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 Message Boards » » Calc 2 and Physics same summer session? Page [1]  
New Recruit
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Would it be a horrible idea to take Calc 2 and Physics 205 during summer session 1?

5/6/2010 10:10:09 AM

45912 Posts
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Depends on your abilities. Some here will say do it, because they're very good at one or both of the subjects and troll/flame anyone that says not to take both. Personally, I wouldn't do this. Both classes are quite tough (Calculus 2 is the hardest calculus) and depending on the professor/type of PY 205 you're in (traditional or M&I) and your physics background, PY 205 can be a very challenging class. Keep in mind that summer classes are fast paced and typically require constant work (homework/studying nearly every day).

If it were me, I wouldn't take either during the summer and use your summer for a humanities course. However, if you have to, or insist on taking these during the summer, I'd do one each session, with no other courses and enjoy some free time during the summer.

5/6/2010 10:24:23 AM

All American
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I'm assuming you are talking about MA 241 and not MA 231. If you've taken Calculus and Physics in high school it shouldn't be that bad. I didn't take Calculus in high school so I found MA 241 to be challenging.

So if you've seen both before, it should be no sweat. If you've seen one before but not the other and are a good student it should be doable. If you haven't seen either before I wouldn't recommend it. If you don't have anything that these are prereqs for next semester I would say take both and then drop one if it becomes too much. You should be able to do this as I'd imagine they are both 10 week courses.

5/6/2010 10:28:22 AM

New Recruit
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This is good feedback and i really appreciate it. Let me give you a little more background. I actually graduated from NCSU back in 05 (yes the 82 in my name is the year i was born) but i'm returning to get a degree in Engineering and these two classes (MA 241 and Physics 205) are the only two prereqs i need in order to get into engineering. I tried to take these same courses at Wake this semester but it was a disaster! The tests were ridiculous compared to the ones i looked at from some friends i have here at State. Needless to say i dropped the WT courses.

Both of these courses are 5 weekers so a large part of me agrees with wdprice because i feel like the pace will be really fast and intense but i also want to get these out of the way asap.

5/6/2010 10:45:34 AM

45912 Posts
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Yeh, if you don't have a good background in engineering/math/physics (which it sounds like you may not), I'd do one each session, if possible.

5/6/2010 10:51:47 AM

All American
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That's a horrible idea.

Calc 2 is the most failed course in collegiate history.

To cram it in a summer session alone is a stupid idea, especially if you need to master the abilities to move further on in your career.

To pair it with physics is insane.

Unless you're planning on not working or having a social life for the entire summer session, do not do it.

[Edited on May 6, 2010 at 12:40 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2010 12:40:01 PM

All American
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I've known one person to do this, it was an exchange student from Taiwan. He did so well in our calc 1 class the prof pulled him to side after class one day and told him he didn't have to take the final. Long story short, I saw him after that summer and he said it was the hardest thing he ever did, but he was thankful he did it. After taking both of these courses during a regular semester I wouldn't recommend doing both in one summer session.

5/6/2010 4:05:47 PM

All American
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Let's assume everybody is a weakling ITT.

5/6/2010 5:53:54 PM

New Recruit
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If you are really well disciplined, I would say go for it.

But you are going to be busy all the time, and be ready for tests every week.

5/6/2010 7:26:26 PM

All American
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Weather you succeed in these classes depends more on the teachers than the material.

5/6/2010 7:50:15 PM

best gottfriend
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a. that's not true
b. you used the wrong flavor of weather/whether

given that you're older, and therefore more likely to not mind doing a lot of work, i'd say do it.

5/6/2010 10:04:02 PM

All American
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calc 2 isn't that hard...

5/6/2010 10:57:02 PM

Starting Lineup
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dude you should be fine

5/6/2010 11:43:31 PM

All American
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I wouldn't do this.

5/7/2010 11:03:13 AM

All American
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How smart are you? How resourceful are you if you get stuck and need to find answers? These are things you should consider before you take multiple summer classes per session.

It's definitely doable if you are of average or above average intelligence. I took Solid Mechanics and Fluids in a summer session and got B's. I am usually slightly to moderately above the class average in my classes.

5/7/2010 12:10:35 PM

supple anteater
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Some of my favorite undergrad experiences at NCSU were summer sessions with only 1 course a session and an easy part time job.

[Edited on May 7, 2010 at 2:37 PM. Reason : .]

5/7/2010 2:37:25 PM

New Recruit
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based on some good advice from all of you guys (and my gut feeling) i've decided to take Calc 2 first session and Physics 205 and GC 120 second session.

5/7/2010 4:19:32 PM

All American
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I only took tough classes over the summer because they were easier than during the semester... I took vibrations and controls and two labs and there's no way I would've taken another class during those sessions, but I really don't know about the earlier courses.

5/7/2010 4:34:14 PM

All American
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i took py 205 with wdprice3 way back when.

i remember him making a thread in our class forum saying "Hooray for Matter & Interactions"

i have no idea why i just remembered this.

5/7/2010 7:25:22 PM

Starting Lineup
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[Edited on May 7, 2010 at 9:29 PM. Reason : nm]

5/7/2010 9:27:55 PM

All American
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I would suggest not taking both classes. Space it out - summer classes are hard.

5/8/2010 2:18:19 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"i remember him making a thread in our class forum saying "Hooray for Matter & Interactions"

lol, wut? most people remember me for me for something entirely different... I have no idea what you are talking about.

5/8/2010 3:02:10 PM

All American
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Taking both of these classes at the same time shouldn't be that hard. High school kids do it and they seem pretty on the ball.

Good luck!

5/8/2010 10:49:39 PM

New Recruit
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Good choice. I had Dr Griggs (GREAT teacher) and he noted that Calc II is generally the hardest of the 3 course sequence. Relative to Calc I and Calc III, I tend to agree. It is the least cohesive of the three, because the topics sort of jump around, including series & sequences which kind of come out of nowhere. He also mentioned that the 5 week section is a rolling disaster for some people.

I took it over a 10 week summer on its own and wouldn't want the material coming any faster than that. Given that you are going 5 weeks, spend as much time with the professor/TA as possible (even if distance) so you don't get hammered.

5/10/2010 2:24:20 PM

All American
27293 Posts
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Quote :
"Some of my favorite undergrad experiences at NCSU were summer sessions with only 1 course a session and an easy part time job."


Even though it's probably a long shot since I haven't taken a calc course in about 7 years, if Pittinger or Hong happen to be teaching a calc section I'd encourage you take it. They are both really god math teachers.

5/19/2010 9:36:13 AM

1394 Posts
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YEA single course summer sessions are wonderful for the core math and physics courses. I love you guys I'm feeling the love in here. I miss school. no part time job though, get a grad student lover. they working so hard and they lonely and love help u with homework and teach you

6/6/2010 4:28:46 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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I took Calc 2 and Physics 208 the same summer session and was fine.

I took Calc 3 the next summer session.. It is definitely possible...and wasn't that difficult. I thought Calc 3 was harder than 2.

6/6/2010 8:47:55 AM

All American
6576 Posts
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Quote :
"lol, wut? most people remember me for me for something entirely different... I have no idea what you are talking about."

twas a long time ago mate. you took it in spring 05 right? i just remember you used to post a lot on the py205 message boards and that particular thread stood out.

[Edited on June 9, 2010 at 1:29 PM. Reason : ]

6/9/2010 1:29:29 PM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » Calc 2 and Physics same summer session? Page [1]  
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