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From Wikipedia:

Quote :
"The introduction of Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has led to speculation that he will take over the franchise from Ford.[20] In an interview with IGN, "Spielberg indicated that LaBeouf has to make multiple Transformers movies before he can move over and take on the fedora and bullwhip of Indiana Jones."[21] The actor himself said, "Am I into it? Who wouldn't be? I don't think that's reality. It's a fun rumor."[22] Ford said he would return for a fifth film if it doesn't take another twenty years to develop,[23] while Spielberg responded it would happen "only if you [the audience] want more".[24]

George Lucas made another suggestion that there would be a fifth film. While at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, he revealed his idea "to make Shia LaBeouf the lead character next time and have Harrison Ford come back like Sean Connery did in the third film". Lucas has also said that age will not be a factor, as Ford was "65 and did everything in Crystal Skull. The old chemistry is there, and it's not like he's an old man. He's incredibly agile; he looks even better than he did 20 years ago, if you ask me".[25] In August 2008, Lucas was researching potential plot devices, and stated Spielberg was more open to the idea of the fifth film.[26] He also changed his mind about continuing the series with a spin-off, joking "Indiana Jones is Indiana Jones. Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones. If it was Mutt Williams it would be Mutt Williams and the Search for Elvis or something."[27] Two months later, Ford stated that he would not return if the fifth film was an animated film like The Clone Wars, because "I'd hate to see it reduced in any way from the movies that we have done and the way we have done them." He also called Lucas' concept for the fifth film "crazy but great".[28]

When asked how being married to Marion Ravenwood and having a son would affect the character in a fifth film, Ford only replied "He's seen something. Remember those are the only witness to what he's seen. That's kind of interesting."[29]

Speaking to BBC journalist Lizo Mzimba in June 2009, LaBeouf confirmed that "Steven [Spielberg] just said that he cracked the story on it [the fifth film], I think they're gearing that up."[30]

Speaking to Le Figaro on September 14, 2009, Ford said that "the story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work. If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again."[31]

In an interview with on December 3, 2009, George Lucas was asked about the status of a new film and replied, "The next Indy film? Yes, we're working on it. It's in development. That's all I can say right now."[32]

In a January 8 interview with MTV, Ford said, "George is working on an idea, and if it comes to a fruitful stage, all of us are very interested in making another...I think it would be interesting to advance the understanding of the character, as we always have had that ambition throughout the series. I think it would be interesting to deepen the relationship between he and his son and play on that relationship. ... It's full of opportunity. The series is full of opportunity."[33]

In an interview with Time, when asked about passing the fedora to Shia in the next Indy movie, Ford said, "What are you talking about? It's mine. I would love to do another Indiana Jones movie. George Lucas is working on an idea now. Shia can get his own hat. I earned that hat."[34]


On June 7, 2010 reports surfaced about a possible Indiana Jones 5. Although not fully confirmed, it is highly speculated that the fifth instalment will start shooting next year and involve a plot that revolves around the Bermuda Triangle. Apparently, Lucas and Spielberg are almost done with the script and Ford is on stand by. La Beouf is also set to return.[35] The story was later confirmed as "completely false" by Frank Marshall on his Twitter page.[36]

I, for one, hope Mutt dies and Indy has a bastard child who surfaces and is an actual badass, not some annoying little prick with the name 'Mutt'.

7/12/2010 5:41:50 AM

All American
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did not want 4

do not want

7/12/2010 5:43:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"did not want 4

do not want"

7/12/2010 5:46:17 AM

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Agree. I thought it was funny that they tried to get M. Night Shamalyahamana to write 4, and several other writers, including one who wrote several "Young Indiana Jones" scripts, and then they finally said 'fuck it' and Lucas wrote it himself.

And it was the worst story ever written.

7/12/2010 5:46:34 AM

All American
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They should have a scene where every character hides in a fridge and gets nuked.

And then they die like physics says they goddamn well should... Then they kill Shia LeBouf's character a second time, because he's just that terrible.

7/12/2010 5:49:43 AM

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Jones needs to go down in an epic firefight where he kills Russian communist extremists, old Nazi warmongers, and some Taliban terrorists and in his final act he stuffs a grenade in Osama bin Laden's nappy beard and goes down in the blast to save the original Jesus Christ Cross from falling into the hands of all of those groups and being incinerated, which is then recovered by his new badass son and Sean Connery (isn't he immortal?) who ride off to the Smithsonian with the cross strapped to the back of his motorcycle and Connery in the side car.

And Shia Lebouff dies when falling down the stairs in the opening credits.

7/12/2010 5:55:23 AM

All American
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7/12/2010 6:05:19 AM

Thots and Prayers
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Shia LaBeouf might be one of the worst actors ever.

7/12/2010 8:11:00 AM

All American
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7/12/2010 8:58:47 AM

All American
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They need to not pick actors that look like 12 year olds even when they're 40.

7/12/2010 9:20:52 AM

All American
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Q: Should they make an Indiana Jones 5?

7/12/2010 9:25:14 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Lebouf is not bad when he plays the fast talking smart ass in a movie like I, Robot or Eagle Eye

But you can't hand him the reigns of one of the most beloved franchises of all time

It would be like getting Simon Pegg to play 007

7/12/2010 9:46:42 AM

All American
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he was in i, robot?

7/12/2010 9:50:58 AM

All American
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^^ No a more appropriate analogy would be to cast Daniel Radcliff as 007

7/12/2010 10:10:21 AM

Mr. Joshua
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7/12/2010 10:34:34 AM

uNC SUcks
All American
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Quote :
"he was in i, robot?"

yes, he was the smart ass kid that Will's character knew a bit. Wasn't a major player in the movie, this was about the time he was breaking into major films.

7/12/2010 10:36:27 AM

All American
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i still love even stevens

7/12/2010 10:53:01 AM

All American
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I don't think he's a bad actor I just really don't think he has what it takes to be the next Indiana Jones.

7/12/2010 11:23:11 AM

All American
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I hated Indiana Jones 4. I doubt 5 will be better (especially if it is about the Bermuda triangle for fucks sake). BUT I would still fucking watch it.

And they know this.

[Edited on July 12, 2010 at 11:31 AM. Reason : ``]

7/12/2010 11:31:29 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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You need to be more of a bad ass than Shia Lefuckingbouf

I think Matt Damon would have been a good choice maybe 10 years ago before he became synonymous with another successful trilogy

It seems like all the big name young American actors today are built in the Michael Cera/Lebouf mold where they wouldn't be fit to carry an action franchise

7/12/2010 11:32:56 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"It seems like all the big name young American actors today are built in the Michael Cera/Lebouf mold where they wouldn't be fit to carry an action franchise"


7/12/2010 12:54:10 PM

All American
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The only way Indy 5 can be good is if it starts with Indiana Jones waking up and saying "I just had this terrible dream about alien skulls and I had an idiot kid..."

Sean Connery then pats him on the back, "Well it was definitely a dream, Junior, because I'm still alive and LeBeouf is nowhere to be seen. Karen Allen can still be around."

7/12/2010 1:40:04 PM

All American
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I'm in favor of this if they cut out the group tag alongs that we've had in Crusade and Skull. Crusade had people that everyone liked though with Indy, his dad, Brody from the college and Sallah. Skull had about 3 people who hung around the entire movie with Indy that no one cared about. I just don't think that they can resist making it a huge family quest again and include Mutt.

7/12/2010 1:57:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I think the next one should be Indy in 1960s Alabama fighting the Freedom Riders.

7/12/2010 2:04:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The only way Indy 5 can be good is if it starts with Indiana Jones waking up and saying "I just had this terrible dream about alien skulls and I had an idiot kid...""

haha signed

7/12/2010 2:09:32 PM

All American
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It should be about Sean Connery's adventures as an immortal. It would take an unprecedented level of incompetence to make a bad movie whose premise is "Sean Connery is an immortal badass".

Throw in a big emotional impact when he outlives his son, where Indy's death draws parallels to the way our targets of nostalgia often die when faced with reality or modernity. It would even include a sort of meta-sorrow when the audience remembers how the fourth movie tried to kill the Indiana Jones series.

Then have Connery run around just being the highlander and shit... Killing commies and terrorists and anyone else that western democracies have generally opposed. Maybe include an old Nazi who somehow managed to find some other secret of immortality, like the fountain of youth, and Sean Connery has to use Indiana-Jones-esque action/archaeology skills to locate it and reverse its effects on the evil nazi.

And no excessive CGI, aliens, or nukes (or 3D). Nothing that stupid. On day one, just tell Lucas to leave the project and keep his ideas to himself.

[Edited on July 12, 2010 at 2:14 PM. Reason : .]

7/12/2010 2:12:52 PM

All American
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The movie needs a couple ground rules:

- George Lucas is not allowed to touch the script. He can read it and talk to Spielberg about it, but he can not talk directly to the script writer.

- The production budget for this movie should be the exact same budget for Raiders of the Lost Ark, adjusted for inflation. The marketing budget can be higher.

- Absolutely no blue screen (green screen, whatever) will be allowed on set. Computers can be used to touch up the practical effects, but not replace them. All of the snakes must be real snakes (or props, you get what I mean).

- The movie should either ignore Indy 4 or at least sum up the character developments in it so that fans can safely skip the fourth movie without missing anything. (i.e. the Indy, Mutt, Marion relationships should be addressed in a quick montage)

7/12/2010 2:32:36 PM

All American
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i think Pirates of the Caribbean is the new Indiana Jones, but speilburg and lucas didnt get the memo

7/12/2010 2:45:31 PM

All American
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If Lucas is involved and wants to make it another light hearted family adventure I don't want it. They need to hire Kasdan who wrote Raiders and keep it an Indy-centric movie with one or two sidekicks. Keep it semi-dark in tone like the first 2 and keep Lucas and the Koepp guy who wrote Indy 4 as far as possible away from the script.

7/12/2010 4:37:32 PM

Mr. Joshua
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What happened to the Indy console game that they worked on for years?

All we got was fucking Lego adventures.

7/12/2010 4:53:04 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I think the Uncharted series pretty much was a spiritual succesor

7/12/2010 5:02:05 PM

All American
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^^ Google "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings" and check out the shit reviews that the PS2 and Wii versions both got.

7/12/2010 5:11:29 PM

All American
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7/12/2010 5:14:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It seems like all the big name young American actors today are built in the Michael Cera/Lebouf mold where they wouldn't be fit to carry an action franchise


7/12/2010 5:22:35 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Nice contribution. I assume you're a big fan of Channing Tatum, Justin Long and Chad Michael Murray.

7/12/2010 5:27:32 PM

no u
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according the the adventures of young indiana jones, indy lived to at least the 90's, where he spent time fucking with the minds of children in museums

maybe they can explain where he got the eyepatch

[Edited on July 12, 2010 at 5:37 PM. Reason : derp]

7/12/2010 5:36:05 PM

Duke is puke
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This should've been Indiana Jones 4

7/12/2010 6:20:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nice contribution. I assume you're a big fan of Channing Tatum, Justin Long and Chad Michael Murray."

There is plenty of young talent.

There is no 'good choice' actor to take over indy from ford, because it's a fucking terrible idea in the first place.

7/12/2010 6:37:46 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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Quote :
"Nice contribution. I assume you're a big fan of Channing Tatum, Justin Long and Chad Michael Murray."


7/13/2010 11:12:26 AM

play so hard
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3/15/2016 2:07:30 PM

All American
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Well at least Disney owns Lucasfilm now so George Lucas won't be meddling with it. I really liked the Force Awakens so hopefully they can pull off a decent film with this one.

3/15/2016 2:49:52 PM

All American
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I'd be on board if it were well done, as long as they don't have Harrison Ford really driving the action. He's just getting too old.

3/15/2016 4:08:49 PM

All American
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As disappointing as KotCS was, I'm hype as shit for this. Bring back Sallah, get rid of Shia LaBeouf.

3/15/2016 8:23:47 PM

Mr. Joshua
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It's cool that within our lifetimes we get to see proof that there is no God.

3/15/2016 10:45:47 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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3/16/2016 8:11:00 AM

All American
1356 Posts
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Call of Duty 37.

[Edited on March 16, 2016 at 8:28 AM. Reason : I was going to post some shit about Blade Runnner 2 not being a movie then I realized its about to b]

3/16/2016 8:26:19 AM

All American
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When I was a kid, enjoying the original Indiana Jones movies, I never once thought to myself, "I wonder what Indiana Jones will be doing when he's 70+ years old."

I still don't.

3/16/2016 8:53:44 AM

Ohhh Farts
12464 Posts
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This shit suuuuuuuucked

12/3/2023 9:37:08 AM

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12/3/2023 2:10:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Finally watched this, holy shit what a terrible Indiana Jones movie.

This deserves all the shit that the 4th one actually got despite being a better Indians Jones film in every aspect.

2/20/2024 12:19:02 PM

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