Douche Bag Fcuk you 4865 Posts user info edit post |
Ok here's the deal.
I was friends with this girl in high school, we'll say "Jenn."
I've known her since the 10th grade and also know her family very well.
"Jenn" had an extremely hot and really cool, younger sister that her family adopted about a year earlier and really "loved her."
However, "Jenn" fucked up, she robbed a bank (she withdrew way more money than she really had in the bank) and ended up in prison and has been there 6 months, and will not be out for another 6 months. "Jenn" is now reportedly huge and could easily kick my ass.
Recently, Jenn's sister has told me that she doesn't want to see Jenn again, will never acknowledge her in the future, and has made it abundantly clear that she wants me to take her out. However, I feel guilty at the notion of "boinking" Jenn's sister from the back.
the juicy part (as if robbing the bank wasn't already) 1. I never really liked Jenn 2. I've wanted to cheat on her on 3 occasions, one of them being in my house with another girl I was dating at the time (but I never told the girl in question anything about it)
What would be the best thing to do?
[Edited on August 8, 2008 at 11:35 AM. Reason : ] 8/8/2008 11:33:53 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
you should ask a Douche Bag 8/8/2008 11:34:59 AM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |

8/8/2008 11:40:20 AM
Douche Bag Fcuk you 4865 Posts user info edit post |
bttt 8/8/2008 12:55:07 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
this thread title is a little odd 8/8/2008 12:55:49 PM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
these are the best kinds of parodies but this one is poorly executed. 8/8/2008 12:56:03 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
lolxer 8/8/2008 1:49:14 PM
wethebest Suspended 1080 Posts user info edit post |
how do you withdraw more monay than you have in the bank 8/8/2008 2:03:01 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
you pay the fucking overdraft fees  8/8/2008 2:03:37 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
You enter in $300 at the ATM when you have $20. 8/8/2008 2:04:02 PM
dbmcknight All American 4030 Posts user info edit post |
*NOTE: I do not, in any way, endorse or condone bank robbery. 8/8/2008 2:23:09 PM
Mr Scrumples Suspended 61466 Posts user info edit post |
i thought you meant sister as in sorority sister
those bitches are all sluts anyway. and i woulda said definitely... 8/8/2008 2:25:37 PM
Douche Bag Fcuk you 4865 Posts user info edit post |
bttt 8/9/2008 1:35:48 PM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |

8/9/2008 1:36:09 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
oops, she fucked up. but seriously disowning a sister or brother is pretty messed up. and then wanting to date the sister's ex boyfriend after that is even worse. you don't have to like "jenn" and you may have wanted to cheat on her 3 times. but in just your story i'd rather date a ex-con that can crush me, than a somebody who would disrespect their blood like that. 8/9/2008 2:43:20 PM
Nitrocloud Arranging the blocks 3072 Posts user info edit post |
Should this happen, I want to have someone laminate Douche Bag's obituary for me. It would be really interesting to see if she would go back to prison just to kill you  8/9/2008 2:55:57 PM
EUSWALO All American 619 Posts user info edit post |

8/9/2008 3:04:22 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53289 Posts user info edit post |
hey dumbass. it's not her "blood." Bitch was adopted  8/9/2008 3:54:09 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
missed the adopted part. but family is still family. 8/9/2008 3:58:44 PM
afripino All American 11463 Posts user info edit post |
1. hit 2. quit 3. ..... 4. profit 8/9/2008 4:10:39 PM