sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Welcome to this community of people all joined together by the wonderful university. Maybe you saw this website on the wall of the Free Expression Tunnel. Maybe you found this website written in one of your used textbooks. Maybe just plain old word of mouth has brought you here. Whatever the reason, we are happy you have decided to take the journey into the wonderful world of thewolfweb.
Here I will tell you a few things you should know about this site. Maybe somethings you already know, but if you were like me when you first joined this site you may be new to internet message boards and unsure of what certain terms are and how people will generally act on the internet.
1. Pretty much everyone on this site is a good person in their own way. A lot of people are friends irl (in real life). A lot of people have met other people from this site.
2. There are a few people on this site that will tend to try to pull people into petty arguments. If you read something that is very hard for you to believe that someone actually thinks that, chances are they are just trolling you (trying to get a rise out of you for entertainment). Don't let yourself get sucked in. You will end up getting more upset than you should, which leads me to my next point... 2b. If you are religious in anyway, be prepared to read a lot of opinions that differ from your own. This experience is much like any experience in college. However, it's much easier to be outspoken about things like this on the internet and people on all sides will say things that offend you. Like I said before, try not to get sucked into this, you will be more upset then you need to be. There is no need to bang on your keyboard so people know that you are typing while you're angry.
3. Chances are the first few threads you make will fail. It's how things work. Do not be offended by people saying [old]. It happens. If you make a thread ranting about something that you don't think is fair be prepared for people to call you an idiot and try to belittle you. It happened to me a few times. The longer you are on thewolfweb the better you will understand how people work on here.
4. This is very important MAKE YOUR FACEBOOK PRIVATE. Make sure that the only people that can see information about you is your friends. People on here are very smart and can find out information on people very easily. 4b. Do not post things on here that you won't want to come back around to bite you in the ass. Just like any other social internet groups, once it's on the internet it can never come off.
5. To the females... Most of the guys on here will act like horny virgins that have never seen anything more than a wrist or an ankle. They will ask you to FDT (free dem titties). You probably shouldn't take saucy pictures to post on here. While PMs (private messages) are meant to be private, they don't always turn out that way. 5b. To the guys... If you are a creeper you will get called out on it. People on this site don't take kindly to creepers. It ruins the fun.
6. People on this site do not care if you are not an English major. However, this site will help you improve your grammar and spelling. People on here like to call you out on typos. Do not be offended, it's nothing personal. It just happens.
I would suggest that you just hang out and read and get the feel of this community. Don't get scared off too quickly. There are several users on here that are very nice and would not get annoyed if you PM them questions about how this places works.
So I hope you enjoy your time on thewolfweb. You might get sucked in, and we will appreciate it. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

[Edited on August 18, 2010 at 9:56 PM. Reason : ] 8/18/2010 9:52:51 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
tl;dr 8/18/2010 9:53:18 PM
ALkatraz All American 11299 Posts user info edit post |
tl;dr 8/18/2010 9:53:45 PM
mizzo All American 3541 Posts user info edit post |
Solid. 8/18/2010 9:54:20 PM
EMCE balls deep 89894 Posts user info edit post |
also, sawahash is one of the biggest trolls on this board.
I, however, am one of the very nicest people here. If you have any questions, just fire them my way. I'll catch you up to speed. 
your pal, EMCE 8/18/2010 9:54:21 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
FDT 8/18/2010 9:54:58 PM
Chop All American 6271 Posts user info edit post |
if someone calls you a noob or n00b, it means they are referring to the fact that you are black 8/18/2010 9:55:29 PM
Joie begonias is my boo 22491 Posts user info edit post |
kiwi beat me to it  8/18/2010 9:56:51 PM
BigEgo Not suspended 24374 Posts user info edit post |
tl;dr 8/18/2010 9:56:56 PM
Joie begonias is my boo 22491 Posts user info edit post |
& start out by posting the soap box. 8/18/2010 9:58:04 PM
Rat Soup All American 7669 Posts user info edit post | 8/18/2010 9:58:12 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
lol @ Joie  8/18/2010 9:59:10 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
This is probably something you should just pay attention and PM to new users that look like noobs, or else it would be nice if TWW had a 'sticky' feature at least. 8/18/2010 10:01:13 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Well I just thought back to my first while on here, and I figured if I had known those things it would have made it much easier for me to become who I am today as a tww poster. 8/18/2010 11:04:48 PM
AstralAdvent All American 9999 Posts user info edit post |
My major angst towards america right now is that everyone wants to coddle and cosset everyone else. I'm not saying that we should steer people the wrong way [though greatgazoo threads are lulz sometimes] but its 2010 people know the power that the internet holds
put your hand on the stove, learn the stove is hot.
I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.
[Edited on August 18, 2010 at 11:13 PM. Reason : ] 8/18/2010 11:10:53 PM
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
buy premie and pad the shit out of it.. then it won't look weird with 1 post
[Edited on August 18, 2010 at 11:12 PM. Reason : it = premium palace] 8/18/2010 11:12:33 PM
AstralAdvent All American 9999 Posts user info edit post |
The only advice you need to give people is to lurk for at least a month [preferably longer] before they register, and try to avoid actually posting in chit chat as long as possible
I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message. 8/18/2010 11:17:29 PM
Rat Soup All American 7669 Posts user info edit post |
don't sign all of your posts
I'm [your name] and i approved this message. 8/18/2010 11:21:07 PM
iphotou All American 13047 Posts user info edit post |
and never mention photography 8/18/2010 11:32:59 PM
elduderino All American 4343 Posts user info edit post |
don't sign all of your posts
I'm [your name] and i approved this message. 8/18/2010 11:40:38 PM
BIGcementpon Status Name 11321 Posts user info edit post |
+1 for the OP. Also, IOP1. Welcome n00bz 8/18/2010 11:45:09 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I'm a pretty cool guy. I make jokes and doesn't afraid of anything. 8/18/2010 11:47:55 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Any noobs yet? 8/19/2010 11:42:33 PM
grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
I, however, am one of the very nicest people here. If you have any questions, just fire them my way. I'll catch you up to speed. 
your pal, EMCE 8/19/2010 11:44:58 PM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
Whatever...emce decided randomly that he didn't like me anymore...don't listen to him. 8/19/2010 11:46:42 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I wonder if there is an official "I Hate Spontaneous" list. 8/19/2010 11:54:03 PM
qntmfred retired 40992 Posts user info edit post |
good advice itt 1/25/2011 12:54:15 PM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
now FDT or gtfo!  1/25/2011 12:58:08 PM
mizzo All American 3541 Posts user info edit post |
Welcome all! 1/25/2011 1:20:03 PM
bonerjamz 04 All American 3217 Posts user info edit post |
I realize this thread is about welcoming new tww users....which I have not. Hear me out, maybe I can offer some insight.
I am in outside sales, which is currently salary+commission, but will move into straight commission starting at the beginning of July 2010. I have been in this position since July 2009. I have competition from several direct manufacturing sales reps, large distributors, and local distributors. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each:
Direct Advantages: Immediate knowledge of new technology, no middle man mark up, one shipping bill (paid by manufacturer or buyer of goods), access to larger range of non-commodity items, control inventory, have access to many distributors that can effectively sell their goods which increases market share, and set prices of commodity they manufacture.
Direct disadvantages: Typically have 1-3 sales reps per region (i.e. southeast, mid-atlantic, northeast, etc.) limiting the number of accounts they can successfully manage/cold-call, lack physical customer service or physical technical service available to or affordable for smaller users or altogether, are sometimes not trustworthy because they will go in behind their distributors that sell their commodity to one account in large quantities (i.e. they missed a big account, and have found out about it through a distributor selling their particular product) which leads to the distributor not selling their product anymore, have too many distributors selling the product ultimately driving the set price down through deviations, possibly rely on distributors to actually sell the product, and competition from other direct sources.
Large distributor advantages: have access to other commodities that go hand in hand with other manufacturers (poor example- grocery stores sell milk as well as cereal), get direct pricing, many locations regionally or nationally easing the shipping burden of buyers with multiple locations, personal service either customer or technical, many sales reps that are able to cover a broader territory, access to multiple manufacturers of the same commodity allowing to keep prices in check, service programs that smaller companies can't offer and direct providers can't match in price or value, and experts of many many commodities as opposed to one or a few.
Large distributor disadvantages: smaller local distributors creating price wars (think Michael Scott Paper Co vs Dunder-Mifflin), direct mfg's going in behind and stealing business, limited access to all of the mfg's (you won't find Harris Teeter name brands in Food Lion and visa versa), can't truly set prices because it's based on both supply and demand, territory management, and tough growth prospects in slower economies (this is true for direct as well really)
Local distributor advantages: Typically a good ol' boy setting where the seller and the buyer know each other for years (this does happen at all levels, but mostly at the local level), local folks are right down the street and can be used in emergencies, if the local guy buys at high enough volumes then there is no shipping charge to the end user, and access to both direct mfg's and large distributors.
Local distributor disadvantages: easily beaten in price, array of commodities, array of technology, lack of trained staff, low cash flow, etc etc etc.
This is what I have noticed in my six months, I am sure there are plenty more that need mentioning. The way I am setting myself apart as a sales person is this: I go after the big accounts right now while I am new. The big accounts, if I land them, will take care of me while I am new and building a customer base. The money made off of those allows me to focus free time on smaller accounts that get me higher margins. I build up big accounts, I would like to have 5-10 of these, then get 20-30 medium accounts. If I lose 1 or 2 big accounts, the 20-30 medium accounts keep me afloat while I go after new big accounts. I don't really waste time on small accounts simply because they basically pay for breakfast or something really small.
I will say this, if you can't get a big account in the first 6-8 months (assuming you have cash flow that you can ride this long) you could be in a world of trouble. If you can get one, it will really make going after the others a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. It's simply just very exhausting wasting any time on anything other than big accounts in the very beginning. You work just as hard on the medium sized accounts and see 1/3 to 1/36 of the money in my situation.
If you have any other questions, you can PM me. I hope this helps in the slightest! 1/25/2011 2:13:01 PM
BanjoMan All American 9609 Posts user info edit post |
TWW is real
Facebook is fake 1/25/2011 2:14:20 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on January 25, 2011 at 2:24 PM. Reason : oops]
1/25/2011 2:23:36 PM
qntmfred retired 40992 Posts user info edit post |
I'm just going to start welcoming new users here
welcome fapalerm! 1/25/2011 2:28:00 PM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
you mean call them out!  1/25/2011 2:29:08 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
all 7 of them 1/25/2011 2:29:48 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
Far be it from me to opine, but I don't think we should have someone who looks like Lori Beth Denberg as our unofficial TWW tour guide. 1/25/2011 2:30:07 PM
Stein All American 19842 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "welcome fapalerm!" |
So very close to fapalarm 1/25/2011 2:31:15 PM
toyotafj40s All American 8649 Posts user info edit post |
What new users. This site is dying 1/25/2011 2:31:20 PM
qntmfred retired 40992 Posts user info edit post |
^^ i was thinking fapalert 1/25/2011 2:34:32 PM
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |

1/25/2011 2:35:09 PM
Wraith All American 27288 Posts user info edit post |
One of the first threads I made on TWW was the original Star Wars kid. I searched to make sure there weren't any threads about it before and there weren't, so I went ahead and posted it. I was largely ignored for the mere fact that I was a n00b and ridiculed for posting a stupid video. Later that day someone else posted the same video and someone bumped my thread to post a link to their thread even though the timestamp proved that my thread was posted first. After witnessing all this I was like "wat"
Then I just stuck to helping people with Physics homework in Study Hall for a while.
[Edited on January 25, 2011 at 2:41 PM. Reason : ] 1/25/2011 2:41:11 PM
PackPrincess All American 10557 Posts user info edit post |
my first interaction with wolfwebbers 1/25/2011 3:11:23 PM
OopsPowSrprs All American 8383 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Lori Beth Denberg" |
Haha nice pull 1/25/2011 3:12:34 PM
Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
iop1 1/25/2011 3:14:48 PM
th3oretecht All American 15540 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^hahahaha 1/25/2011 3:17:19 PM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
you shut up Slave Famous, Lori Beth Denberg is awesome
 1/25/2011 3:17:55 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
i attended one of Wraith's physics study meetings at Wood Hall i think it was 1/25/2011 3:25:03 PM
classy_J Veteran 233 Posts user info edit post |
ATTN users w/ > 1000 posts...we don't know what you're talking about
Also, plz2c some freed up T's 1/25/2011 3:59:29 PM
qntmfred retired 40992 Posts user info edit post |
welcomes FunTime! 1/25/2011 4:34:35 PM
Wraith All American 27288 Posts user info edit post |
Holy crap dweedle I remember that! That was 2003 I think, studying for the PY205 exam. It was in Wood Hall and I remember cutiegilr was there too, but I haven't seen her post in years. There were a few others but I don't remember their names. 1/25/2011 4:41:15 PM