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 Message Boards » » When a girl has a boyfriend, fiance, or husband... Page [1] 2 3, Next  
Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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to what degree does each level of commitment slow your pursuit of her ?

Typically I've left alone wives and fiances, and boyfriends who lived with the girl. But any girl with just a regular boyfriend was no problem, unless of course I thought he could beat me up.

But as I get older (24 in November lol), I'm noticing more girls I'm interested in are wives and fiances themselves. Girls are being snapped up quicker than I can keep up with. It seems unfair to let these girls go unSlaved just because someone else got there first. I find myself crossing my boundaries more and more often. Engaged girls are fair game for me now. I feel like one of those wolves who has to go into towns and neigborhoods to get food because all of his prey is dying out. I don't think I could ever fuck someone's wive; I'm an asshole, but I'm not a fucking asshole.

When I was 21, everyone was out 3 years later it seems like half of the quality women are spoken for.

Elder statesmen of TWW, the 28+ single crowd, this one goes out to you...Where do I go from here ? Since I can't see myself marrying before I'm 30, at the very earliest, what do I do for the next 6 years ?

College cunt is only good for so long

8/19/2008 7:19:31 PM

All American
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i, too, have noticed this

8/19/2008 7:21:02 PM

32613 Posts
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hit it until theyre married

or at least until theyre engaged

8/19/2008 7:21:27 PM

All American
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8/19/2008 7:21:46 PM

63151 Posts
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engaged doesnt bother me.

married kinda does, but it's only been an issue once.

an issue being having to make the decision to turn it down or get wet

8/19/2008 7:22:15 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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I guess

I'm just getting used to having to look for rings before I spit game

Used to be no hesitation

8/19/2008 7:24:50 PM

All American
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just go to random weddings and bust in through the back big doors right before they are gonna do the I DO thing

8/19/2008 7:27:30 PM

All American
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none of the above.

if a bitch is willing to cheat, she's not the type i like to associate with.

8/19/2008 7:30:22 PM

All American
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hello and welcome to your middle 20s.

pretty soon you'll rule out women that younger than 21

then you'll initiate the "3 year" rule whereby you wont date women over 3 years younger than you

THEN you'll start looking for women older than you

THEN you'll say "well, maybe her having a kid aint so bad" and "maybe its ok to date a divorcee"

THEN you'll be like

I'm just fuckin with you. Just keep an eye out for the ring and you'll be ok.

8/19/2008 7:30:24 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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i heard somebody say once that "rings don't block holes"

...i mean, i can't argue...

8/19/2008 7:33:00 PM

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kiljadn just wrote the story of my last three years.


8/19/2008 7:34:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if a bitch is willing to cheat, she's not the type i like to associate with."

8/19/2008 7:36:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"kiljadn just wrote the story of my last three years.


Michael Jackson wrote a song about it

"You are not Alone"

I'm not here with you, cause fuck if I'ma date a girl with kids, or who has already failed in one marriage - but I've seen enough dudes go through it

8/19/2008 7:42:41 PM

All American
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If i'm single I'll bang who ever I want. A husband won't stop me.

8/19/2008 7:44:48 PM

All American
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never rub another man's rhubarb

8/19/2008 7:45:29 PM

32613 Posts
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i turned down a married woman bc she was married..and god she was hot

i regret that to this very day

[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 7:47 PM. Reason : turns out they got seperated right after that night.. ]

8/19/2008 7:47:05 PM

All American
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Dating a divorced woman isn't a bad thing in certain situations. If they got divorced because he cheated on her then that isn't so bad. If they got divorced because she is a bitch, or cheated on him then stay away.

8/19/2008 7:47:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 7:47 PM. Reason : turns out they got seperated right after that night.. ]"

Probably because she found someone else to do the dirty work you refused.

8/19/2008 7:49:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If i'm single I'll bang who ever I want. A husband won't stop me."

But he might kill you. Guess it's a risk vs. reward thing.

8/19/2008 7:49:45 PM

32613 Posts
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^^lol, she banged a friend of mine before me..

[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 7:51 PM. Reason : i didn't know until afterwards though or i wouldn't have felt bad]

8/19/2008 7:51:05 PM

All American
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8/19/2008 7:55:00 PM

12280 Posts
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I've hooked up with married women and single girls. I guess Fiance is where I draw the line

8/19/2008 8:01:24 PM

All American
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i leave any attached woman alone ESPECIALLY if she's not happy with her relationship. on tww however all women are fair game.

I'm walls1441 and i approve of this message.

8/19/2008 8:04:23 PM

All American
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i'd kill a dude if he slept with my wife

probably kill my wife too.

have a nice day.

8/19/2008 8:05:58 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm noticing more girls I'm interested in are wives and fiances themselves. Girls are being snapped up quicker than I can keep up with. It seems unfair to let these girls go unSlaved just because someone else got there first. I find myself crossing my boundaries more and more often. Engaged girls are fair game for me now. I feel like one of those wolves who has to go into towns and neigborhoods to get food because all of his prey is dying out. I don't think I could ever fuck someone's wive; I'm an asshole, but I'm not a fucking asshole."

you maybe looking for those qualities

like you want a wife or something

8/19/2008 8:15:46 PM

All American
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Geez this thread reminds me of the last year and a half of my life.

8/19/2008 8:19:15 PM

All American
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If you are just looking to fuck, I say stay away from an attached women. Respect her and commitment to someone else and stay the fuck away. If you want a substantive relationship with an attached women, WAIT until she is no longer commited elsewhere. Then move in.

8/19/2008 8:27:22 PM

hates 4 lokos
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Quote :
"if a bitch is willing to cheat, she's not the type i like to associate with."

although my grandfather was engaged to someone else, and my grandmother's friends dared her to break up the engagement. she succeded and married him.

8/19/2008 8:47:50 PM

21958 Posts
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As a married woman, you would be doing her a favor not to pursue her. Everyone has troubles in their marriage and sometimes temptation can come along at a time when you are most vulnerable. However, you shouldn't ever feel guilty about it if you do because she is responsible for herself and her actions.

And I have to tell you that I think all engaged people have a moment of "OMG WTF" and if you come along at that moment, you can bag them.

8/19/2008 8:50:33 PM

balls deep
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man, this thread is nominating Slave Famous for an ass beating on principle

I think that cheaters are despicable people to begin with. I also think that people who go after people already in a relationship need to get kicked in the nuts. And if that relationship involves engagement, or marriage, well...
getting acquitted of a murder charge because of a crime of passion should be considered

8/19/2008 8:54:41 PM

All American
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8/19/2008 8:55:33 PM

All American
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if you find a girl/guy willing to cheat on a bf/gf finance or husband/wife with you, you're not special, they are just defected

it'll happen eventually, either with you or someone else who comes along so why feel guilty about busting up someones relationship?

just dont try to date them after their relationship ends. you know what they say ab zebras

8/19/2008 9:30:10 PM

All American
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what does it matter, the guy is just gonna fuck the girl over in the long run.

8/19/2008 9:31:48 PM

32613 Posts
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i smell a little hatred

8/19/2008 9:35:14 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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the girl will always pick the asshole, thus she'll always get fucked over in the end

nobody's fault but your own.

8/19/2008 9:36:17 PM

All American
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I'm surprised you said a little...

8/19/2008 9:36:37 PM

All American
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You can't cheat an honest man and you can't make an honest woman cheat.

8/19/2008 9:36:47 PM

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8/19/2008 9:36:51 PM

balls deep
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8/19/2008 9:37:18 PM

The Stubby
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I vote straight ticket EMCE.

8/19/2008 9:43:16 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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hey i agree with rockster

8/19/2008 9:47:10 PM

balls deep
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but it takes some kind of a shitty person to sit there and try to seduce someone already in a relationship



for the smallest weakness to appear in the relationship

8/19/2008 9:48:51 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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i agree... anyone who cheats
a. isn't honest
b. doesn't know what real love is
c. just fucking sucks at life

8/19/2008 9:49:56 PM

balls deep
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admittedly, I've sabotaged sumfoo1's relationships in the past so that I would have a shot as getting with him and his massive cawk

8/19/2008 9:51:34 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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d. is a human being

Absolutely everybody is capable of cheating, get over it

It still sucks and is an awful thing to do, and the person who does it has a pretty awful side. Still that being said, those that violate a relationship from within or without suck

8/19/2008 9:52:05 PM

All American
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You're screwed.

8/19/2008 9:53:23 PM

best gottfriend
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8/19/2008 9:54:44 PM

All American
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I knew a chick who was engaged to dude1, while fucking dude2 from her office. She got married to dude1 while dude2 watched on at the wedding. She continued to fuck dude2 after she was married until dude2 left town. She got divorced shortly thereafter.

moral of the story? some girls are just sluts regardless of their martial status.

[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 10:02 PM. Reason : .]

8/19/2008 10:01:47 PM

Duke is puke
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Quote :
"but it takes some kind of a shitty person to sit there and try to seduce someone already in a relationship



for the smallest weakness to appear in the relationship"

agreed. everything in life goes in cycles, you mess up what someone has going and it'll happen to you.

8/19/2008 10:03:29 PM

All American
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8/19/2008 10:04:07 PM

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