Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
set in a hotel room.
5-10 minutes.
I will write the script and give you 20 dollars if the script is selected by these people i'm going to submit it to.
i'm starting on one right now but I will check back for more when i'm done.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 1:51 AM. Reason : ;] 8/19/2008 1:50:03 AM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
someone gets killed
$20 plz 8/19/2008 1:50:59 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
^sorry i wrote the script after seeing your idea but they didn't pick it, no $20 for you  8/19/2008 1:51:39 AM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
ok how about this
Adam Sandler falls in love with some chick in the hotel room
and then someone dies 8/19/2008 1:52:54 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
rob schneider is a stapler
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 1:54 AM. Reason : and it CAN be artsy/film student stupid bullshit-esque] 8/19/2008 1:54:01 AM
datman All American 4812 Posts user info edit post |
the werewolf women of the SS 8/19/2008 1:55:32 AM
hooksaw All American 16500 Posts user info edit post |
Make it topical: A couple (newlyweds?) discovers, say, an attack plot mistakenly left on a laptop and/or PDA and/or map by terrorists who previously occupied the hotel room. Before the couple can notify the authorities, the terrorists return for their property--and they must kill any witnesses.
Action and suspense ensue.
You're welcome, and you may PM me concerning my $20. 8/19/2008 1:59:38 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Once upon a time a prostitute was murdered in that room and now her soul tries to kill whoever spends the night there. 8/19/2008 2:01:13 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
think "The Dirtbike Kid" meets "Pi" you see what i'm getting at 8/19/2008 2:01:41 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
A couple fucks in a hotel room
just as the guy is about to splooge, he does the safe thing... he pulls out...
unfortunately, the sheets are stained with cum... MONSTER cum that finds its way into the vajayjay
so the monster jizz gets into an egg, and the girl begins feeling sickly.
the guy, thinking it's just the GHB he gave her, (because guys are assholes lets face it) just tells the girl to take it easy and have some water.
BAD IDEA because water just makes the process go faster, like feeding a mogwai after midnight.
so the guy goes to take a shower while the girl lays in the bed, breaking a sweat and expanding at the waistline. she see it happening, so she takes the morning-after pill (because chicks are sluts lets face it). this just pisses off the monster inside of her who's like "oh shit bitch trying to kill me"
so he bursts out of her stomach, looking like a wolf crossed with a lizard crossed with the toxic avenger and he's all like 'RAAAWRRR MOMMY WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL ME' and he smashes her head against the wall killing her, and it explodes like slamming spoons into gravy.
MEANWHILE the guy in the shower singing "never gonna dance again" but all of a sudden is like "wtf was that noise"
he exits, and the monster is like "wtf you're not my father"
and the guy is like "OR AM I?" and then we flash back to the father putting his monster seed in the sheets earlier that afternoon while screwing, and subsequently murdering, Pilar, the housekeeper from paraguay.
roll credits. 8/19/2008 2:01:48 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Theres these two girls right, and they have this cup...Oh wait, I think I already sold that story idea.  8/19/2008 2:01:59 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
also huge chance to impress the pro choice faggots by implying ect
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:03 AM. Reason : i could design said monster if asked] 8/19/2008 2:03:09 AM
hooksaw All American 16500 Posts user info edit post |
Sorry--just noticed the "horror" part. Okay, now they're vampire terrorists. 
^^^ I like that idea.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:04 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:03:11 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ ahahaha I would watch that movie.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:03 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:03:27 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
"like slamming spoons into gravy." 8/19/2008 2:04:42 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
I'm gonna try hooksaw's idea in the next few days.
I'm trying my damn'dest to figure out how to actually do dirtbike kid vs pi but i just cant right now  8/19/2008 2:08:13 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
you just passed up on gold, son. 8/19/2008 2:08:57 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
oh i'm gonna do that one too, i thought it was a given 
seriously though, now that i've actually read it, i'm going to make that movie this year at school if the place i'm submitting the script to rejects it if i get the permission of the original source's author.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:13 AM. Reason : fhsd] 8/19/2008 2:09:48 AM
themodernage Suspended 1339 Posts user info edit post |
you should cast john cusack as the main character and then call it 1408.
oh wait... 8/19/2008 2:16:07 AM
slingblade All American 12133 Posts user info edit post |
someone is sitting in a hotel room watching coverage of election results
obama wins
nation implodes 8/19/2008 2:16:20 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
^^yeah the hotel room requirement is lame. but requirements are requirements =\
it's a site that's going to have shorts centered around that theme/setting. I guess they'll try to release a dvd or something when they make enough
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:19 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:18:11 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
a few girls go to a hotel room at the end of the night because of their bachelorette party.
they are relaxing changing into pjs before bed
a knock is at the door and they are worried but one girl said she ordered pizza
after getting money they go to answer the door.
Its Esgargs who followed them all the way there and says: "Can we do lunch? K"
They are so freaked out they all fall over dead from heart attacks.
duh duh dunnnnnnnnnn........ the end
ok give me $20 8/19/2008 2:19:16 AM
hooksaw All American 16500 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ LOL--the scariest idea of them all! 
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:19 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:19:29 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
^^LMFAO 8/19/2008 2:22:07 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ Win
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:22 AM. Reason : ,] 8/19/2008 2:22:13 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ I'd watch that.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:23 AM. Reason : ] 8/19/2008 2:22:27 AM
themodernage Suspended 1339 Posts user info edit post |
ok ok fo real dis time... a bunch of hot chics with amazingly fit bodies are sitting in a hotel room using the free hotel wifi bullshit.
they are all posting on tww...
wait wait, now it's just not even believable. 8/19/2008 2:25:19 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
yay I win
you could replace Esgargs with Iphotou, Airbag, or drunknloaded. 8/19/2008 2:30:56 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to write one loosely based on ^'s. Names and places will be unfortunately be changed to protect those involved 
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:34 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:33:56 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
so does that mean i'll get like $10? 8/19/2008 2:34:55 AM
slingblade All American 12133 Posts user info edit post |
mine is scarier  8/19/2008 2:35:51 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
^^no i'll give you 20 if they pick it, as a penalty for my being lazy coming up with ideas if for nothing else.
^i'm not sure if this production group has the special effects capabilities for a nation implosion
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 2:38 AM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 2:36:48 AM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
If you want it to be realistic you could have the guy be a stripper that the friends paid for the bride to be and he ties her up for fun and then cuts her throat in front of everyone. or something like the real stripper comes to the door but its too late. and right before any of this happen you could have them flipping through tv stations and have a 2 sec tv flip with the news and an ex con rapist who was on the loose or something like that. 8/19/2008 2:41:00 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
that's f'ed up 8/19/2008 2:42:42 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
oh by the way I will make sure people get a "based on a short story by..." or co-writer credit if they actually make any of these 8/19/2008 2:44:49 AM
EhSteve All American 7240 Posts user info edit post |
Thunderstorm cuts out the power and phones.
Stars hear an argument next door followed by silence, assume someone died.
They run to find help but no one believes them and the hotel manager tells them to shut up and go to sleep.
Guy next door proceeds to take them out one at a time, it turns out it was mister smith all along and he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids. 8/19/2008 3:38:48 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
I'll write something loosely based on that as well, lol.
I started on hooksaw's earlier, gonna try to finish it tomorrow. 8/19/2008 3:44:48 AM
hooksaw All American 16500 Posts user info edit post |
^ You have chosen wisely, young one. Be warned, though: Some here will hate you for liking my idea. 8/19/2008 5:16:02 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
ncsugirl invites over a bunch of tww'ers.
she gathers them in a circle
she throws 1 nudie pic in the middle of them
you know the rest 8/19/2008 8:28:49 AM
slackerb All American 5093 Posts user info edit post |
A young man is unpacking a suitcase on the bed with the door propped open. The Tv blares in the background as he struts around the room.
Later, he is getting ready for a date, checking the mirror, wearing nice clothes...
He heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready and discovers that he has no toothpaste.
Alternate Ending:
He tries to choke the chicken before his big date, but in his excitement, gets his junk caught in his zipper.
Ronny All American 30652 Posts user info edit post | 8/19/2008 8:53:27 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
John Malcovich and John Goodman make hot steamy love for 10 minutes 8/19/2008 8:53:58 AM
lucyinthesky All American 11614 Posts user info edit post |
No beer and no tv make Homer go something something... 8/19/2008 9:00:03 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
crazy? 8/19/2008 9:01:11 AM
lucyinthesky All American 11614 Posts user info edit post |
Don't mind if I do! A WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA! 8/19/2008 9:02:48 AM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^ You have chosen wisely, young one. Be warned, though: Some here will hate you for liking my idea." |
I'm writing all of the ones from which i can construe something halfway feasible. 8/19/2008 6:00:48 PM
SandSanta All American 22435 Posts user info edit post |
A horror film set in a hotel room, how novel!
I can't wait till you guys come up with an awfully interesting caper involving such an unusual location! 8/19/2008 6:03:54 PM
Snewf All American 63559 Posts user info edit post |
Man has a fucking horrible nightmare in which he struggles with a woman and strangles her to death.
He wakes from his horrible dream soaked in sweat. Goes to the bathroom to drink some water and notices bruises on his neck. Alarmed he showers and is startled to find some blood on his body. He thinks he must have scratched himself in his sleep because there are marks on him. He calls his brother or someone to vocalize these concerns, cause someone's gotta say something. While he is showering there's a thing on the news about a missing woman. Attentive viewers will notice that it is the same woman from his dream. Don't overdo it.
Long story short he actually killed the woman and she is either under the bed or locked in a suitcase or something. 8/19/2008 6:09:12 PM
Snewf All American 63559 Posts user info edit post |
if you want to make it really scary do the whole thing with the traveling businessman
have him take an Ambien before bed
that will fuck with people 8/19/2008 6:15:34 PM
47844 Posts user info edit post |
set em up 8/19/2008 6:15:44 PM