try to schedule all my births so I have my kids just in time for my maternity leave to run out right before summer so I can get an extra 2.5 months of leave."

This is what my wife did and it has worked out extremely well. The baby is almost 3 mos. old and she goes back to work in 2 weeks.

But, without the kid, we could have lived very comfortably off of my salary, but that is not something that my wife would want to do. Even staying home with the baby, she has gotten somewhat bored and is ready to go back to work. To each their own.

8/5/2008 5:51:11 PM

All American
5076 Posts
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Quote :
"What about all those lazy ass boyfriends who live off their girlfriends? Aren't there a plethera more of those than these "stay at home moms"?"


8/5/2008 5:59:50 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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now ive got to replace the carpet from the kitchen to the fucking bedroom. you worthless slut you cant do shit right.
and wheres my meal

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 6:01 PM. Reason : no but really]

8/5/2008 6:00:56 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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being completely dependent on someone for everything went out the door when i was 18 (legally speaking)

sorry, not looking for someone to have anything to hold over my head, i will happily go to work and bring home dollars

staying home with no job and no kids sounds painfully boring!

8/5/2008 6:05:08 PM

All American
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My wife does it and we have a 1 year old. She is bored to tears when it's really hot or cold out. But she loves her some Target and chilling with her friends on my dime. She works about 10 hours a week just to get out of the house.

8/5/2008 6:08:22 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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^the conversation is about stay-at-home wives w/o children

significantly less work for them

8/5/2008 6:15:18 PM

358 Posts
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I want to be a stay at home dad/husband

8/5/2008 6:16:02 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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my dad hasnt worked for like the last ~10 years.

i think i was just starting high school when he retired

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 6:18 PM. Reason : .]

8/5/2008 6:18:44 PM

21958 Posts
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I was a stay at home childless wife for about 4 months. It was the worst 4 months of my entire life. It was so lonely, boring, and depressing. I never felt so useless. There is only so much that one has to do to take care of 2 people in a 2 bedroom apartment.

Now I am a stay at home mom and it is a different ballgame. There is a lot of go go and do do, but there is also a lot of thumb twiddling. It seems to come in spurts. I am either insanely busy or going at a snail's pace.

8/5/2008 6:19:27 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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Staying at home all day with or without kids would suck after about two weeks.

8/5/2008 6:20:31 PM

Tom Joad
72868 Posts
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she's just gonna use all that time to think of more shit to tell you as soon as you step in the door

8/5/2008 6:21:54 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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I'm a stay at home unemployed do nothinger right now. but then again I gotta wait for my surgury tillz I can employ myself again. till then .... anyone want to hang out?

8/5/2008 6:22:21 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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My wife doesn't talk much, unless there's two outs in the ninth with the bases loaded, 4th and goal with :05 left, or if I'm finally falling asleep.

8/5/2008 6:23:27 PM

All American
20699 Posts
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I can see living at home for a year or two to focus on hobbies, but not chipping in the bills, that's pretty shitty. I'd go out of my mind for want of interaction and.... action...

8/5/2008 6:44:02 PM

23634 Posts
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8/5/2008 7:07:21 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"i would resent my wife...."

8/5/2008 7:12:02 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"i think i was just starting high school when he retired"

same. my mom stopped practicing medicine when us kids were born, and my dad retired when he was 49.

Quote :
"I was a stay at home childless wife for about 4 months. It was the worst 4 months of my entire life. It was so lonely, boring, and depressing. I never felt so useless."

just think how much quality TWW time you would have. you could really rack up a serious post count

8/5/2008 7:14:41 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"it doesn't take a whole day to do laundry

it doesn't take a whole day to go grocery shopping

it doesn't take a whole day to clean the house

she better be cutting the grass every week, packing me an awesome lunch, and having a home-cooked dinner for me 5 out of 7 nights a week.

and fuck volunteering."

8/5/2008 7:42:50 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
6931 Posts
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I've been unemployed for like 6 months before, and you get neurotic and isolated. Plus, its a hard habit to shake.

8/5/2008 7:44:12 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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when i was at home sick for a week i was going crazy but i read lots of books

8/5/2008 7:45:00 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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i'm now an out of work childless wife while i wait for a visa. i went and did all the shopping today- it was absolutely exhausting! and i had dinner ready when the man got home. now i have to give him a BJ and pack his lunch before i pass out, bye

8/5/2008 7:49:55 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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i saw this and i thought it was dumb.

i also just read an article in carolina parent about this woman who wrote a book on the opposite. about how women think they have a choice and that it is their choice to do this, but really it isn't. but that was more in regards to women with children and who "choose" to leave careers to stay at home with kids.

but honestly, i would kill myself if i had like laundry day and shopping day and all i did was try to please my husband.

go educated women who find themselves happy doing this. really. ignorance is bliss they always say.

8/5/2008 7:51:39 PM

All American
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look, if the bills are paid and everyone is getting laid

who cares who works and who stays home?

do what makes you feel worthwhile, for some people, taking care of a household is more rewarding than a job and vice versa

8/5/2008 7:56:34 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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yea i would just hate being so dependent on someone else.

8/5/2008 7:57:24 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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i feel the same way

8/5/2008 7:57:51 PM

25081 Posts
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some of the people can't even read the damn title of the thread and are posting about wives that have kids that are staying at home - figures with the intelligence level of the typical user on here

a big gg goes out to
Flying Tiger
G.O.D - i guess this is a half credit since mom didn't "raise" him

8/5/2008 8:03:57 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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i talked about both. but i actually read the article. and i recently read another article that was SIMILAR which i said in my other post.

but yea, sorry husband, i'm not staying in all day to do dumb bullshit like clean/laundry/make sure you have a meal on the table at 6 on the dot.

i don't like shopping, i don't like bridge, i only like select other women (like my friends) and i certainly don't think i'd find anything in common with other stay at home wives. "oh what did you use in your fried chicken batter" "oh i used cornflakes" "oh well iiiii used rice crispies" "interesting approach"

8/5/2008 8:08:42 PM

All American
985 Posts
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^^me too!

8/5/2008 8:15:29 PM

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