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Sink the Flagship
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I'm scheduled to take the LSAT on October 4th (sadly, the morning after my 22nd birthday) and I was wondering what LSAT prep course is the best to take? (powerscore, prep success, etc.) and whether to do the weekend or 8 week course. Also, I was wondering if you really got anything out of the courses or felt like studying on your own was better.

8/10/2008 2:29:13 PM

All American
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iiiii did not study. like at all. didn't crack a book. so yes i would probably recommend studying but i would study on your own vs. spending a lot of money for the course. if you're actually serious about studying then you will be fine on your own. but as far as courses i can't really help. i was enrolled in the kaplan course and didn't go once.

8/10/2008 3:39:27 PM

All American
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are you saying you paid the $1300 and never went?

8/10/2008 3:44:29 PM

All American
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Buy a Kaplan book with a practice test and other questions. Take the test and/or do the questions. If you don't do well, then take the class. If you do well, then just buy a couple more books and study on your own. Pretty simple.

I took the class, but didn't get much out of it because I didn't have time to do the homework and/or study. I had my most brutal semester at school and was working 40 hours a week plus 15 hours on an internship. I still did well and in hindsight didn't really need the class.

8/10/2008 4:02:42 PM

All American
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^^ that would be correct

8/10/2008 4:03:56 PM

All American
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sounds pretty stupid to me

8/10/2008 5:06:58 PM

All American
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well, clearly. but it was my money (not like my parents) so i wasted my own money but i don't really care i didn't want to be in the stupid class anyway.

8/10/2008 5:18:41 PM

135 Posts
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Studying doesn't really help for the LSAT. I didn't study and got a good score, all you have to do is not be a moron and you should do well.

8/10/2008 5:22:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you have to do is not be a moron and you should do well"

you make it sound so easy...

8/10/2008 5:22:55 PM

All American
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^^ what is "good"

i didn't really care about my score (only because i didn't and still don't really care about school). it wasn't fantastic. i mean it was good enough. i'm sure studying couldn't have hurt, though.

8/10/2008 5:25:02 PM

135 Posts
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Thing is it is that simple. I hate the fact that people who don't deserve to go to college or law school or whatever can study for weeks or even months sometime for the entrance exams and get a good score just because they don't have better stuff to do. Too bad they can't find some way to test you with no prior knowledge of the exam so no one can study for it.

8/10/2008 5:25:59 PM

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^^ 165 Not great but good enough to get into most schools not in the top 10%

8/10/2008 5:27:16 PM

All American
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i'm confused. so people that study and do well on entrance exams don't deserve to go to college because they studied and did well??

i think the argument you meant to make was that people who cannot afford to take the $1000 + classes are at a disadvantage over people who can afford to take the classes and hire private tutors and pay to take the standardized tests multiple times until they finally do well. $$$ is an issue with standardized tests.

8/10/2008 5:30:37 PM

Sink the Flagship
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okay? so take the prep or not?

8/10/2008 7:59:47 PM

All American
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Just mirror the study habits you had in high school and college. My friend goes to law school at UPitt and has never had to study a damned thing.

8/10/2008 8:02:54 PM

50085 Posts
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I took Princeton Review and I thought it helped me a lot... ended up improving my score 10 pts from what I pre tested at... got a 165 (avg)...

[Edited on August 10, 2008 at 8:55 PM. Reason : ^ just go ahead and ignore that advice...]

8/10/2008 8:52:39 PM

All American
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in retrospect, i should have studied

but nothing i can do about it now. sigh.

8/10/2008 8:54:18 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » LSAT Question Page [1]  
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