H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
dog poo on the bike/running path
I continuously look down to avoid this shit! 4/17/2010 9:07:39 PM |
thegoodoctor All American 1670 Posts user info edit post |
how the floors of the locker rooms are always wet 4/17/2010 9:28:25 PM |
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
People who take the bar from the squat rack to do thing that could easily be done elsewhere 4/17/2010 9:32:18 PM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
naked old people 4/17/2010 9:37:35 PM |
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
naked old people, indeed. 4/17/2010 9:38:18 PM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
^ i used to work at the YMCA in New Bern. that's basically all there ever were in the locker rooms. 4/17/2010 9:39:40 PM |
Gzusfrk All American 2988 Posts user info edit post |
When the first thing a naked old person does in the locker room is put on their deodorant. I can think of several things to put on your naked body before the deodorant. 4/17/2010 9:39:48 PM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Shit yeah, one time after going to the gym I was crouched down getting stuff from my locker (I had a lower locker) and closed it.
Old man balls like 2 feet away. 4/17/2010 9:40:57 PM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
It's worse when they start doing other things like shaving or brushing their teeth. These things clearly cannot and should not be done at home, where the sinks and counters are likely to get cleaned more often. 4/17/2010 9:41:36 PM |
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
^it is not shocking that you are checking out men..... 4/17/2010 9:44:04 PM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
Yah, but I do have my limits. 4/17/2010 9:45:10 PM |
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
80 and above? 4/17/2010 9:45:54 PM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
Yes, exactly. Hide your grandpa. 4/17/2010 9:47:36 PM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
when young whippersnappers check out my balls. 4/17/2010 9:57:54 PM |
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
people who do curls in the squat racks.
people who give me evil stares for doing bentover rows in the squat rack, and then they proceed to do quarter-squats in the other squat rack.
anyone doing "stability training" on an ab ball. 4/17/2010 10:03:01 PM |
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
"stability" training REALLY irks me.
and, not re-racking your fucking shit/fucking up the organization/putting a large plate infront of a smaller one
whether i'm working or working out, I end up re-arranging any plates near me
[Edited on April 18, 2010 at 10:29 AM. Reason : ] 4/18/2010 10:28:46 AM |
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Men who use the word "poo" should be caned until the word is literally no longer part of their vocabulary. 4/18/2010 10:39:55 AM |
Optimum All American 13716 Posts user info edit post |
^ is "tinkle" satisfactory? 4/18/2010 10:41:02 AM |
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Shit, crap, loose pile, rhee rhee, dump, doo-doo (This is getting close to being unacceptable though), etc.
What kind of self respecting man goes around saying "poo"? Jesus fucking christ, grow a fucking pair of balls son.
When it comes to "tinkle", I also will not accept that. Nor will I accept "pee-pee". It's called a piss or a leak son. Men do not "pee".
I remember this huge dork in middle school who had the most annoying voice and was, in general, annoying as fuck. He wasn't very mature for his age, although he was an intelligent individual. Anyway, one day he was like, "THEY GO POO-POO PEE-PEE ON DA FLOOR". That is some shit a toddler would say and it pissed me off so badly that I can still hear him saying it in my mind to this fucking day. ] 4/18/2010 10:45:39 AM |
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Whenever there's people that piss me off in the gym I start jumping and then along with it go "ooooooooooooo" and get louder like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" and then switch to "PACK! PACK! PACK! PACK! OOOOOO PACK! PACK! PACK! PACK! OOOOOOOOOOOO! POWER PACK! POWER PACK! BACK THE PACK!" and then play a loud rockin rap song or somethin. i think it would get things crazy. 4/18/2010 10:48:33 AM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62512 Posts user info edit post |
people who feel the need to talk to everyone in the gym
a little chit chat is fine
but the gym is not social hour 4/18/2010 11:00:10 AM |
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Well, obviously it is a social place for them, asshole.
If you don't want people talking around you, don't go to a god damned gym son. What the fuck is your problem son? What is the problem with talking to someone while you work out son? There's absolutely nothing wrong with a chat between sets son. You've got an anti-social tendency son and you need to see a psychologist son. There is something seriously wrong with you son. 4/18/2010 11:06:02 AM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62512 Posts user info edit post |
im not talking about that, im talking about the people who dont work out and talk
there is a social area up front, and/or the basketball courts
use those to stand in the way and talk, not the workout area
im guessing those people are the type that accuse the people who want to work out of having problems 4/18/2010 11:09:20 AM |
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
Like I said, you're anti-social and you need professional help to overcome the problem son. 4/18/2010 11:15:32 AM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62512 Posts user info edit post |
you want this outfit, i dont need to say anything else
4/18/2010 11:17:03 AM |
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
4/19/2010 3:52:40 PM |
twoozles All American 20735 Posts user info edit post |
I get annoyed when really hot dudes come in while my fat ass is sweating and all red in the face, struggling to get all my crunches in. It's embarrassing really 4/19/2010 3:55:42 PM |
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
snakes in the path 5/18/2010 1:34:14 PM |
Lumex All American 3666 Posts user info edit post |
When there's only one dumbbell out of the pair in the rack (and no where to be found).
When there are kids running around
When the treadmill/elliptical/bike is really loud
5^ What about "making doodies" - can a man do that? 5/18/2010 2:23:08 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i usually just go on the track or in the pool if i'm at the gym because i'm too nervous to use the weights
i know how
but i don't want the people in there to look at me like a fat kid out of place
and same w/ the cardio machines. i only want to use the bikes (since i run outside or on the track) but i feel like people are looking at me
i KNOW they aren't but i can't get over it. 5/18/2010 2:25:19 PM |
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
you're at an entirely new level of "bat shit insane women" 5/18/2010 2:26:46 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
noooooo. that is common. lots of people think people are looking at them/paying attention to them at the gym (or anytime - public speaking, etc) when people actually aren't paying attention at all
its mental but hard to overcome.
[Edited on May 18, 2010 at 2:28 PM. Reason : .] 5/18/2010 2:27:42 PM |
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "people who feel the need to talk to everyone in the gym
a little chit chat is fine
but the gym is not social hour" |
sounds like the girl at Lifestyle in Cary who wears skirts and bright blue tights while working out5/18/2010 2:30:38 PM |
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
^ that girl makes me lol 5/18/2010 2:31:29 PM |
Namwob All American 568 Posts user info edit post |
Fucking FANS in the weightroom. No one wants fans on them while they are sweating you fucktards. Thats how you get sick. 5/18/2010 2:32:47 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
you get sick from fans on you while sweating?!?!?!? 5/18/2010 2:34:14 PM |
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
It's annoying when it's too hot though, as well. I mean, if it's 74 in there and then people start sweating, that's not so ideal. 5/18/2010 2:35:07 PM |
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Gym: - Dude with heinous farts who is spending most of his time flexing and looking at himself in the mirror (I wish this was a one time situation, but as of last week it's not so it makes the list). - Guy who loads up one of the two squat racks and spends at least 5 minutes talking to his buddy for every 1 minute of lifting. If you've been there over 10 minutes and haven't broken a sweat you're doing it wrong. Finish your sets and talk in between exercises. - Group of guys who hover around one another while they lift and get in the way of the people using other equipment in the same area. - Too much cologne guy. This is way too common. You're going to the gym. No need to douse yourself so that the rest of us can smell you 10' away or tell that you've been in a certain area within the last 2 minutes. - Nasty "I don't wash my gym clothes or myself on a daily basis" guy. A little BO is natural. Hoarding BO like it can't be replaced is not. Nuff said.
Trails: - Trash. It really shouldn't be hard for public trails to stay clean. Unfortunately a small percentage of the users mess it up for everyone else. - Dog crap. Nasty. Pick up after your animal. It's one of the responsibilities you should have prepared for when you got an animal in the first place. - Off leash dog person. You know your dog is supposed to be on a leash. It's the law for several reasons which you apparently don't think apply to you. Some people have a fear of dogs. Some people just don't want your dog jumping on them. Some people have mean dogs that they keep on short on leashes and they don't want your dog running up to greet them. In any case, if your dog is off the leash it should be in a dog park or on private land.
Pool: - People who spend waaaayyyyy too much time in the shower area and do a lot of staring. I don't think some of those guys are interested in swimming at all.
[Edited on May 18, 2010 at 2:56 PM. Reason : s] 5/18/2010 2:44:03 PM |
TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
don't walk around in figure 8s and repeatedly glance at me while i'm using some equipment
either ask if you can use it next, wait somewhere else, or GTFO
oh and ^
Quote : | "Off leash dog person. You know your dog is supposed to be on a leash. " |
YES! "oh i know the rule, it's just that my dog is so well behaved!" probably the same parents who never shut up about how their kid (invariably named something 'uncommon' like tristan or ayden or or kailynn or . . . raiden) are similarly special and/or not subject to rules, by virtue of them being their kid.
also, those who have leashes but don't use them to control their dogs
i have once accidentally kicked someone's dog in the face, it ran in front of me as i was sprinting to the end of my run and it got a swift boot to the puppygrill.
and once almost landed with both feet on a puppy as its stupid bitch owner let it dart in front of me creating a trip wire situation. somehow i did some midair matrix shit and the dog was not crushed. the owner was very concerned.
[Edited on May 18, 2010 at 2:55 PM. Reason : -]5/18/2010 2:44:42 PM |
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I get annoyed when really hot dudes come in while my fat ass is sweating and all red in the face, struggling to get all my crunches in. It's embarrassing really " |
I guess I have never minded this. I am embarrassed of my red my face.5/18/2010 2:50:28 PM |
Wadhead1 Duke is puke 20897 Posts user info edit post |
Girls that think they're hot shit and assume every guy in the gym is checking them out. Most likely we're staring at you because we've never seen someone wear jean shorts in a gym. 5/18/2010 2:54:39 PM |
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
^ hhahahahah 5/18/2010 2:55:14 PM |
TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
on trails, especially lake johnson, guys who fly past on mountain bikes. they're all geared out in their lance armstrong shrinkwrap uniforms trying to be XTREME, and it's just like . . . dude, there are elderly people here walking their cocker spaniels. this trail is not XTREME, nor are you, go away.
in the gym:
the naked old guys find as much as possible to do between showering and getting dressed. the process is like
shower while chatting stand outside the shower chatting like a couple of gargoyles for everyone else to uncomfortably pass between wander to locker area brush teeth shave chat with stranger sit on stool, staring at TV comment about tv to stranger stand up, check blackberery (still dangling here folks) lay out clothing
i assume these guys eventually get dressed, i don't actually know. i also assume they use the gym. for all i know they just loiter naked 24/7.
[Edited on May 18, 2010 at 3:10 PM. Reason : -] 5/18/2010 3:06:41 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ AHAHAHAHA someone wears jorts in the gym?!
when i think people are looking it is just me being self conscious and hoping they aren't like "god look at that fat ass trying to use the leg press"
^ i have always been fascinated by the male locker room dynamic lol. the only tits i see in the women's locker room is old ladies that use the pool. yickyyyyy.
[Edited on May 18, 2010 at 3:09 PM. Reason : .] 5/18/2010 3:08:09 PM |
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
i dont understand people who are off put by walking around naked in a locker room. 5/18/2010 3:11:53 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
me either. it just seems like men like being naked in the locker room more than women
i wasn't saying naked women = yicky. naked grandma tits = yicky. 5/18/2010 3:18:01 PM |
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "the naked old guys find as much as possible to do between showering and getting dressed. the process is like" |
At the Y they always dry off with their towel after shower and then hold the towel in one hand while walking naked to their locker. Instead of carrying the damn thing why don't you cover your balls with it?
There's also a super old guy at the gym who likes to shower, do the naked walk to his locker, lay his towel on one of the stools in front of his locker, then sit on it naked with his legs crossed while he eats his bag of Chex Mix.5/18/2010 3:18:57 PM |
PackMan92 All American 8284 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " sounds like the girl at Lifestyle in Cary who wears skirts and bright blue tights while working out" |
I think you mean my ex girlfriend....
did you just lose a little bit of respect for me?5/18/2010 3:19:33 PM |
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
Nah, I lost it a while ago.. I asked begonias who the girl was that wouldn't shut up the first week I joined
(seriously though, I still respect you but I wonder what was going through your head at that point) 5/18/2010 3:21:02 PM |
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i know you have some in your stash ^^ 5/18/2010 3:21:47 PM |