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 Message Boards » » I just ninja'd my girlfriend's . . . Page [1]  
All American
11811 Posts
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. . .leftover chicken fingers.

Now the trick is going to be to see if she finds out first via TWW or if she checks the fridge and finds them absent. Either way I am probably toast.

8/18/2008 12:26:41 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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oooh, that's fucked up

8/18/2008 12:27:28 AM

All American
16764 Posts
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just tell her it was part of a social experiment...

8/18/2008 12:28:02 AM

All American
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In my defense there were only two and a half left in conjunction with my remaining half of a Bojangle's chicken sandwich from lunch. So it's doubtful that she would have attempted to make a meal out of them but then again she is pretty petite and eats mouse-like portions. Yeah, I'm hosed.

8/18/2008 12:38:27 AM

All American
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if its left in there after two meals its anybodys game

8/18/2008 12:42:32 AM

All American
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This is the ONLY advantage to my boyfriend's hatred of leftovers. I know anything I leave in the fridge will stay there.

8/18/2008 12:45:23 AM

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8/18/2008 1:07:06 AM

All American
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8/18/2008 1:09:51 AM

All American
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^it appears so

ill eat that shit

8/18/2008 1:13:23 AM

All American
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why do they call them "Chicken Fingers"? If chicken's really had fingers... the human race would be fucked, specially if one of them was a thumb...

8/18/2008 2:08:42 AM

All American
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lol, from now on whenever I see a short chicken finger I'm gonna call it a thumb.

8/18/2008 2:13:12 AM

All American
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You ninja'd that epic drop she was drooling over

dont lie


8/18/2008 2:34:04 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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i fucking love using the word "ninja'd"

patty's gonna pwn u, dude


Quote :

[Edited on August 18, 2008 at 2:36 AM. Reason : ...]

8/18/2008 2:35:59 AM

All American
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I will tell her that kitty ate them. That is a flawless plan for sure. I can't blame it on the puppy because she is still at the grandparents' house.

8/18/2008 3:02:29 AM

All American
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Survey says:

She totally saw the empty container on the counter this morning before she left for work. And, yes, it was allocated to be her lunch.

8/18/2008 12:17:12 PM

Mr. Hand
All American
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The cat learned how to open the fridge. You just picked up the box off the floor.

8/18/2008 12:27:08 PM

All American
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Yes... yes that is exactly what happened.

8/18/2008 12:30:43 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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mouse like portions? she should be eating baby food then.

8/18/2008 12:31:24 PM

All American
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If you do this too often she's gonna start injecting them with super fucking hot sauce and otherwise fucking with you.

8/18/2008 12:39:20 PM

All American
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She's going to secretly replace my good sweet tea with her nasty unsweet tea.

8/18/2008 12:52:08 PM

Art Vandelay
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mine nabbed my leftover general tso's in the fridge one night

8/18/2008 12:56:41 PM

35780 Posts
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its all part of the love game.

8/18/2008 12:59:06 PM

All American
10779 Posts
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only good thing about be married to a vegetarian is my food is still where i left it.

8/18/2008 1:30:58 PM

All American
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i've dated vegetarians, who aren't really vegetarians. ya dig? one or two pieces might be missing.

Quote :
"If you do this too often she's gonna start injecting them with super fucking hot sauce and otherwise fucking with you. "

no such thing.

8/18/2008 1:34:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"its all part of the love game."

Not so.

Only thing my boyfriend will voluntarily eat leftover is turkey breast and pizza.

I am allergic to pizza and like the dark meat better.

There are a few things that he'll eat if I'm heating some up for me anyway but I never have to worry about it disappearing.

Honestly, after learning the benefits of being with a picky eater I'm not sure I could love someone that ate my leftovers. Especially since I have food issues and can't get back at them by eating their leftovers.

[Edited on August 18, 2008 at 1:37 PM. Reason : ...]

8/18/2008 1:35:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"like the dark meat better. "

well then.

8/18/2008 2:14:08 PM

All American
4428 Posts
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I remember when I still lived at home before college, my mom went to Bojangles and got me a cheese biscuit, my dad a sausage biscuit, and herself a bacon and egg biscuit. She sat them on the table to go put her purse in the bedroom and came back and her biscuit, which had been on the bottom of the bag, was missing. Mine and my dad's biscuits were still there. About an hour later we found her biscuit paper in the dog's bed. There were no crumbs or anything, just the paper. To this day, my mom blames my dad for eating her biscuit and planting the evidence on the dog.

8/18/2008 2:14:46 PM

45208 Posts
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great story

that's for all of you

8/18/2008 2:19:11 PM

147487 Posts
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in on page 1

8/18/2008 2:20:21 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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my husband will eat anything in the house. it's all fair game and he assumes it's all for him. this is why i don't keep fatty foods in the house.

8/18/2008 2:23:47 PM

1013 Posts
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at 'ninja'd'

8/18/2008 2:32:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"my husband will eat anything in the house. it's all fair game and he assumes it's all for him. this is why i don't keep fatty foods in the house. "

That's why I was a fat kid.

If I didn't eat the stuff I liked as soon as it got through the door, it was gone the next day.

8/18/2008 2:39:24 PM

All American
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it doesn't matter if all i have is fruit in the house or ice cream or whatever...whatever it is, he'll eat it until it's gone.

so if i were to get a blueberry pie (for instance) on Sunday, we'd have a slice for dinner and i usually forget about it until around wed/thurs. too bad! it was gone by tues night.'s funny b/c my dad was the same way.

8/18/2008 2:46:58 PM

All American
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ninja'd? What, did you kick them?

8/18/2008 2:48:10 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Yes ninja'd.

You jive?

8/18/2008 3:42:52 PM

12921 Posts
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Quote :
"I am allergic to pizza"

holy crap

if I ever became allergic to pizza I think I'd seriously kill myself

8/18/2008 3:57:01 PM

All American
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8/18/2008 9:41:25 PM

All American
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Chalk one up for karma. I ninja'd the chica's chicken fingers Sunday night and sometime between then and Tuesday night someone nabbed my only remaining can of spagetti-o's at work which I was looking forward to when I got in and the nature of our job doesn't permit us to leave during our shift. Yay for going hungry 9 hours.

8/21/2008 2:22:20 AM

All American
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I went to an authentic ninja training camp in Japan year ago.

Because of that, I can sneak in and out of buildings and rooms without having the opposing force have their exclamation marks flash above their heads...

I'm skinny because we didn't have any fatty foods in the house. I'd go downstairs, look around and all I see are healthy foods, give up after 5 mins and go back upstairs watching tv or playing games. 30 mins later, I again get an urge to snack and the whole process repeats thinking I must have missed something. I'd probably do this a dozen times a night when I was younger. I still do this now, but mainly it's on my part for stocking my own fucking pantry... and who wants to go shopping? not I.

8/21/2008 2:28:16 AM

All American
16665 Posts
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trade her some sweet loving and t6 for chicken fingers, you know its worth it

8/21/2008 7:05:09 AM

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