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All American
15134 Posts
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how do you view your spouse? do you sometimes wonder if you could have done better or had better options? or is this person like your new best bud for life and you'd never want to be away from them ...

i'm just trying to figure the level of craziness about someone before you know SHE/HE is the ONE.

8/14/2008 9:18:11 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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see: divorce

8/14/2008 9:19:27 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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just do what you did last time

8/14/2008 9:26:50 AM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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there is something there that will let you know if your person is the one. He is my best friend and I will prob become a lesbian if he is not longer in the picture because no other guy can live up to his greatness.

8/14/2008 9:35:42 AM

All American
14393 Posts
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That's really something, good for you too. (No sarcasm)

8/14/2008 9:36:35 AM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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Quote :
"I will prob become a lesbian if he is not longer in the picture because no other guy can live up to his greatness."

my girlfriend has said that exact statement.


8/14/2008 9:38:32 AM

All American
2496 Posts
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I love him more everyday. Sure, sometimes he needs to shut the fuck up. But he makes me want to be a better a person. I can't imagine waking up to someone eles everyday. I know his body more than he knows it. Bringing him pleasure pleases me. I had no other options. He was the ONLY option.

8/14/2008 9:39:27 AM

All American
5503 Posts
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We are best buds for life , but you have time together and time apart. If you find someone you can't stand to be without it's not going to be a good situation b/c either they're not going to want to be around you 24/7 and you'll feel some touchy-feely bullshit emotion or they'll feel the same way and you'll be okay at first but then just argue a lot later.

8/14/2008 9:44:39 AM

All American
7528 Posts
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^^ are you answering the question hypothetically or was that 7 page thread the other day all bullshit?

8/14/2008 9:47:02 AM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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I was wondering the same thing. Did you just type a page out of a romance novel or something?

8/14/2008 9:50:12 AM

All American
2496 Posts
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^ I'm married to jesus...

8/14/2008 9:51:01 AM

All American
929 Posts
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If you're totally crazy about someone, that may not be a good thing. It may be more of an infatuation than true love. If you can't see the flaws and shortcomings through your "love goggles," you may be in for a let-down sometime down the road.

If you do recognize that she is a human being with imperfections, make sure you're OK to live with those traits as they are. NEVER, EVER get into a relationship with someone thinking that you can change her. The negative traits will likely only continue, you will alienate your mate by nagging her to change, and she will resent you.

Make sure all your emotional and communication needs are met by this person. If she can't tell you honestly what she's feeling or needing, if she's too clingy and needy, or too distant and unexpressive, that can be distressing.

My wife is my best friend with whom I can talk about anything and everything, and I also get to diddle her! She loves me and accepts me for who I am. She learned from her previous 1.5-year marriage not to try to change anything about me.

8/14/2008 9:52:44 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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crackmonkey exposed!

8/14/2008 9:52:58 AM

All American
12297 Posts
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Tyler Perry presents...

8/14/2008 9:53:45 AM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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Quote :
"I also get to diddle her! "

8/14/2008 9:54:47 AM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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good for you then. My friend Camille is married to him as well. He gets around from what I hear...

8/14/2008 9:55:20 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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lol at all these serious responses

8/14/2008 9:56:09 AM

21958 Posts
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This sounds a little unromantic, but we just could not stay broken up. We are two extremely different people with different ideals, goals, and needs and it makes our relationship difficult. We both kept coming to the conclusion that we probably weren't right for one another. But every time we tried to go our separate ways, we were unable to give up the friendship and that would lead us back to dating every time. We eventually just gave up trying to go our separate ways and work through the differences.

Neither of us believe that there is one right person out there, it is just a matter of finding someone that you are willing to make it work with. I feel like Josh is worth the effort and he feels the same way about me.

8/14/2008 9:57:20 AM

147487 Posts
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i wouldnt mind being like that gene simmons guy and have one serious gf and then have other chicks on the side...he seems happy with it

8/14/2008 9:58:21 AM


15145 Posts
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as long as you're both delusional like most posters in this thread, you're golden.

8/14/2008 9:58:22 AM

Shitter Pilot
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8/14/2008 10:01:37 AM

All American
2496 Posts
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ha... that little kid is awesome.

I know that my dad has cheated on my mom. This is the way it was explained to me.
He loves my mom. he doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone but her. But every now and then, he needs to get a little on the side. The side ass has nothing to do mom. He respects her and loves her.....but every so often he strays

8/14/2008 10:05:33 AM

All American
7528 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm married to jesus..."

Quote :
"Sure, sometimes he needs to shut the fuck up."

Quote :
"I know his body more than he knows it."

That's some blasphemous shit right thurrr.

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 10:07 AM. Reason : ^ I think that explains it all]

8/14/2008 10:06:21 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"This sounds a little unromantic, but we just could not stay broken up. We are two extremely different people with different ideals, goals, and needs and it makes our relationship difficult. We both kept coming to the conclusion that we probably weren't right for one another. But every time we tried to go our separate ways, we were unable to give up the friendship and that would lead us back to dating every time. We eventually just gave up trying to go our separate ways and work through the differences.

Neither of us believe that there is one right person out there, it is just a matter of finding someone that you are willing to make it work with. I feel like Josh is worth the effort and he feels the same way about me."

Wow... that totally describes my situation as well... 100%!

8/14/2008 10:11:08 AM

All American
4116 Posts
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if you have to come to an internet message board to determine if they are "the one", then they are not the one...

dont get married unless you're 110% sure.. divorce isnt worth it

8/14/2008 10:17:58 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"Neither of us believe that there is one right person out there, it is just a matter of finding someone that you are willing to make it work with. I feel like Josh is worth the effort and he feels the same way about me.

this actually sounds kinda twisted. its like your saying you and your guy are complete fckups and incapable of being loved because "we can only deal with our level of fuckedup'edness and so therefore we're a couple"

8/14/2008 11:03:26 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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and you're not fucked up?

8/14/2008 11:04:30 AM

All American
10003 Posts
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My wife and I are almost inseperable. We were best friends before we "hooked" up. While we were dating each other, we realized we had so many similar aspirations and desires. We are able to supply each other's demands without much effort (stress), like two puzzle peices that fit naturally. She's the only person I can fully open up to and visa versa. We don't judge each other, no matter what. It really just doesn't matter to us and somehow we see past each other's flaws. Once you can embrace that other person for who they really are, flaws and all, you fall in love (imo). It's not a matter of "can I put up with flaw x" or "how long can I put up with it" as it is "does it bother me?" She's my best friend, my lover, my dream, and my life. It's not always perfect, but we still don't lose sight that we still love each other, trust each other, and don't want it any way without each other.

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 11:15 AM. Reason : .]

8/14/2008 11:14:58 AM

All American
22489 Posts
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This is the worst thread I've ever seen. Look at all these pathetic, sappy responses. I'm never getting married.

8/14/2008 11:26:12 AM

All American
28213 Posts
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You will argue a lot but hey, thats what makes it fun.

8/14/2008 11:28:50 AM

All American
10003 Posts
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^Hell yea. We're still working on the "lets have sex while we are so pissed off at each other..." I'd imagine that'd be some hardcore sex and be an AWESOME way to let out some "steam."

If you expect to live longer than your spouse-to-be, that's a good thing. It's like an investment; you cash in when they croak

8/14/2008 11:38:10 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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make up sex is always the best.

8/14/2008 11:41:44 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Quote :
"We are best buds for life , but you have time together and time apart."

Sounds good. My boyfriend and I need time apart after a while. Just a couple hours will do it, but I like to be completely alone sometimes and need it for my sanity. Thankfully he is the same way.

8/14/2008 11:45:09 AM

All American
2496 Posts
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I hate you 'happy' people. In my 22 years I've NEVER had a good relationship with a boy. I'm either destinted to be alone or be a lesbian.

I kissed a girl the other night.... sweet, sensual... but I can't get into the whole vagina licking. I'll be a lesbo without that part.

8/14/2008 11:46:31 AM

All American
3526 Posts
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Quote :
"I hate you 'happy' people. In my 22 years I've NEVER had a good relationship with a boy. I'm either destinted to be alone or be a lesbian."

Might have something to do with leading guys on and then not putting out?

8/14/2008 11:47:49 AM

All American
49373 Posts
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Quote :
"I like to be completely alone sometimes and need it for my sanity. "

you should spend a LOT more time by yourself

8/14/2008 11:48:12 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason : cheat?]

8/14/2008 11:48:41 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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just have a really nice shop behind your house where you can escape. this will relieve a lot of marital tensions.

8/14/2008 11:50:45 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"I hate you 'happy' people. In my 22 years I've NEVER had a good relationship with a boy. I'm either destinted to be alone or be a lesbian.""

that's because you look SCARY, at least in the pics in your gallery.

8/14/2008 11:54:20 AM

All American
2496 Posts
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who wants to marry me? we can have all the sex you want. and I won't feel guilty and like a slut. I can cook and clean. We can make it work.

8/14/2008 11:54:37 AM

All American
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Quote :

Nah, no need to cheat in my alone time when I could get some extra during the us time.

8/14/2008 12:02:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"who wants to marry me? we can have all the sex you want. and I won't feel guilty and like a slut. I can cook and clean. We can make it work."

You don't sound like one of the virgin freak types, sorry.

I can just imagine a myspace post "He wanted to put it WHERE!?!"

8/14/2008 12:03:41 PM

Shitter Pilot
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I just have awful morals

8/14/2008 12:04:18 PM

All American
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Nah, you just need to find the right girl.

I had a roommate, said you know you've found the right one when you don't have any desire to cheat on them. If someone doesn't fill your needs then it's not going to work out, only difference is if you break it off then or let the relationships overlap.

8/14/2008 12:08:59 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"We don't judge each other, no matter what. "

hahahaha, yeah right

8/14/2008 12:19:23 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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I feel sorry for whomever I deem right to pop the question to. My dad's on his 4th and my mom's on her 3rd.

8/14/2008 12:20:48 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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^ damn thats fcked up. my problem is i'm thinking about cashing in and marrying a more religious chick. i think it'll keep me committed. especially if the sex is good and isn't into the having kids thing.

8/14/2008 3:03:03 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Quote :
"Did you just type a page out of a romance novel or something?"

8/14/2008 3:04:47 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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Time alone is great, she went shopping last night and out with the girls to mexican night, lovin it.

8/14/2008 3:06:25 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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^ That's what I'm talking about. Could NEVER be with one of those people that's afraid I'm gonna cheat every time I go out for a couple hours without them.

Quote :
"^ damn thats fcked up. my problem is i'm thinking about cashing in and marrying a more religious chick. i think it'll keep me committed. especially if the sex is good and isn't into the having kids thing."

Nope, the more religious chick will expect complete commitment WITHOUT the sex.

[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : ...]

8/14/2008 3:26:32 PM

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