Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Standing up. Hells fucking yeah.
Didn't find any other threads about it, so lock if appropriate. 8/19/2008 8:49:37 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
i dont really care how your funeral goes i just want you to die 8/19/2008 8:50:17 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
A Viking funeral is really the only way to do it. 8/19/2008 8:50:29 PM
Republican18 All American 16575 Posts user info edit post |
looks like cause of death was getting popped by a rival gang member 8/19/2008 8:51:06 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ I thought we were cool, ZomBCraw. I thought we were cool. 
^^ True dat.
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 8:51 PM. Reason : ^^] 8/19/2008 8:51:33 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
i am reminded of the song....
NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
^ u just made me LOL 8/19/2008 8:52:53 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
i wonder if they taxidermied him 8/19/2008 9:03:53 PM
zep All American 4169 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dressed in a Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses" |
Keepin it real, yo. 8/19/2008 9:07:05 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
three day wake?
i mean what does mom do at night, throw a blanket over the dead guy so she doesnt get creeped out about zombie child
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 9:09 PM. Reason : e] 8/19/2008 9:08:45 PM
occamsrezr All American 6985 Posts user info edit post |
Aww, someone took my idea. 8/19/2008 9:42:27 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
Up until 1910 or so, funerals and wakes were always held in the home. That's what the PARLOR room was for, holding the body and a place to take in guests. With the rise of commercial funeral parlors, the room later became the "living room".
Also, after death photos were common, since many people had never had a photograph taken while they were living. Often they'd prop the corpse up in a chair with a newspaper and pipe, or take the photo through a window, in order to make the deceased look more life like. Family members would pose with them. The family would then proudly hang these photos of deceased relatives in their parlor as a sort of family album.

[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 10:01 PM. Reason : .] 8/19/2008 9:55:43 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
that was also back when the funeral parlor was 3 days away on horseback
and they got buried in the backyard
[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 9:58 PM. Reason : dd] 8/19/2008 9:57:23 PM
TaterSalad All American 6256 Posts user info edit post |
dead man walkin standin 8/19/2008 9:57:37 PM
keeeeler29 All American 4058 Posts user info edit post |

8/19/2008 10:27:17 PM