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All American
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have you ever had the 24 hour flu?

i wasnt feeling great or anything yesterday morning, but i did feel a little weak. by 11 i was flashing hot and cold and thought i was gonna pass out. i left, and stopped on the way home to grab a pack of smokes. ended up walking straight into a parked car.

then i went to the house and laid on the couch and threw up all day long. tried to take a shower and ended up in the floor of the shower with no energy to get up.

took some benadryl and got to sleep around 5pm. woke up a couple times to throw up again. then woke up at 5 this morning feeling really hungry. had a couple grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and some bubble soda and by 6 i felt fine

it was the craziest thing ever, i thought the 24 hour flu was not a real thing

8/12/2008 11:03:52 AM

19447 Posts
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Yeah, that sounds about right.

8/12/2008 11:04:40 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i've had it a few times

it's crazy because the cycle from fine to start-diggin-my-grave sick back to normal is so damn fast

i'd rather have it than the week long flu i had last semester

8/12/2008 11:06:05 AM

147487 Posts
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drink some tussin

8/12/2008 11:10:24 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"it's crazy because the cycle from fine to start-diggin-my-grave sick back to normal is so damn fast

i'd rather have it than the week long flu i had last semester"

yeah, mine was about 18 hours.. and i was totally worthless. but i'd still rather have a normal week long flu than that.

i've never been so sick that it fucked with my motor skills. for a minute there i thought i might have some crazy infection in my brain or something.

guess it was something i ate

8/12/2008 11:23:04 AM

balls deep
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I've had it before

I was like 'I wonder why it's called it the 24 hour flu?'

then a day later...


8/12/2008 11:23:47 AM

All American
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Yeah $ Leg, drink some robotrip tussin with dextromethorphan. That will curb the flu.

I bet a lot of people in here have had the flu and can give you advice y0. I know for me the robotrip tussin works wonders.

8/12/2008 11:23:50 AM

Art Vandelay
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it's hell for part of a day

8/12/2008 11:24:14 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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nah man, that week-long shit sucks

after like day 5 or 6 i just got so damn frustrated with being sick.

but yeah, not being able to walk and stand up correctly would suck. mine never got that bad. i was weak, but not falling down or anything.

[Edited on August 12, 2008 at 11:29 AM. Reason : no medicine really helped me. i never take a lot of medicine for colds and stuff anyway.]

8/12/2008 11:28:57 AM

All American
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24 hour flu = hungover as shit / best excuse to call in sick to work

8/12/2008 11:30:40 AM

All American
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the only medicine i tried was 2 benadryl at about 1230. i figured if it was an allergy that might help, or if nothing else, it might help me sleep.

but yeah i definitely would have called an ambulance this morning if i still felt the same way. i was so worried that i had some sort of brain tumor or something coming on.

i mean walking into a parked car, at a pretty fast speed. and the car had a sun shade in the front window, it wasnt like it just showed up all of a sudden

^ i didnt need an excuse, when you suddenly start pouring sweat the people around you start to encourage you to take the day off... and if hangovers were THAT bad, people wouldnt drink. haha

8/12/2008 11:35:52 AM

All American
25459 Posts
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Dude, that is scary. What if you do have a brain tumor and it's fucking with your shyte? You should take the robotrip tussin.....

8/12/2008 11:47:11 AM

32613 Posts
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8/12/2008 11:47:27 AM

All American
18902 Posts
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I had the week long flu last semester. The first night I was trying to cook supper for my roommates. My eyes wouldn't stop acting weird, by throat was crappy, I was hot/cold-flashing. Then my roommate told me to take some Zicam before bed. I watched something about bats after I took it. Then I went to bed and halucinated bats in my room all night. I was seriously swatting at them and crying because I knew it wasn't real, but I just wanted to go to sleep. So, I stayed in the bed all day, then called my parents to come meet me on the highway when they got home from work. They gave me the "you shouldn't be driving" speech, but I got them to both come so one could drive my car home. It sucked.

Glad you're feeling better today, jackleg!

[Edited on August 12, 2008 at 11:56 AM. Reason : ]

8/12/2008 11:56:01 AM

All American
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thanks bethalol

Quote :
"What if you do have a brain tumor and it's fucking with your shyte?"

hahaha then that would really suck. i do know a guy who had a brain tumor. and the symptoms started presenting on the night after his wedding. he was flying out of RDU the next day and they lived in gboro, so i told them to come stay with me (i lived in cary at the time) the night before to hang out and save having to get up so early

suddenly he got a headache and had to go get excedrin. then the whole time they were gone he felt really sick to his stomach and etc. then got back a week later and ended up in surgery about 2 days after that

so that shit can come on quick, i'm definitely gonna get it checked out if i start to feel weird again. but i never had a headache

8/12/2008 12:10:26 PM

45208 Posts
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I know I'm completely exhausted right now, but I feel like I could be coming down with something!

My voice is gone, but it hurts to try to talk unlike when I normally just go hoarse SAD

The flu sucks!! I had a good 2 week version of it in March, and I'm allergic to over the counter cold meds. I just had to wait it out and that was no fun.

8/12/2008 12:36:44 PM

All American
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Think I had the same thing on monday. First time I puked since middle school or so (I never puke, it's the best thing ever until I actually DO have to puke and it takes my body forever to get around to it and then it's really ugly). It was not good, but today is a much better day.

8/12/2008 12:46:01 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » the 24 hour flu Page [1]  
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