Socks`` All American 11792 Posts user info edit post |
Did anyone take this class last fall? What did you think? Was Wang a good instructor?
I am planning on taking the course this fall, so any advice would be helpful. What book did you use? Any specific topics I should review? That sort of thing. 1/7/2010 12:17:15 PM
ThatGoodLock All American 5697 Posts user info edit post |
when i see your name i picture an incredibly cute kitten.
you're probably not an adorable kitten, right?
anyways, Judy's cool. Ask her how it's hanging for me, will ya. 1/7/2010 12:20:20 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
I had her for ST 372. She does a good job and does her best. Wasn't the toughest of classes. Good enough instructor 1/7/2010 1:14:40 PM
Socks`` All American 11792 Posts user info edit post |
More information would be helpful. 
I am taking ST 421 and MA 425 (Real Analysis) in the fall and I am worried I might get over loaded (I will also be working 20 hours per week). So I want to know now some idea of what will be required so I can either get more prepared or back out come registration.  1/12/2010 11:56:27 AM
neolithic All American 706 Posts user info edit post |
Who do you have for MA 425? Take it with Dr. Martin if at all possible. Once you understand what is going on in MA 425 it is one of the easiest classes you will take, it's just algebra. Not all people get to that point though.
ST 421 is supposedly the most difficult course undergrad stat majors take. If it's anything like that grad version, expect homework that takes 10-20 hours per week to do, which you will most likely need the TA to finish. I don't have any personal experience with Dr. Wang though. 1/12/2010 1:49:53 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
MA425 can be time intensive though. 1/13/2010 3:55:54 PM
neolithic All American 706 Posts user info edit post |
^ Not with Martin. There are no homeworks, only "pop" quizes he tells you about and exactly what to study, and then there are two tests and a final. I'm not a math major (or even naturally that good at math) and I only studied the night before quizes/tests. Just make sure you go everyday and ask questions and you'll be fine. 1/13/2010 5:52:53 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
Okay, well that explains it. I had's not the toughest class like people will lead you to believe. Just time consuming, especially if your group sucks. 1/19/2010 10:06:15 AM