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 Message Boards » » C++ Poker Page [1]  
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Hey, I am trying to work on my final project for C++ and I have no idea where to really begin. Does anyone know anything about C++ or has ever done this project and can give me some ideas as to a good place to start?


4/19/2009 4:24:25 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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wow... epic fail

4/19/2009 4:30:55 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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here's a good start.

poker has cards. the hands can vary style to style, but 5 seems to be a popular number either in stud or texas holdem. depending on what cards you get, you can combine them into special sequences or pairs. some beat others.

your program should simulate this very interesting phenomenon.

4/19/2009 5:24:38 PM

170 Posts
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ok jackass i know how the fuck to play poker. I don't however know how the fuck to program it. That's why I was asking for help.

4/19/2009 5:48:15 PM

All American
10804 Posts
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std::vector<Card> deck;
std::random_shuffle( deck.begin(), deck.end() );

4/19/2009 5:53:35 PM

Not suspended
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4/19/2009 7:08:21 PM

358 Posts
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Connect 4 would probably be an easier program to make.

4/19/2009 7:19:57 PM

40960 Posts
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random_shuffle() is well established to use poor random number generation algorithms and has been exploited on commercial poker sites a number of times. i highly recommend using qntm_random_shuffle() instead

4/19/2009 7:27:40 PM

Big Business
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I would start by going to class

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

4/19/2009 8:09:13 PM

40960 Posts
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nah, i never went to class and i ended up just fine

4/19/2009 8:12:49 PM

All American
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Have you tried reading the program/assignment description? Surely there are some clues in there.

4/19/2009 8:36:24 PM

333 Posts
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ya I took this class a while ago and had the poker assignment.

Just read the description. I know there is a lot there but it's all you need.

Make sure to give yourself at least 12 hours for it.

4/19/2009 10:41:58 PM

All American
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i made a casino program on a TI-81 that had poker, black jack and slots. of course it was a sort of single player poker where you get points for 2 pair or greater iirc. that was one of the earlier programs that i ever made.

4/20/2009 3:01:06 AM

New Recruit
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Hey, I am trying to work on my final project for C++ and I have no idea where to really begin. Does anyone know anything about C++ or has ever done this project and can give me some ideas as to a good place to start?

Well, I might suggest emailing your TA, (being me ...) at the support email for the course, (being

[Edited on April 20, 2009 at 12:44 PM. Reason : quote didn't work]

4/20/2009 12:42:59 PM

25078 Posts
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[ quote ] without the spaces [ / quote ] - there is a button for it as well - the piece of paper with a red arrow pointing right

4/20/2009 12:50:17 PM

All American
5154 Posts
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besides the quote thing not working....

that was a very nice first post...

bravo *golf clap*

4/20/2009 12:51:01 PM

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4/20/2009 1:05:53 PM

New Recruit
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Sigh, why are there always a small number of students who are trying to get over?

Clearly Chellx06 has not read the assignment very well, particularly the first paragraph about academic integrity. Since I don't know who you are (thankfully) why don't you read the assignment clearly, including the step by step guidelines I gave you, try to compile and run the sample program, then come to us with any questions you have.

It's a short road from asking for "help" on here to getting a buddy to give you code from a previous semester and just modifying it slightly. If I happen to get lucky and catch you at it though it will get ugly very quickly. I haven't been teaching on campus for a while but when I used to teach large sections, I filed quite a few academic integrity cases and have yet to lose one. So please take an honest shot at it and we'll be happy to help.

Your favorite instructor

4/20/2009 2:55:56 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Quote :
"i made a casino program on a TI-81 that had poker, black jack and slots. of course it was a sort of single player poker where you get points for 2 pair or greater iirc. that was one of the earlier programs that i ever made."

haha fun stuff. I made an entire text based World Cup game on my TI-83 in HS that several people enjoyed. The sad thing is that it would probably take me 3x as long today to try and write a program like that as it did then - if I could even do it today (plus I don't have the time to burn I did then sitting through some boring classes hah). It had pool play, and if you qualified it had matches against opponents in each of the following rounds and a bonus match against the "World All Stars" to beat the game if you won the world cup.

It was actually pretty fun. Not too technical but it had still graphics for fouls/cards, goals scored, main screen, etc. Actually allowed for Penalty Kicks, goal kicks, corner kicks and the defense of each as well.

Wish I could have actually made a moving graphics based one but that is/was way above me.

[Edited on April 20, 2009 at 3:39 PM. Reason : ]

4/20/2009 3:32:58 PM

All American
1398 Posts
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This should be the new thread to refer people to when they pull this crap.

4/20/2009 3:52:35 PM

170 Posts
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Ok, I honestly was just asking for opinions as to where to start because I was confused. I have read the assignment about four times, and I was just wondering about other peoples opinions as a good place to begin things. I do see how it can look as though I was trying to get someones code, which I was not, and would not ever do.

just wanted to clear that up.

and I have a great test average/homework/lab average because I have put a TON of effort into this class this semester, so I do watch the lectures, and I do take notes from the lessons posted and do everything I need to do for this class. This project however has just thrown me for a loop.

[Edited on April 20, 2009 at 4:24 PM. Reason : asd]

4/20/2009 4:18:54 PM

All American
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4/20/2009 4:22:34 PM

All American
10892 Posts
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^^That's some nice back-pedaling there, buddy.

Quote :
"Clearly Chellx06 has not read the assignment very well, particularly the first paragraph about academic integrity. Since I don't know who you are (thankfully) why don't you read the assignment clearly, including the step by step guidelines I gave you, try to compile and run the sample program, then come to us with any questions you have."

Haha oh snap! I never realized Dr. Dulberg had an account on here. I always think of Dr. Warren as being the only prof who's on here...

4/20/2009 4:32:10 PM

New Recruit
6 Posts
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Well, that's not uncommon, probably a 1/4 of the class will feel a little overwhelmed when they read the assignment and have trouble seeing the big picture. All you need to do is ask a few questions to get the ball rolling. Usually Eric or I will understand what you're having trouble with conceptually pretty quickly and get you pointed in the right direction. It's a complicated assignment intentionally. It's supposed to be a culmination of everything you've learned in the class. But, it's a problem that if you break it down into little pieces and do them step by step, it's well within your grasp.

And another thing to consider, I enjoy helping students get it, most teachers do. I don't think I've ever given anyone the impression that I'm too busy or don't want to help so feel free to help me earn my pay and get what you are entitled to, some simple answers to your questions.

4/20/2009 4:50:50 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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google did my final fortran project for me

4/20/2009 10:04:45 PM

All American
1114 Posts
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not mine though it was an interesting assignment

4/20/2009 10:09:36 PM

All American
5835 Posts
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i remember programming back before i became an english major. now html is about the extent of my skillz.

and one time, my roommate made a chess program in fortran. the saddest part was that i couldn't beat it.

4/20/2009 10:35:45 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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like landmines man.


4/21/2009 9:22:14 AM

5975 Posts
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I really like the "administrations" reponse to this thread.

Thumbs up.

4/21/2009 12:21:18 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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LOL at this thread

4/22/2009 12:49:07 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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^for real. I just read the whole thing. haha

4/22/2009 10:26:55 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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Man, my fortran project was a bitch.

I had to decode some shit, with like fast modular exponentiation or some shit. Second i submitted that shit i deleted my whole folder and threw my laptop into the ocean.

Fuck fortran, fuck mechanical engineering.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

4/23/2009 12:01:11 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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bttt for me working on the same project... without the help of TWW

4/24/2009 12:16:27 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"I always think of Dr. Warren as being the only prof who's on here..."

There's quite a few professors on here, although I don't know them. One is in Accounting, I know that.

I love seeing professors get on here and own people every once in a while

4/24/2009 5:21:13 AM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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Start with making a deck

then make a single player version of poker (basically make sure the computer can evaluate the score of a given hand)

then attempt to make an AI.

then profit!!

4/25/2009 4:34:34 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"If I happen to get lucky and catch you at it though it will get ugly very quickly. I haven't been teaching on campus for a while but when I used to teach large sections, I filed quite a few academic integrity cases and have yet to lose one. So please take an honest shot at it and we'll be happy to help.

Your favorite instructor"

hahahaha, this guy has just become my favorite prof ever

4/25/2009 11:00:10 AM

All American
19599 Posts
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would lol again, great thread

4/25/2009 12:56:00 PM

All American
16957 Posts
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There are some threads which should be moved to a place of permanence so that they are never lost. This is one of those threads.

4/25/2009 1:24:43 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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in the real world, i would seem to think that people get a lot of information on how to do new tasks from a variety of sources. Most people would learn as much, if not more, if allowed to ask for help from peers.

4/25/2009 5:15:59 PM

All American
16957 Posts
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^ by and large, that is true, but here's the rub: the csc114 demographic isn't exactly known for its integrity.

4/25/2009 6:47:43 PM

New Recruit
38 Posts
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The other issue is ... how much help was received. Was it an explanation of how to read a file; was it one line of code; was it 10 lines of code; was is it a subroutine; was it the whole program?

Managing what is acceptable on the potential continuum of help presents a problem for CSC instructors.

They would allow more outside help as ^^ indicates if there were a way to easily delineate between "help" and "plagiarism". That is why most of the time help is limited to TAs or the instructor.

4/25/2009 7:23:02 PM

45912 Posts
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oh hell yes. this thread is what I'm talking about!

4/25/2009 8:06:55 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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#include <  deck.h>
#include <  poker.h>

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

4/25/2009 10:05:21 PM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » C++ Poker Page [1]  
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