Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
If you haven't voted yet, here are some tools that might help:
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Wake County Board of Elections FAQ:
If you have questions, call: Board of Elections 919-856-6240
I'll leave out details on who I think you should vote for, because enough other threads focus on that already. But if anyone else has tools to share to help make sure everyone is in line to vote by 7:30pm then feel free to share!
Here is a site to follow election results (you can also just watch the news):]] 10/6/2009 3:20:22 PM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "CITY OF RALEIGH MAYOR (Vote For 1) Vote Type Summary Contest Detail Map 107 of 107 Precincts Reporting Percent Votes Mark Enloe 6.70% 1,901 Larry D. Hudson II 28.40% 8,054 Gregg S. Kunz 2.76% 782 Charles Meeker 61.74% 17,511 Write-In 0.41% 115 28,363" |
It looks like we are still going to have a democratic mayor, it looks like both the democrat & republican NCSU alumni running for the at large seat lost to 2 other democrats, & that the current busing policy is likely to change.
Complete results here: 10/6/2009 11:24:11 PM
4howl1 All American 4252 Posts user info edit post |
Based on the returns, the tally will be 4-3 in favor of the New Urbanists (Meeker, McFarlane, Crowder, Stephenson) over pro-development forces (Odom, West, Baldwin) with Gaylord being the tossup (current makeup is 5-3 New Urbanists).
I see that nothing's really changed in District D and that Crowder's likely waiting for Meeker to step down so he can run for mayor. In the six years since leaving NC State, I'm not sure if things have gotten that better with the student-neighborhood relationship in the district.
District B has officially gone back to the '90s by reelecting John Odom after a six-year absence. Quite puzzling...unless the Fetzerites are planning a full-scale attack in 2011 (it could happen given how Coble was ready to jump in the mayor's race until Meeker opted to run again earlier this year).
As for the NCSU alums, they need to mount better campaigns from this point on. Granted that Saritan had some good ideas on transit, he needed to raise some cold hard cash. This isn't 1989 anymore, where candidates could raise $1,000 tops and get name recognition. Do some fundraisers or something, but raise some cash or you'll get no notice by anyone in the know.
[Edited on October 7, 2009 at 1:16 AM. Reason : 11.37% so far]
[Edited on October 7, 2009 at 1:17 AM. Reason : errors] 10/7/2009 1:09:04 AM
disco_stu All American 7436 Posts user info edit post |
Debra Goldman  10/7/2009 8:31:17 AM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
^^Not in Raleigh at least, but in smaller cities...
Quote : | "Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A remarkable story in Winston-Salem
Yesterday a senior at Winston-Salem State, Derwin Montgomery, more or less won a seat on the City Council by defeating four term incumbent Joycelyn Johnson 57-24 in the Democratic primary.
He did it by taking full advantage of same day registration and one stop voting. Yes Weekly reports that 213 of his classmates registered and voted at the same time and overall Montgomery estimates that more than 400 WSSU students voted.
The results speak for themselves. Montgomery actually trailed Johnson 194-90 in votes cast on election day. But he had already banked a 440-28 lead in early voting that proved to be quite insurmountable." |
-Public Policy Polling
The results were 530 to 228. So the more than 400 Students voting made the difference. 10/8/2009 12:47:29 PM
Socks`` All American 11792 Posts user info edit post |
i did not vote.  10/8/2009 12:50:50 PM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sorry it had to come to this
 10/8/2009 12:56:36 PM
4howl1 All American 4252 Posts user info edit post |
Turnout and apathy Obviously, apathy remains the order of the day. Twenty-seven percent in Charlotte (easily the highest turnout in any area in NC), 18% in the Greensboro runoff, 9.6% in Winston-Salem, 8.1% in Durham's elections, and 16.85% in Orange County. This is despite the fact that the Queen City and CH had OPEN mayoral seats! People are almost ready to engage in turf wars over national races but are all too happy to sit back and complain about how their cities royally screw them over.
Quote : | " The results were 530 to 228. So the more than 400 Students voting made the difference. " | .
I saw that since I live near that part of the state, and as a person who has lived in both the Triangle and the Triad, I have to say that the Triangle should be ashamed of itself. A college student recently got elected in an area that normally sees its college students all too happy to leave upon graduating. For all the talk about how politically active the Triangle is, it just got punked by its smaller cousin. Maybe NCSU students will make a real effort to have a say in local politics when 1) they run campaigns worth a damn or 2) a student from Meredith, Shaw, Peace, or St. Aug's (which have a total combined attendance of 7,389 students--22% of NC State's student body of 33,000) gets elected to the City Council.
Raleigh City Council Just as Meeker finally had his Smart Growth/New Urbanist majority, it disappears. If anything, it proves that majorities can no longer be measured by party or ideology. It's all about the New Urbanist agenda vs the developers' agenda. Based on the actions of West, Baldwin, and Jessie Talifero, it's pretty much a sign that liberals can align themsleves with developers just like conservatives. If I were to guess far out, I think that Meeker is just going to take a look at what he has to deal with and not even bother running in 2011 to break Avery Upchurch's record.
Fetzerites: In hiding or just gone? Ever since Bernie Reeves sold the Spectator in 1998, pretenders to the the Triangle conservative media throne have come and gone. Warren Smith's Raleigh World didn't last four years, the Raleigh Reporter did not fare too well either, and don't even get me started on the right wing blogosphere, which to my knowledge has been very sparse to nonexistent in all areas of the Triangle. As a result, I'll repeat what I said after the October elections about the conservative bloc's clean sweep to the Wake County school board: What's even more amazing is that they've done it in an area without any real media support.
If it turns out that I'm wrong about the faction that ruled local Raleigh politics in the '90s--and they haven't all fled to the suburbs or moved out of the Triangle altogether--2011 could set up to be a very contentious year. Assuming that Meeker doesn't run, either Coble or Isley would be a likely candidate to represent the right in the mayoral race, provided the developers and the real estate forces don't back Baldwin (or Taliafero, should she make a comeback), who's all but certain to run once that position becomes open. 12/1/2009 12:41:22 AM