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 Message Boards » » I don't care for Gbo Page [1]  
All American
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8/6/2008 2:49:56 PM

All American
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sure looks a lot better in that picture

8/6/2008 2:51:51 PM

All American
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i think it looks better in person

and you honestly can't tell me that greensboro isn't one of the cleanest and resident friendly cities in this region. it's not just downtown - but especially downtown... its somewhere you can actually go and walk around and do stuff. no pawn shop, law office, or some fake ass 'ghetto' clothing store on every corner. and there are trees and shade!!1

and once you get out of downtown, theres all sorts of nice stuff as well

plenty of places to go in town for entertainment, plenty of places to eat, plenty of places to go within a 4-6 hour drive (what i would call a reasonable "weekend" road trip).

plenty of great businesses, and an airport that's a lot better than you'd think judging by size

i used to dislike it a lot, but now that i live a somewhat normal life, greensboro rocks.

oh yeah, another important thing, the police here are great

also, the battleground rail trail SHOULD be hooking into the center city greenway (pedestrian beltline around downtown) - and thats gonna be off da HOOK, yo. add that in with the depot on washington street, and you can get anywhere in town pretty easily. that kicks ass

8/6/2008 3:00:54 PM

All American
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yeah, a good friend of mine recently moved there

i went on a thursday night and was extremely impressed with how nice everything was/how much there was to do

definitely not deserving of a shitty reputation

8/6/2008 3:12:56 PM

Bee Hugger
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where are all the homeboys that are usually hanging out under that bridge?

I agree with everything jackleg said, especially this:
Quote :
"oh yeah, another important thing, the police here are great"

Cops here pretty much leave you the hell alone, and the downtown cops that ride the bikes are actually really cool as hell to talk to while barhopping

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 3:17 PM. Reason : a]

8/6/2008 3:14:37 PM

All American
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gso is a great place to raise a family. if you are a young prof. then look somewhere else.

it's also designated as a federally protected retirement community, as there are retirement homes all over the place now.

in the past, the downtown are hasn't gotten much funding for improvements since the local government decided in their infinite wisdom to use that money for corrupt housing projects, but it's been better as of late. melvin 'skip' alston anyone? that guy has made himself quite wealthy by using the city of gso as his piggy bank. he's also the biggest loudmouth and the first to call racism whenever something doesn't go his way.

very clean, lower taxes and rates, great public utilities (automated trash AND recycling pickup), FREE yard waste removal, timely road repairs (not I-40), better tasting tap water, good response time by police, etc...

in comparison, durham county SUCKS.

8/6/2008 3:15:00 PM

Bee Hugger
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You guys should check out the Civil Rights Museum. At the rate it's going, it should be finished by 2012

8/6/2008 3:18:27 PM

All American
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nah man, they are short on money b/c of the 5 bmw's they had to buy for skip alston.

they'll get more money though, unless the donors are racist.

8/6/2008 3:20:30 PM

All American
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also elm street is gonna be even cooler

but i cant wait until the greenways are done, the old railroad runs right through my neighborhood and it will be awesome to be able to ride a bike or walk to 10000 places without seeing a car. hell, even for out of town stuff. i really like the idea of the greenway connecting with the bus/train depot.... i may never drive again!

btw - my cousin won the primary and will be running for county commissioner in the election. its gonna be really cool, he's the man. but i guess i shouldn't give my opinion on any individuals. not that i think i'm important, i'd just hate to see them try to use it to mess with him somehow. campaign strategists dig up "dirt" from the craziest places sometimes

8/6/2008 3:21:36 PM

Bee Hugger
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well at least you can go by there and look at the pictures of what it's supposed to look like

they should have left it Woolworth

8/6/2008 3:28:21 PM

All American
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btw, Seotaji, i take it you watch channel... 13? the government channel? i love watching that shit. the police academy graduation was on the other weekend.. good stuff

but definitely the county commission meetings are quite possibly the funniest shit i have ever seen in my life. i'm gonna make a comment here, and i want people to know that i understand that the government IS reality

but those meetings seem like some terrible reality tv show that you can't help but watch its like C-SPAN meets the jerry springer show

8/6/2008 3:28:47 PM

Bee Hugger
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yo jackleg, do you remember taking the "greensboro historical tours" in middle school?

8/6/2008 3:41:18 PM

All American
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i'm assuming its a greensboro school thing

i only went to school in greensboro until sometime in 4th grade. family moved to THE QUAY and i went to fuller. i went to fuquay for middle school. no education there

8/6/2008 4:46:13 PM

49741 Posts
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home sweet home

8/6/2008 4:46:46 PM

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