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 Message Boards » » I need to murder a dog Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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My mother's dog has bitten me 5 times!! Twice on my arm, once on the back of my thigh and 2 times on my leg! My mom refuses to get rid of the little beast. She says that she "would rather get rid of me than her baby." Hello wtf am I??? I came out of your vagina!! You are picking a dog over your flesh and blood!!! I don't know what to do! I demand that whenever I am in the house her little demon must be locked up in his cage or in her room. But people get careless and he escapes. I woke up the other day and he was in my room. I was sooo scared. I thought he'd jump on my bed and attack my face!
I live in fear. I think I have to kill him. I'd try to lead him away from the house but he tries to attack me everytime. I don't know how to kill a dog... for my saftey and sanity I think it's necessary.
I've put ant spray in his food and that doesn't do anything... any ideas???

8/17/2008 11:32:36 AM

32613 Posts
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He knows youre afraid. Bring a belt with you and start swinging.

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:33 AM. Reason : e]

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:34 AM. Reason : (or give him some antifreeze)]

8/17/2008 11:33:39 AM

Zinc Saucier
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8/17/2008 11:34:04 AM

All American
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this is why we cant have nice things in here

8/17/2008 11:34:40 AM

Tom Joad
72868 Posts
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if you go to the doctor, they can document it and report the dog to animal control

8/17/2008 11:34:57 AM

12921 Posts
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Quote :
"I've put ant spray in his food and that doesn't do anything"


8/17/2008 11:36:11 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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rat poison, but that's kinda slow and painful. causes kidney failure.

just show that little bitch who's boss

8/17/2008 11:36:40 AM

All American
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the bites aren't bad enough for me to go to the doctor. They've all broken through the skin and bled but I just slap on some neosporin and a band-aid.

8/17/2008 11:38:32 AM

All American
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its pretty simple really, chain him to a mail box and ask your friends to drive by the house.

or ask a friend to put it in the back of a van with all the doors open and tell them to drive erraticly(sp)

put poison in his food,
buy a shot gun and take him out in the county and end his life.

what have you done to make this dog do this, did you tease it some how, did you kick at it. im no vet. but i have heard of dogs just hating at poeple and doing this

8/17/2008 11:40:37 AM

All American
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Keep your door locked at night, at least.

When he does come at you with a full-body attack, one thing that I've always found that works is to put your knee into his ribcage - it throws the dog off balance and he'll just flop back. Always keep an air of confidence and aggression around you when you're near him, and when he starts to growl and become dominant, use body language and facial expression to show him you're the boss.

Don't be afraid to pop him one when he starts acting up, or it will progress to the point you're describing. It's only gotten to that point because he sees himself as the alpha male.

8/17/2008 11:41:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"But people get careless and he escapes"

They're not getting careless.

8/17/2008 11:41:29 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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what kind of dog is it?

8/17/2008 11:42:01 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"It's only gotten to that point because he sees himself as the alpha male."

yep.. i wasn't kidding about the beating his ass thing.. not saying to hurt him permanetly or anything but yeah, you being afraid of him is why he's like that though

8/17/2008 11:43:42 AM

All American
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Where's that monkey? I want to shoot SOMETHING.

8/17/2008 11:44:26 AM

Bee Hugger
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and i hope you were kidding about spraying ant spray in his food

8/17/2008 11:44:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"what have you done to make this dog do this, did you tease it some how, did you kick at it. im no vet. but i have heard of dogs just hating at poeple and doing this"

I moved back home after school to save money. One day shortly after my return, my sister and I started arguing loudly... the little shit didn't like the sound of my voice so he jumped up and bit the back of my thigh.
My mom claims he bit me because I was new, foreign to him and wanted to protect my sister....idk... I'm the only one that gets treated like this... noone seems to give a fuck in my house. I had nice legs before I moved home. Now I have scars.

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason : ...]

8/17/2008 11:44:50 AM

All American
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How big is it?Ccan you kick it into a wall? You don't need to kill him. Just slap him around some.

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM. Reason : pic]

8/17/2008 11:45:10 AM

All American
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Cesar will show him

8/17/2008 11:47:21 AM

All American
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he looks like this, except he's brown all over...

he's a little beast. Don't let the sweet eyes and tiny size fool you.

8/17/2008 11:55:19 AM

All American
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It's going to cost $5k.

Meet me at the restaurant at 3pm.

8/17/2008 11:57:17 AM

Bee Hugger
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yeah, those dogs are little shits. very territorial and protective. basically he views you as a stranger in HIS house. you just gotta show him who's boss, but definitely don't kill him.

8/17/2008 11:57:45 AM

All American
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if you catch him in your room again, throw your sheets over him and beat the crap out of him.

8/17/2008 11:58:17 AM

All American
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8/17/2008 11:59:22 AM

All American
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piss in his cage to mark his territory as yours.

8/17/2008 12:00:06 PM

All American
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you need a slip collar leash and a fly swatter. wear that ass out and dont stop. then piss on it for good measure. its a dominance thing.

8/17/2008 12:00:32 PM

All American
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Yeah, I like this idea of pissing on the dog and the dog's things. Can we piss in the dog's mouth too? It's a fetish of mine....

8/17/2008 12:02:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if you catch him in your room again, throw your sheets over him and stuff him into the freezer/oven/microwave/dishwasher/washing machine/tumble dryer/etc"

8/17/2008 12:03:25 PM

18598 Posts
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slap the F out of it

if you want him to cower at the sound of your voice, you can work it up to that point too

8/17/2008 12:04:10 PM

All American
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ppee in his cage?? kinda gross.... I can't leave laundry on the floor in my room, somehow he gets in and pees on my clothes, clean or dirty... it pisses me off... so maybe I will pee on him... lol..ahha

8/17/2008 12:04:59 PM

All American
6428 Posts
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for need to dominate him...
seek him out and growl and go after him. you are big enough to manhandle him. grab his legs, flip him on his back and put your weight down on him to make him stay. He may struggle but stay there until he gives up. yell and grown at him until he submits. the key to this is his realization that you are bigger and stronger and you win.
I had to do this with a 90lb dog and now she's my little bitch... so i think you can handle a little dog.

fyi, this could be a daily thing until he finally realizes his place...

signed, *the dog whisperer*

8/17/2008 12:06:00 PM

All American
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after looking at that dog......................
carl face

looks like hes just protecting his territory

8/17/2008 12:07:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it pisses me off... so maybe I will pee on him... lol..ahha"

Exactly. What better way of saying "fuck you" is there?

8/17/2008 12:11:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I can't leave laundry on the floor in my room, somehow he gets in and pees on my clothes, clean or dirty"

Oh for sure you have to piss on/in his territory. He's marking you as his bitch.

8/17/2008 12:12:21 PM

All American
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Remember to get pictures of you peeing on the dog.

8/17/2008 12:13:45 PM

All American
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all this sounds great. I'd love to bitch slap him... and pound his head into the cement... but I don't want to get close to him. He has these sharp little teeth that cut through your skin instantly.... No one in my house wil help me punish him. If someone held him, I beat the shit out of him and then go pee on his blanket. lol

8/17/2008 12:16:30 PM

All American
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I have gloves you can use.

8/17/2008 12:17:02 PM

32613 Posts
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sounds like a need for a set of balls actually

8/17/2008 12:20:27 PM

22518 Posts
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just kick him when he gets near you

8/17/2008 12:20:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"sounds like a need for a set of balls actually


yes I know. I don't like getting physically violent with people or creatures. It's not in my nature that's why when this dog attacked me, I ran. I don't fight or hit.

8/17/2008 12:29:43 PM

32613 Posts
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watch a few episodes of dog whisperer

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 12:32 PM. Reason : r]

8/17/2008 12:31:56 PM

All American
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Oh, here you come with REAL responses. Get that shit out of here son, we don't need real responses in here.

8/17/2008 12:40:23 PM

All American
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at first i thought this would be about a pitbull

8/17/2008 12:45:32 PM

32613 Posts
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shit, dog whisperer can get pretty rough with dogs like that.. figured it make her believe she really does need to beat that dogs ass

running from it was the worst thing you could possibly do

8/17/2008 12:50:02 PM

All American
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Yeah, cesssthar is helpful.

8/17/2008 12:51:09 PM

32613 Posts
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ssssssssssssssst *poke in the neck*


8/17/2008 12:52:13 PM

All American
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Yeah, he corrects the shit out of some dogs.

8/17/2008 12:54:23 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd love to bitch slap him... and pound his head into the cement..."

Quote :
"If someone held him, I beat the shit out of him"

Quote :
"I don't like getting physically violent with people or creatures. It's not in my nature that's why when this dog attacked me, I ran. I don't fight or hit."

does not compute

8/17/2008 1:12:40 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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haha busted

8/17/2008 1:39:42 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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quit acting like a bitch

8/17/2008 1:39:54 PM

All American
2668 Posts
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quit acting like a bitch.

go eat some ant spray!

Quote :
"Hello wtf am I???"
A human who can't compute how to control/outsmart/manipulate a canine. MUST SMASH,, GRARHAR

8/17/2008 1:46:17 PM

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