joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
I havent posted much on here so this is probably my last joe# blog on tww until I can see again.Back in late August my roommate and I toook a trip out west to Colorado and utah to go camping and hiking. About four days in our trip we were scaling up a pretty steep hill. i lost my balance and fell and hit some rocks. knocked me Unconscious and woke up several hours later in the Er. Couldn't see anything.
Drs said it was due to concussion and was temporary. also broke my ankle and 2 ribs. they kept me at hospital for a few days for observation and recovery and my vision never came back. never went totally black so i can see if its light or dark. cant really tell if people are around unless they are close. but still can't see their face.
drs think there is some tissue damage around eye and also pressure in head putting pressure on optic nerve. my eye is also cloudy. not sure what that looks like but the roommate says its pretty freaky.
i finally came home and go to emory once a week for checkup. Had to use wheelchair for 6 weeks due to broken ankle. definitely sucked because crutches woudl be tough with only 1 crutch especially if i cant see where Im going lol
what really sucks is I lost my license because it expired at end of october on my birthday. my roommate is awesome and helps me do everything though. he really likes driving me around because i let him drive my car instead of his old piece of crap haha
i have been learning how to use a cane which is pretty bizarre but not hard. have trouble telling where steps are though. also i dont have the other arm to reach out and feel for things so i tend to bump into walls especially on my left side fortunately my roommate takes me most places so he can help guide me around.
computers are very hard to use but apple's built in screen reading and control makes things a lot easier. tww isnt very accessible though. ken, want to work on this to improve your vision impaired demographic? 
DRs say my eye is healing very very slowly so they think my vision will come back over time, just they dont know how long or to what degree.
we're up in the mountains at my parents vacation home for the weekend and got snowed in. we have about 10-12 inches on top of the mountain and it's about 7 degrees outside. it is damn cold and windy as hell. my car is stuck in the garage. the driveway is about a mile long and is pretty slick at spots. not chancing driving my bmw down the hill. we went for a walk and got in a snowball fight. my roommate had the unfair advantage of being able to see where to throw the snowballs hahaha not sure how long we're going to be stuck. might have to get someone to come and scrape driveway tomorrow.
time for dinner. adios tww! 12/13/2010 7:55:56 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
holy shit 
i posted a sad face fyi 12/13/2010 7:56:40 PM
Kickstand All American 11772 Posts user info edit post |
good luck, man! you're the badass of all badasses 12/13/2010 7:57:39 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148878 Posts user info edit post |
damn joe# sorry to hear about your fall, hope everything works out well sooner rather than later] 12/13/2010 7:58:20 PM
hollister All American 1498 Posts user info edit post |
Holy shit, joe#s. Hope your recovery goes more quickly than anticipated. You have a great attitude about it.  12/13/2010 7:59:41 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
Is there a way for them to reduce the pressure put against the optic nerve?? Surely they are not just sitting back and waiting?
Please get well sooner than later ] 12/13/2010 8:00:57 PM
walkmanfades All American 3139 Posts user info edit post |
This guy really can't catch a break. Fuck. Sorry to hear that joenumbers. Hope your shit heals up good as new. 12/13/2010 8:00:57 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "damn joe# sorry to hear about your fall, hope everything works out well sooner rather than later" |
12/13/2010 8:03:27 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
i've taken a class on occular implants, so im that much closer to developing you that terminator eye i promised you years ago dude 12/13/2010 8:03:44 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
good luck man 12/13/2010 8:08:11 PM
Bobby Light All American 2650 Posts user info edit post |
Get well soon brother! 12/13/2010 8:08:46 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "damn joe# sorry to hear about your fall, hope everything works out well sooner rather than later" |
12/13/2010 8:10:50 PM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
Damn Joe#'s, I wish for the best for you and for a speedy recovery. 12/13/2010 8:12:29 PM
Mr. Joshua Swimfanfan 43948 Posts user info edit post |
Damn that sucks. Sorry man.
I read this:
Quote : | "Back in late August my roommate and I toook a trip out west to Colorado and utah to go camping and hiking." |
and got scared that you got pinned under a rock and had to cut your arm off. 12/13/2010 8:13:17 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
This is crazy. So sorry man.  12/13/2010 8:16:42 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Joe you have to be one of the toughest fuckers I've seen on this forum.
Terribly sorry about your accident. Wishing you the best and hoping that medical science can offer you a solution. 12/13/2010 8:22:41 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
I'm a bit lost for words.
jesus man 12/13/2010 8:23:05 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
Joenumbers is my textbook definition of a thriving individual. 12/13/2010 8:23:41 PM
Supplanter supple anteater 21831 Posts user info edit post |
Sorry to hear that joe numbers. Get well soon! Glad to hear you at least have people looking out for you while you get better.
I agree that making the wolf web more accessible would be a good thing. I've played around with some website design at a very minimal level, mostly in telling others what content I wanted added to a website. First I helped with the website for the veterinary clinic I used to work at, and honestly never thought much about that kind of accessibility. But then I interned at a municipal government place and played around with their website some too and learned a lot.
They had a lot of rules on accessibility from making it easy for screen readers with things like making sure tables were set up a certain way, making sure pictures had descriptions associated with them in the alternative text, and even color scheme guidelines to keep it accessible to the color blind and many more guidelines. 12/13/2010 8:25:24 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
If there is such a thing as reincarnation, joenumbers should get to come back as one of those sheiks with like 1,000 concubines and a billion dollars of oil money or something.
that guy deserves it.
of course the other side of that coin is maybe he was a babyraper in a previous life and this is his payback.
BABYRAPER!  12/13/2010 8:29:46 PM
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
12/13/2010 8:30:01 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
it sucks that some asshole rich middle eastern dude is your idea of a perfect life 12/13/2010 8:30:53 PM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "damn joe# sorry to hear about your fall. Your attitude about it all is amazing, considering everything you've been through. I hope everything works out well sooner rather than later" |
12/13/2010 8:35:49 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
Good god. I mean, this is just... wow. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you have a full and speedy recovery. From now on don't leave the house without a helmet and heavy padding 
Also why are you worried about your license expiring? (not joking)
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 8:38 PM. Reason : .] 12/13/2010 8:35:49 PM
Lavim All American 945 Posts user info edit post |
Get better  12/13/2010 8:41:14 PM
Rat Soup All American 7669 Posts user info edit post |
does this mean he can't read my thread about playing a practical joke on an ex bf/gf? 12/13/2010 8:41:30 PM
qntmfred retired 40982 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Joe you have to be one of the toughest fuckers I've seen on this forum." |
your presence on here has certainly been missed of late. keep on keepin on man
(p.s. not sure how much i can do in the immediate term for accessibility but site3 is coming up next semester) 12/13/2010 8:49:01 PM
BigEgo Not suspended 24374 Posts user info edit post |

12/13/2010 8:53:08 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |

and I thought kadwhackle needed a bubble. sheesh man.
12/13/2010 9:06:23 PM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |

12/13/2010 9:19:14 PM
hondaguy All American 6409 Posts user info edit post |
It hasn't been all bad for him . . . he used to have that hot chick that got off on washing his eye.  12/13/2010 9:35:56 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, that cheated on him.............. 12/13/2010 9:38:13 PM
Chance Suspended 4725 Posts user info edit post |
How did 12/13/2010 9:39:46 PM
moron All American 34484 Posts user info edit post |
Most people can type without seeing. And if his computer is reading out what he's typing, it's not too bad. 12/13/2010 9:41:15 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
that sucks, man. hope you heal quickly! 12/13/2010 9:43:09 PM
Joie begonias is my boo 22491 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Joenumbers is my textbook definition of a thriving individual." |
no shit.
and you have such a great outlook on things it's downright inspiring.
you rock and i hope everything heals quickly! 12/13/2010 9:51:48 PM
Chop All American 6271 Posts user info edit post |
best of luck man. you have an unbelievable attitude about everything, stay awesome. 12/13/2010 10:27:09 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
Joe, really, stop going hiking .
Also, Xoxo 12/13/2010 10:43:11 PM
ScubaSteve All American 5523 Posts user info edit post |
1. Write biography 2. Get published 3. Profit $$$ 12/13/2010 10:51:50 PM
TheBullDoza All American 7117 Posts user info edit post |
Goodness. Get well soon, Joe#s.
LOL..I love how you and your roommate had a snowball fight. The mental image is priceless! 12/13/2010 10:59:47 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Sorry to hear about it man, hope it comes back sooner rather than later.
My advice: Don't run barefoot while blind. It would suck to lose another appendage and/or sensory organ.
Also, dog poop.
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 11:20 PM. Reason : Also, don't lick anyone's asshole while blind.] 12/13/2010 11:20:11 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
 12/13/2010 11:24:52 PM
zorthage 1+1=5 17148 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "damn joe# sorry to hear about your fall, hope everything works out well sooner rather than later" |
12/13/2010 11:25:55 PM
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
You're in my prayers, Joe.
get well soon!
 12/13/2010 11:31:29 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Really sorry to hear about your latest issues. I was actually thinking about you the other day...kinda weird because I don't tend to think a lot about people from the internet that I've never met IRL. Hope your vision is restored as fully as possible. 12/13/2010 11:37:01 PM
Wordsworth All American 2888 Posts user info edit post |
get well soon!!! 12/13/2010 11:43:43 PM
GoldenGirl All American 6475 Posts user info edit post |
Wow at least you are alive! I hope you continue to get better. Take it easy for a bit! 12/13/2010 11:50:33 PM
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like someone fell ITT 12/14/2010 1:20:00 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
Joe#'s reminds of that snl digital short about the guy who got an email from a co-worker that sent him to porn sites and his boss dropped in and fired him, then he goes on with a shit ton of other bad luck and kinda makes me sad.  12/14/2010 1:30:46 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
---> 12/14/2010 4:47:25 AM