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All American
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Teach me your ways.

I just purchased one on a whim. Which are your favorite k-cups and where are the best places to buy them?

10/7/2010 4:26:49 PM

23634 Posts
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i have the caribou coffee packs that are awesome. i bought a box of 80 at costco....much cheaper than buying them at the regular grocery

10/7/2010 4:27:43 PM

All American
4813 Posts
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Target, the Newman's own bold breakfast or whatever its called.

[Edited on October 7, 2010 at 4:28 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2010 4:28:07 PM

68205 Posts
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green mountain coffee's nantucket blend, colombian and french roast

10/7/2010 4:29:23 PM

11097 Posts
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I got an 80 count box of Hazelnut cups from somewhere. Can't remember.

Remember to run hot water through it after making hot chocolate.

10/7/2010 4:36:33 PM

All American
4762 Posts
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bed bath and beyond and kohls have large selections.

i was able to get my caribou daybreak morning blend cups at the coffee shop

if you prefer to use your own ground coffee.........get the my k-cup from walmart or target

i also like timothy's italian blend

caribou blend for the times i make an iced mocha

i also like the english breakfast kcups

[Edited on October 7, 2010 at 4:41 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2010 4:39:15 PM

All American
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^^Noted... thank you! If I'm already using filtered/bottled water do I even need to purchase the filter starter kit?

10/7/2010 4:39:53 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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amazon or costco and you can't go wrong

10/7/2010 4:40:37 PM

68205 Posts
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i dont know where to get them from pattycakes we just use it at work and i love it very much
the flavored coffee is too weak for me
i love a full flavored coffee...Kona Blend is pretty good too

10/7/2010 4:54:19 PM

All American
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I like all coffee.. I cannot discriminate. My machine has an iced beverage option too which I'm pretty excited about.

I can't wait to start messing with it when I get home but I want to figure out the filter thing first.

10/7/2010 4:56:40 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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I think every option we have at work for these things taste fucking horrible

We got everything mentioned in the thread so far

Black nor any amt of cream and/or sugar can remedy this crap

10/7/2010 4:59:55 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Before someone gave me one I never drank enough coffee to warrant making a whole pot.

It was so easy that I was drinking 6 cups a day before I knew it.

10/7/2010 5:01:00 PM

All American
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^Omg that's a whole lotta coffee.

10/7/2010 5:03:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I cut back once I realized that I'd fallen into their trap.

10/7/2010 5:09:42 PM

All American
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I don't even want to know how much your 6 cup days end up costing rofl

10/7/2010 5:11:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Just my dignity. At the height of my addiction I was trading sex for k-cups at Costco.

10/7/2010 5:12:12 PM

All American
4482 Posts
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Any Bosch Tassimo owners here?

10/7/2010 5:12:24 PM

All American
1283 Posts
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^ No, I have a Keurig, but someone bought me a coffee carousel that is made for a bosch tassimo. It doesnt fit mine!

As far as flavors go, my mom gave me some of this kind called Donut Shop. I will probably buy a bigger pack of those next time I need some.

10/7/2010 10:42:37 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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Donut Shop

10/7/2010 10:53:34 PM

All American
6209 Posts
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^Can you exchange the carousel for a proper one?

10/7/2010 10:54:16 PM

63151 Posts
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There's a site I used a while back, that if you ordered 6 20 packs or something it was free shipping. This along with the lower price undercut buying them at bb&b or somethingby abt $0.18/cup.

Plus its fun to have a drawer full of kcups, 6 different flavors at your whim.

10/8/2010 1:00:04 AM

begonias is my boo
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Quote :
"Hazelnut cups"


10/8/2010 6:44:41 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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Buy them in bulk on ebay. Cheaper than costco.

10/8/2010 7:25:18 AM

25081 Posts
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we get all of our cups at or costco

german chocolate are probably my favorite ones

the raspberry pomegranate tea is pretty good too

10/8/2010 7:58:54 AM

All American
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We have one of these at work, and I think we have more flavors than employees. There's probably 8-10 types of coffee at least, as well as 4 kinds of coffee, plus backup boxes everywhere. They have a lot of the "sweetened" type flavors, some of the regular. Unfortunately, I don't drink coffee (or any hot beverage, really) so I can't speak to that. I did try the orange tea or something like that once at the mechanic's, and I didn't really like it. But it was tea. Hot tea sucks.

This post was pretty uninformative. Sorry.

10/8/2010 8:07:14 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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sale today on amazon - first page of slickdeals.

10/8/2010 10:58:46 AM

All American
6458 Posts
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Quote :
"I think every option we have at work for these things taste fucking horrible

We got everything mentioned in the thread so far

Black nor any amt of cream and/or sugar can remedy this crap"

I too have not found a keurig flavor that isn't garbage compared to stuff you make in a real coffeemaker.

10/8/2010 11:03:50 AM

All American
2426 Posts
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tully's kona blend

10/8/2010 11:15:02 AM

68205 Posts
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thats 2 for kona

10/8/2010 11:16:02 AM

All American
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10/8/2010 11:24:43 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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Quote :
"I too have not found a keurig flavor that isn't garbage compared to stuff you make in a real coffeemaker."

Do you grind your coffee yourself? I do, and I've wondered if maybe that's why I don't dig these little cups. I've been buying whole beans for years, and grind just enough to last me for 2-3 days so it stays pretty fresh.

Frosh is the coffee guru...if you see this, what say you on this preference? Is there something about these little plastic cups or the brewing process or coffee itself that makes the quality so ? Or is it just our taste buds?

[Edited on October 8, 2010 at 11:59 AM. Reason : ]

10/8/2010 11:57:55 AM

68205 Posts
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youre just weird LK

10/8/2010 12:26:15 PM

All American
3229 Posts
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Quote :
"green mountain coffee's nantucket blend, colombian and french roast"


10/8/2010 2:02:10 PM

All American
15416 Posts
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dunkin donuts smells just like dunkin donuts.

10/8/2010 2:27:45 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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I was thinking about one of these things the other day... I don't drink coffee at home much, but I like it in hotels and restaurants sometimes. Plus my parents are coming for a visit and they NEED their crack in the morning. But then I found this thing on sale for $10 and I can make any flavor I want.

i think its a little annoying to have one more thing to wash with the basket and everything.

10/8/2010 3:06:33 PM

All American
15540 Posts
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There are some deals on today for K-cups

10/8/2010 3:37:01 PM

All American
6209 Posts
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I just bought the Van Houtte Chocolate Raspberry Truffle k-cups using the Amazon deal. 18 bucks for 48 cups makes it come out to about 0.38 each and shipping was free. If I were able to do the Subscribe and Save, it would've been only slightly cheaper.

10/8/2010 3:54:24 PM

All American
6458 Posts
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You can do subscribe&save, set it for the longest resending period, and then cancel before that with no problems btw

10/8/2010 4:04:34 PM

All American
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That's what I was planning but this particular item didn't have the option to do S&S. Thankfully the 7 cent difference isn't going to kill my pocket or anything

10/8/2010 4:05:44 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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i get all mine from amazon

donut shop
neumann's extra bold
and the caribou house blend

10/8/2010 4:24:39 PM

All American
51923 Posts
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elkaybie said:
Quote :
"Frosh is the coffee guru...if you see this, what say you on this preference? Is there something about these little plastic cups or the brewing process or coffee itself that makes the quality so ? Or is it just our taste buds?"

Let me qualify this by saying I am not familiar with how Keurig processes the coffee for K-Cups. All I know is that it's ground and, if I had to guess, nitrogen-flushed. I'm going to assume it is for the purpose of answering the question.

The substances that make up the flavor and aroma of coffee are so strong because they are highly volatile, which basically means they vaporize at room temperature. When you grind coffee, you expose more of these compounds to the air (or water when brewing). The aromatic compounds will more or less boil away if ground coffee is left sitting, which is why it goes stale and loses its flavor.

Nitrogen flushing is a technique for preserving the aroma and flavor of coffee. The processor replaces the oxygen in the bag or jar (or K-Cup, presumably) with nitrogen. Oxygen causes oxidation, which will destroy aroma and flavor. Nitrogen is more or less inert, so the volatile compounds have nothing to bond with.

Of course, your containers are never totally airtight, and flushing never replaces all the oxygen, so this preservation doesn't last forever. The coffee still degrades, and it can be very noticeable if you're used to freshly ground stuff.

11/23/2010 8:48:55 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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[Edited on November 23, 2010 at 8:51 AM. Reason : als]

11/23/2010 8:50:30 AM

All American
3093 Posts
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Newman's Own Extra Bold is the shit

11/23/2010 8:57:47 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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k-cups are crap and i can't even drink drip coffee anymore because it's so weak...moka FTMFW

[Edited on November 23, 2010 at 9:01 AM. Reason : .]

11/23/2010 9:00:55 AM

All American
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I, too, have an espresso maker.

I don't always drink drip coffee, but when I do, I chose Keurig

11/23/2010 9:15:59 AM

All American
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[Edited on November 23, 2010 at 9:19 AM. Reason : indeed!]

11/23/2010 9:19:15 AM

All American
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eBay for the cheapest k-cups

11/23/2010 9:19:50 AM

All American
15292 Posts
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My office orders through these guys every week:

11/23/2010 9:28:29 AM

All Amurican
5269 Posts
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my husband has mentioned several times that he wants one of these. Thing is, he doesn't like coffee, but said he would use it for the tea. I would certainly use it for coffee, but I wonder if the tea is even any good.

Anybody here have any recommendations on which teas to try if we do get a keurig?

11/23/2010 10:02:42 AM

All American
51923 Posts
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I wouldn't waste money on a Keurig for tea. Just buy a nice electric kettle. Tea's not hard.

11/23/2010 10:04:46 AM

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