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 Message Boards » » 5 best bands of all time? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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1. Led Zeppelin, hands down
2. CCR
3. Pink Floyd
4. Boston
5. STYX/Rush

and go!

8/9/2008 11:25:15 AM

All American
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8/9/2008 11:25:46 AM

All American
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1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3. Dyl


8/9/2008 11:26:53 AM

All American
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1) The Beatles
2) Led Zeppelin
3) Black Sabbath
4) Dylan
5) Hendrix

8/9/2008 11:26:59 AM

All American
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That wasn't a Bob Dylan reference.

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:27 AM. Reason : y'know, fwiw.]

8/9/2008 11:27:40 AM

All American
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i could see beatles. a valid point.

8/9/2008 11:27:44 AM

All American
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1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3. Dylan
4. Dylan
5. Dylan

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:28 AM. Reason : damn, you beat me]

8/9/2008 11:27:52 AM

All American
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8/9/2008 11:28:02 AM

All American
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^^^^ i know

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:29 AM. Reason : V okay i'm one of the biggest metal heads on here and theres know way you could think that. ]

8/9/2008 11:28:31 AM

All American
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8/9/2008 11:28:45 AM

All American
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Glen Miller:

Freddy Fleet and his Band With a Beat:

8/9/2008 11:28:53 AM

63151 Posts
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hot fiya

8/9/2008 11:28:55 AM

All American
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i'd put CCR and Pink Floyd in the top 10 but not the top 5. AC/DC as well. I think black sabbath has had a much larger influence on the rock/metal scene than AC/DC will ever have.

8/9/2008 11:31:39 AM

All American
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^i would agree, regarding black sabbath.

8/9/2008 11:32:25 AM

New Recruit
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motherfuckin p groove

8/9/2008 11:33:25 AM

All American
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i know alot of people don't like pink floyd. my uncle hates them. says they're a gimmick band. but i fucking love their music. so much musical talent.

and comfortably numb makes me want to bwn. its a good bwning song.

8/9/2008 11:33:39 AM

New Recruit
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how the fuck is pink floyd a gimmick band??

8/9/2008 11:35:20 AM

All American
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Queen is better than Led Zeppelin

8/9/2008 11:35:20 AM

All American
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I don't get pink floyd. Never could get into them.

queen has songs that are better than the majority of led zeppelin, but queen is in no way better than led zeppelin.

8/9/2008 11:35:26 AM

All American
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shit guys we forgot 1) NofX.

8/9/2008 11:38:40 AM

All American
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i cant really compare queen and led zepplin, i love them both. But queen is definitely under appreciated imo. His vocal melodies were PHENOMENAL and I love Brian May's guitar tone.

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:38 AM. Reason : ]

8/9/2008 11:38:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Queen is better than Led Zeppelin"

ngr plz, Queen cannot touch Led Zeppelin. I love Queen, they are effing awesome, but they don't come anywhere near Led Zeppelin. how many bands do you know that were only together for ~12 years, and still ~30 years later, almost every other song on a classic rock station is playing them? Led Zeppelin's impact in the rock genre of music cannot be matched, except for maybe the beatles.

and i have no idea how one would think floyd is a gimmick band. we battled that day.

8/9/2008 11:39:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But queen is definitely under appreciated imo. His vocal melodies were PHENOMENAL and I love Brian May's guitar tone."


8/9/2008 11:39:35 AM

All American
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yeah queen is way underappreciated and LZ is way bloated a bit out of proportion, but i still stick to my opinion.

the point is, queen would not be possible without LZ

8/9/2008 11:39:48 AM

All American
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alot of bands would not be possible without LZ.

8/9/2008 11:42:42 AM

All American
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and the majority of those bands would be possible without Queen.

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:43 AM. Reason : regardless of which band had commercial sucess first.]

8/9/2008 11:43:31 AM

All American
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Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd get my vote

8/9/2008 11:45:06 AM

All American
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what about red hot chilis? i feel they are somewhat of a new-age led zeppelin.

8/9/2008 11:45:23 AM

All American
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1) The Beatles
2) Led Zeppelin
3) Black Sabbath
4) Metallica
5) Iron Maiden

If we're talking influence in Rock, I guess, this is how I'd rate it.

To the OP and a few others how the fuck do you count Rush but not The Beatles

8/9/2008 11:47:18 AM

All American
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^ that would be my exact rock list. except that i'd want to fit Hendrix in there. but OP didn't specify genre

8/9/2008 11:48:47 AM

All American
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2-5 don't matter


8/9/2008 11:48:49 AM

All American
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i dont think rhcp are that influential. I mean I would say LZ and Queen are both guitar influences for myself (Queen moreso for me personally) but wouldnt even consider RHCP. And thats not to say I dont enjoy some of their early stuff, I just dont think they have done much worthy of being that influential.

8/9/2008 11:48:53 AM

All American
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Beach Boys

8/9/2008 11:49:50 AM

All American
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you don't have to be terribly influential to be good.

and why can't I compare Queen and Led Zeppelin? Everyone is using some arbitrary criteria in their head to determine who is better. Based on my arbitrary criteria Queen is a better band.

8/9/2008 11:50:47 AM

All American
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RHCP are still too young to be influential, imo. granted, they haven't done anything groundbreaking like most of the bands we have listed have done. hell, even the guitar playing in under the bridge was stolen from one mr. hendrix.

and i should have specified this as ROCK's best. one could include every type of music and this list would be much different.

...with LZ still at the top.

8/9/2008 11:51:16 AM

All American
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Led Zeppelin
The Ramones

8/9/2008 11:52:09 AM

All American
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LZ wouldn't exist without the beatles.

8/9/2008 11:52:47 AM

All American
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Well some dipshits that never made it out of the garage might be the best band of all time if you're talking about technical ability, or maybe just what you like -- but typically when people talk about the "best" bands of all time, they include multiple factors including the influence they had. In some cases the influence was so great you can't ignore it and have to include the band regardless of how you feel about them. If you hated The Beatles (not entirely sure how this would happen) you'd still have to include them seeing as how they made a zillion things that went #1 and you can't go a single day without hearing a Beatles song, cover, or rip off.

8/9/2008 11:53:02 AM

All American
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yea i have to agree with that. thats why im not even making a list. if youre saying best it cant just be my favorite bands and i think we've already covered the general generic list of 5 best bands pretty well. although i have to disagree about the last sentence for sure.

and RHCP have been around for like 25 years, thats not too young to be influential. Are you trying to say LZ hadnt influenced any bands by the mid 90s?? or that the beatles hadnt influenced anyone by the mid 80s??

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 12:01 PM. Reason : ]

8/9/2008 11:55:09 AM

All American
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i actually love the beatles, but i don't listen to them all that much, and didn't think about putting them up there. as far as influence, they win that hands-down.

8/9/2008 11:55:30 AM

All American
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the beatles made all the more (at the time) obscure rock accessible by the normal population.

8/9/2008 11:57:10 AM

All American
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im a lukewarm fan but i can appreciate their place in rock history for sure.

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:58 AM. Reason : ]

8/9/2008 11:58:13 AM

All American
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i really don't like their early pop-rock songs.

8/9/2008 11:59:59 AM

All American
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Well yeah, I don't think many people are huge fans of their early pop-rock stuff.

At least amongst people who consider themselves Beatles fans, I dunno. Not to say that shit wasn't retardedly popular

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 12:01 PM. Reason : .]

8/9/2008 12:00:37 PM

All American
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and if dylan counts as a band

and we're talking influence

then chuck berry should count

because without him, the piano is still the main instrument of rock 'n' roll

8/9/2008 12:01:12 PM

All American
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yeah fair enough but thought we were limited to talking about bands

8/9/2008 12:02:09 PM

All American
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not strictly influence.

8/9/2008 12:02:24 PM

All American
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its better to list by genre.

8/9/2008 12:02:42 PM

All American
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Not always because people over-subdivide genres to be quite honest.

8/9/2008 12:03:46 PM

All American
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nah, i like arguing with people who are just fans of different genres.

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 12:04 PM. Reason : you can't be on my list unless you use melotrons]

8/9/2008 12:03:52 PM

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