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NOROVIRUS, WEDDING RECEPTION - UNITED STATES: (MINNESOTA) *********************************************** A ProMED-mail post <> ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <>
Date: Thu 7 Aug 2008 Source: Post-Bulletin Rochester MN online [edited] <>
More than 20 people at a Rochester wedding reception got sick after eating chips Friday night [1 Aug 2008] that were contaminated with norovirus, possibly from fecal matter. "Initial reports came through from a member of the wedding party itself, indicating ... a number of people being ill," said Kari Etrheim, public information officer for Olmsted County Public Health.
The illness spread after an infected guest grabbed handfuls of chips at the reception hall, Etrheim said. "Most likely, the chips were contaminated from someone in the party," epidemiologist Larry Edmonson said. The chips were "statistically implicated," he said.
"Noroviruses spread primarily through consumption of food or water contaminated by fecal matter or through close contact with infected people," says Anyone who ate chips before the infected guest escaped unscathed. But those who ate them afterward unknowingly risked illness.
Norovirus usually causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting within 24 to 48 hours of exposure, says the Mayo Web site. Symptoms last one to 5 days, and most people recover completely without treatment. "However, in some people -- especially infants, older adults and people with underlying disease -- vomiting and diarrhea can be severely dehydrating and require medical attention," the site says. The 1st call about the wedding reception at the Rochester Eagles Club was received at around 3:30 p.m. Monday [4 Aug 2008]. By 6 p.m., at least 8 public-health experts were investigating. "I think we conducted 74 interviews Monday evening; it's much easier when you're given a list of people who were there," Etrheim said. Symptoms of foodborne illness typically show up 36 to 48 hours after exposure, she said.
Because of quick response, cooperation and a contained outbreak, it's unlikely others will become ill, health officials said. It's a reminder of the value of a basic lesson school kids learn: wash your hands.
"Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands," Etrheim said. "If you're feeling ill, and if you've had diarrhea, we really ask people to refrain from cooking and helping with any food preparation activities for 3 days after the illness has subsided."
Norovirus [infection] is common, and symptoms usually resolve on their own, Etrheim said. "Go out there and wash your hands -- I feel like a broken record -- you've got to wash your hands thoroughly," Etrheim said. "It is our number-one defense." 8/8/2008 10:23:34 AM