Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
I love when this thread gets bumped so I can watch that Maicon goal again  7/7/2010 2:28:46 PM
stillrolling All American 1225 Posts user info edit post |
I go to the football page on your website to get away from the Lebron hysteria, not to see another shit article on "Lebron in the NFL?" 7/8/2010 11:03:22 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
"Lincecum fans Giants"
why would he do that to his own team, ESPN? 7/8/2010 11:05:42 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
^ I saw that. They got the wrong team and didn't even put a number in front of Giants so you would know how many people he struck out. 7/8/2010 11:07:56 AM
DalCowboys All American 1945 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks for the Jennifer Aniston Smart Water ad 7/8/2010 2:48:04 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
I kept thinking that was her, but was surprised to see her do an ad like that and just figured it was just a smoking hot model who closely resembled her. 7/8/2010 3:07:55 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
they are really going all in with this years espys 7/14/2010 7:22:25 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
they even took the time to remove the bottomline, it must be a big deal.
[Edited on July 14, 2010 at 7:29 PM. Reason : this is quite the step up though, the live part definitely helps] 7/14/2010 7:27:35 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
So that crawl really sticks in your craw huh 7/14/2010 7:36:41 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
it does when they play it over live sports, especially when little else is going on and the same scores repeat every 2 minutes. it takes away from a really clean HD picture -- i know in the grand scheme of things its not much on the screen but it just seems like a better picture without it.
my TV overscans a lot too so its much more on my screen. a 28/58 update during live sports would suffice.
but this preshow stuff is pretty watchable, i like it. 7/14/2010 7:45:38 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "a 28/58 update during live sports would suffice." |
the good old days
[Edited on July 14, 2010 at 7:48 PM. Reason : I can't chose between Erin Andrews and Michelle Beadle] 7/14/2010 7:46:56 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
definitely erin andrews, but michelle can hold her own
[Edited on July 14, 2010 at 7:54 PM. Reason : lots of production mess ups, you can see why they've done this taped in the past] 7/14/2010 7:49:12 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Am I hearing Keyshawn on soccer highlights
Come on man 7/14/2010 8:12:55 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Erin for one night, Michelle for long term. 7/14/2010 8:55:47 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
favre was not pleased 7/14/2010 9:11:07 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I like how they focus on people who are clearly not amused by the jokes. 7/14/2010 9:17:52 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
okay i thought that was pretty good 7/14/2010 9:20:46 PM
wolfdawg4 All American 5866 Posts user info edit post |
SNL taking over the ESPYS 7/14/2010 9:31:42 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I love those guys though, one of the best sketches on SNL these days. 7/14/2010 9:34:07 PM
wolfdawg4 All American 5866 Posts user info edit post |
I love it when they cover women's bowling. 7/14/2010 9:34:58 PM
wolfpack2105 All American 12428 Posts user info edit post |
who is this woman singing with the high top fade on the espys? GET HER AWAY 7/14/2010 10:39:40 PM
Bullet All American 28547 Posts user info edit post |
i think that's brhianna? 7/14/2010 10:46:30 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
Lindsey Vaughn looks hotter in her ski outfit than she does all decked out. 7/14/2010 10:50:31 PM
Bullet All American 28547 Posts user info edit post |
"[Jimmy V was a Wolfpack, I'm a tarheel, and we usually don't get along...]" - George Karl receiving the Jimmy V perseverance award. 7/14/2010 11:15:32 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
ESPN has provided the greatest service known to man by putting British Open BBC coverage on ESPN3
My favorite tournament at my favorite course and thank god I don't have to watch to these clowns and and their damn on-green graphic overlays
[Edited on July 15, 2010 at 6:32 AM. Reason : ] 7/15/2010 6:31:54 AM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
http://deadspin.com/5587385/deadspin-classic-espn-will-never-ever-do-this-again 7/15/2010 2:48:04 PM
billyboy All American 3174 Posts user info edit post |
Slow pitch softball? Could they not find anything else better to show? By the way, we lost to Canada. 7/24/2010 6:45:20 PM
BEAVERCHEESE All American 1104 Posts user info edit post |
^Yeah that was pretty gay. I think we were losing 11-0 after the top of the 1st, I walked back in the room 45 minutes later and we are winning 15-16. I find it hard to believe that they couldn't find something a little more interesting to watch 7/24/2010 8:09:06 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
it was pretty entertaining in a sad sort of way. there was a guy on the usa team who played football and baseball at wake.
also lol @ the 10 home-run rule limit. when you have to start giving teams outs for every home-run they hit, maybe it's time to get rid of the metal bats or something else to make the game less than 3 hours? 7/24/2010 8:14:00 PM
billyboy All American 3174 Posts user info edit post |
That's pretty much what I thought of it. It was one of those things that was so stupid, but you watch to see if it gets any worse. The commentary was entertaining, also in a sad way lol. I guess I wasn't expecting much out of those guys. I did enjoy watching the center fielder getting his foot stuck in the wall.
The guy who played for Wake is also from Gastonia. 7/24/2010 8:45:44 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
Rusty Bumgardner (the guy from gastonia/went to wake) was built. Most of the other guys looked like they had strong upper bodies but with layers of fat on top and beer belly. Rusty was just big, roids big. I don't know if they test for that stuff in the professional slow-pitch softball leagues..., but maybe they shouldn't. I want see 'em hit some dingers! 7/24/2010 9:37:05 PM
ncsuftw1 BEAP BEAP 15126 Posts user info edit post |
I mean they cant show baseball on Saturdays... What do you want them to show? If you want baseall go to FOX in the afternoon or MLBN at night. They had nascar on tonigt, other than that what are they supposed to show? 7/24/2010 9:48:24 PM
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
Bomani Jones was on 1st and 10 today debating with Skip.  8/17/2010 1:24:20 PM
goalielax All American 11252 Posts user info edit post |
Really - fucking preempting ATH and PTH for a fucking sportscenter special on Favre maybe going to minnesota?
eat a fat fucking dick 8/17/2010 5:05:18 PM
aph319 All American 8570 Posts user info edit post |
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
they wouldn't do it if people didn't watch 8/17/2010 7:49:24 PM
lion4russell All American 1588 Posts user info edit post |
got to see skip do the john wall dance today....  8/17/2010 10:56:24 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
UH OH 8/23/2010 1:21:15 PM
Dammit100 All American 17605 Posts user info edit post |
now who's going to fill their giant head quota? 8/23/2010 1:24:56 PM
cptinsano All American 11995 Posts user info edit post |
If Brett Favre announced that he and Tiger used to fuck skanks in chapel hill and talked about how they wish they went to UNC, ESPN would implode with jizz and go off the air forever. 8/25/2010 6:52:46 PM
DalCowboys All American 1945 Posts user info edit post |
Who else gets The Tony Mercurio Show from 3-7 on ESPN radio? This guy is an idiot. I listen to Mike and Mike in the morning on the way to work so this is the shit that is on when I leave work. The only thing he has any knowledge on is Old time baseball and FCS football. When a caller asks him about anything else he either dodges the question with a one liner or says something incredibly idiotic. Examples: Last Friday someone asked him about this NFC East and he said the NYG were the best team in the division and ranked them as a B- team! Granted this was before debacle against the Titans, but I don't think anyone thought the Giants were the best team in the East. And no, I'm not making the claim the Cowboys are (he ranked them 3rd). I think the Eagles look the best right now and the Cowboys are right behind them. The division is a toss up between these two teams.
And yesterday someone called in about N.C. State and all he said was "They're not very good, I think VT will beat them this weekend" No analysis, no reason why he doesn't think NC State is very good, just a one-liner.  9/28/2010 9:45:10 AM
jokar2694 All American 801 Posts user info edit post |
I know someone a while back that got drunk and wrote an 8 page email to espn telling them why Chris Berman sucks. The next day they put a character limit in place. 9/28/2010 3:33:23 PM
armorfrsleep All American 7289 Posts user info edit post |
cool story, bro 9/28/2010 3:34:43 PM
jokar2694 All American 801 Posts user info edit post |
^don't call me bro. bro 9/28/2010 3:36:11 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
can't stand how the new PTI layout looks in HD
horrible font, too zoomed in, etc... 9/28/2010 3:47:04 PM
armorfrsleep All American 7289 Posts user info edit post |
Also did we really need to see Woody Paige and Bill Plaschke in HD on Sports Shouting? 9/28/2010 3:51:41 PM
LastInACC All American 1843 Posts user info edit post |
With all the great games this weekend(10/02) BC and ND got the prime time spot...  9/28/2010 3:57:46 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39461 Posts user info edit post |
BOMANI 10/22/2010 5:24:47 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Stop playing that Kid Rock song during every broadcast of everything. 11/3/2010 8:41:47 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Can Antonio Pierce complete a sentence? 11/8/2010 2:45:15 PM