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 Message Boards » » Guys: What is your "Go Gay" price? Page [1] 2 3 4, Next  
Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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How much to go gay in the following scenarios?

a. Get blown by a dude
b. Blow a dude
c. Fuck a dude in the ass
d. Get fucked by a dude in the ass

Now, how much would it take for you to do the above on camera?

7/17/2010 11:19:59 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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this thread has captivated my interest.

7/17/2010 11:21:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'm not going to be the first one to throw a price out there.

7/17/2010 11:22:22 PM

All American
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7/17/2010 11:22:28 PM

All American
11772 Posts
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< $50,000 for a. b. c. or d. and you are already gay

7/17/2010 11:23:33 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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a. $2k
b. $8k
c. $10k
d. $20k

I have given this much thought. Triple those numbers if it will be filmed, and only if my face isn't shown.

^ and you are a liar

[Edited on July 17, 2010 at 11:25 PM. Reason : a]

7/17/2010 11:25:07 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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a. Get blown by a dude
b. Blow a dude
c. Fuck a dude in the ass
d. Get fucked by a dude in the ass

a. Eh, I'd let a dude blow me for about $500,000. It's pretty easy to close your eyes and pretend it's a woman, ok?!

b. YO, FUCK DAT. I want about $50M

c. Yo, that's pretty nasty man. Fuck that.


7/17/2010 11:27:15 PM

32613 Posts
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double those for me, basically

[Edited on July 17, 2010 at 11:29 PM. Reason : to dj.. although i'd shut my eyes and take a bj WAY before i would make out w a dude]

7/17/2010 11:27:46 PM

13178 Posts
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Yeah... No.

7/17/2010 11:32:48 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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yeah, I don't think I could put a price on making out with a dude

7/17/2010 11:33:11 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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^because you do it for free?

7/17/2010 11:36:06 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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7/17/2010 11:38:41 PM

All American
10557 Posts
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oh snap! need some ice?

7/17/2010 11:40:36 PM

New Recruit
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7/17/2010 11:42:11 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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backing out of thread slowly...

7/17/2010 11:45:26 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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you are way more gayer than i am

7/17/2010 11:45:29 PM

13178 Posts
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This thread.

I'm getting off.

7/17/2010 11:47:00 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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If you said that in my face, right in my fucking face, I would laugh you out of existence, you worthless fuck. When you stop sucking at life, then, maybe then, will I take your sorry ass seriously. I've seen a lot of worthless losers in my life, but I still can't wrap my head around the idea of anyone spending money to send your stupid ass to college. Setting the money on fire would have been a better investment. At least some joy would have been derived out of seeing something on fire, other than your meaningless life.

7/17/2010 11:47:40 PM

All American
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In all honesty,

a. Free
b. To the finish? Eh, I'd probably do it for a years rent.
c. Gross. I'd do it for a couple month's rent tho.
d. 10k per minute.

x 10 if a camera is involved

ASSUMING: the guy is hot, disease free, and unselfish

[Edited on July 17, 2010 at 11:50 PM. Reason : ,]

7/17/2010 11:47:53 PM

32613 Posts
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[Edited on July 17, 2010 at 11:48 PM. Reason : too many posts too fast]

7/17/2010 11:47:59 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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10 x free = free

7/17/2010 11:50:42 PM

All American
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7/17/2010 11:51:06 PM

13178 Posts
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^ So... You're Bisexual?

[Edited on July 17, 2010 at 11:53 PM. Reason : Or gay?]

7/17/2010 11:52:56 PM

All American
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To me, being bi or gay requires an actual attraction to the same sex. I can close my eyes and enjoy a BJ from someone I'm not at all attracted to. Plus it's an ego boost.

7/17/2010 11:59:02 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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so far, Lumex is the only honest motherfucker in this thread

[Edited on July 18, 2010 at 12:03 AM. Reason : other than me]

7/18/2010 12:02:47 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Is the guy a friend, a stranger, or someone I don't like?

7/18/2010 12:02:49 AM

13178 Posts
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^^ Glad you are honest about not being honest in your own fucking thread!

7/18/2010 12:03:25 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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so you weren't being honest dj?

7/18/2010 12:03:33 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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see edit

7/18/2010 12:05:36 AM

All American
13716 Posts
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should i post here?

7/18/2010 12:42:00 AM

13178 Posts
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^ Yes.

7/18/2010 12:42:35 AM

All American
13716 Posts
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i await more honesty ITT

7/18/2010 12:44:18 AM

13178 Posts
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Come on. Gay people are guys too, unfortunately.

7/18/2010 12:44:47 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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i'd do C before B, but the answer to all of them is effectively $∞ unless i'm in some desperate fucking straits

7/18/2010 12:53:41 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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good luck finding anyone willing to pay any of you to give you a bj, let alone thousands of dollars

other options considered as a response to this thread

you forgot this:

7/18/2010 1:11:53 AM

All American
47007 Posts
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i know rite its like they're not even gay prostitutes or something

7/18/2010 1:45:03 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^i wouldn't go that far

7/18/2010 1:46:23 AM

45912 Posts
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a. $0.01
b. $0.02
c. $0.03
d. $0.04

7/18/2010 1:55:29 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Apologies to the OP, but if you're willing to have full blown gay sex for $10,000, you probably need to come out of the closet. 10 grand is nothing.

7/18/2010 2:33:48 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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What about tuggies?

This is a disease-free hypothetical gentleman, yes?

[Edited on July 18, 2010 at 3:08 AM. Reason : And would I have to reciprocate or just take one for the team? ]

7/18/2010 3:05:45 AM

37709 Posts
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7/18/2010 3:23:39 AM

All American
22137 Posts
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a) I'd go $2-3k
b) $8k
c) I couldn't keep it up, but i would try for $15k
d) $25k

And also, lots of motherfuckers not understanding sexuality ITT.

This isn't a "Go Gay" price... this is a "Deal with people questioning your sexuality" price.

7/18/2010 5:17:15 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I think there are a few key factors at play.

1) Sexuality is something of a continuum. I’ve known guys who identify as gay that bang a chick on rare occasion even if they almost exclusively are with guys otherwise. I’ve known guys that identify as hetero but have messed around with a guy “just to try it.” I think sexuality is probably something of a continuum, with plenty of people on the edges at 100% or 90%. So depending on where you fall on the continuum that could affect your pricing. But rest assured I think it’s safe to say that if it takes thousands of dollars for you to consider having a guy do all the work giving you a bj, then you can probably identify as hetero no problem

2) Probably for most people it isn’t a question of sexuality, but of what you’ll endure for money akin to fear factor and how much money it would take before you’d stand in a cage with a snake even though you’re afraid of snakes. being willing to do it for a thousand bucks doesn't mean you secretly want a pet snake.

7/18/2010 5:39:19 AM

All American
47007 Posts
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does too

7/18/2010 6:17:51 AM

21958 Posts
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Alright. I can't believe that it would take thousands of dollars for some of you fools to receive a blow job from another dude. Just treat it like you would treat an ugly chick, close your eyes and enjoy a warm wet mouth.

7/18/2010 8:08:51 AM

All American
1498 Posts
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^What she said.

Besides, aren't men supposed to be much better at it?

7/18/2010 8:44:29 AM

All American
16957 Posts
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can I look at straight porn or could there be a blazingly hot naked chick in the same room participating in the sexcapades?

Otherwise i'm not sure a. or c. would be even physically possible.

7/18/2010 9:01:15 AM

5975 Posts
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a. $25,000
b. $500,000
c. $1,000,000
d. $50,000,000

7/18/2010 9:46:25 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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7/18/2010 9:55:36 AM

All American
3666 Posts
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I'm kind of wondering why guys are charging MORE for c than b. In b you are the catcher-bitch but in c you are the pitcher.

7/18/2010 10:10:11 AM

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