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934 Posts
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Can I do this? It would appear that it's about that time. Anyways, the cred thread basically devolved into the coaching search thread intertwined with pic bombings.

Rick Barnes is who we need.

2/12/2011 6:20:19 PM

All American
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your mom is who I need

2/12/2011 6:24:56 PM

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2/12/2011 6:26:10 PM

All American
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[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 9:19 AM. Reason : x]

2/12/2011 6:26:22 PM

934 Posts
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^, ^^, ^^^ eww dag

come on guys quit trolling my threads

[Edited on February 12, 2011 at 6:28 PM. Reason : .]

2/12/2011 6:27:30 PM

State Oz
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2/12/2011 6:29:04 PM

All American
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i've been conducting a coaching search on nc state's bench all season. i couldn't find any

2/12/2011 6:33:05 PM

All American
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2/12/2011 6:45:50 PM

All American
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There will be plenty of time for this once Sid is actually gone...

2/12/2011 6:53:57 PM

934 Posts
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Good golly jee wiz molly, does this particular NC State sports talk crowd has some thin skin or something? This is THE biggest prospective event going on right now around NC State sports and will define our future for several years and we don't even have a real thread to discuss. Lowe's credibility has already been determined. Calm down, we're hopefully moving forward now.

so moving on...

Rick Barnes is the only reasonable top 10 caliber coach that we have a realistic chance at. The chance may be small of landing him, but I think it's possible. If I remember correctly Fowler was tweaking his contract at the last minute and he basically told us to go fly a kite after that (or was that Cal??)

Yow should be night and day in the coaching search aspect. The one thing I'm worried about is if any potential coaches contact Gary Williams to see what it's like working under Yow. I don't think it's that big of a stretch for potential candidates to cover their bases before making the leap and I would think Gary Williams opinions aren't taken lightly in the coaching circles.

edit: I've had a couple Corona's, so take it easy on me when you buzzards pick me apart tonight lol

[Edited on February 12, 2011 at 7:03 PM. Reason : .]

2/12/2011 7:00:24 PM

All American
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it was john beilein. not rick barnes. not calipari. go ahead and get another lime for your 'rona.

2/12/2011 7:16:55 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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with barnes there was talk that if fowler had flown to austin and personally offered him the job he would have came, but ol' lee called and lowballed him.

2/12/2011 7:46:36 PM

37776 Posts
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Humor me for a minute if you will

If IF Barnes were to come here. How long would it take for you Barnes cock suckers to turn on him if hes not winning?

2/12/2011 8:05:53 PM

All American
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rick barnes not coming here
jay wright not coming here
anyone with final 4 head coaching experience not coming here

2/12/2011 8:07:29 PM

934 Posts
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Quote :
"If IF Barnes were to come here. How long would it take for you Barnes cock suckers to turn on him if hes not winning?"

3 years

2/12/2011 8:10:22 PM

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Only 2 though if we're still bottom of ACC. That wouldn't ever happen though so m00t point.

2/12/2011 10:59:47 PM

All American
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Rick Barnes is one of the highest paid coaches in America, plus where he's at now he has less competition and fewer expectations. Kansas is the only team that's a perennial national power, and Texas fans don't demand to beat them every year.

2/12/2011 11:04:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Humor me for a minute if you will"

Humor me for not liking a coach with the worst record in the ACC for the last five years.

Do you honestly think Barnes wouldn't succeed here?

Why can't this thread be legit? I mean its inevitable at this point.

2/12/2011 11:05:04 PM

All American
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WPC has a shitload of money to spend. Hopefully we land a big name.

2/12/2011 11:05:26 PM

All American
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bottom line: a bunch of big name coaches are about to get raises...
...if fowler was leading the search

Yow may not waste time w/ the untouchables

2/12/2011 11:08:21 PM

All American
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^^Yeah...they have SOOOO much money, that we couldnt get a new basketball arena without having to share it with a hockey team.

2/13/2011 1:23:06 AM

oh we back
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Quote :
"Rick Barnes is the only reasonable top 10 caliber coach that we have a realistic chance at"

We aren't getting Barnes. Why would he leave Texas? They are one of the best teams in the nation right now. Texas has that crazy deal with ESPN now...I just don't get it. Rick Barnes is a damn good coach and I'd love for him to be our coach. But that ain't happening.

As a general rule of thumb, coaches at BCS schools don't leave for another BCS school. Herb and Tom Crean are the only recent examples I can think of.

2/13/2011 1:29:07 AM

Not an alcoholic
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Roy? I'm sure it happens frequently enough

edit: i'm not saying anybody we've ever heard of will come here. i would imagine it will be somebody we don't know a lot about that had success at a mid-major

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 1:47 AM. Reason : ~]

2/13/2011 1:46:18 AM

oh we back
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^Ah yes. Forgot about Roy...

2/13/2011 1:48:32 AM

Duh, Winning
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2/13/2011 3:29:41 AM

All American
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Quote :

try here first, [user]Bonemilker[/user]

2/13/2011 4:34:41 AM

50085 Posts
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I'm a bit undecided on this. It's in pretty bad taste I guess since Sid is still our coach, but we had these threads all the time before Herb left. It's also a legitimate conversation, so I think I'm going to allow it so we don't clutter the board with new threads for every coach.

Just a FYI, I edited the post with the lock picbomb.

Quote :
"As a general rule of thumb, coaches at BCS schools don't leave for another BCS school. Herb and Tom Crean are the only recent examples I can think of."

I'm not sure it's so uncommon as you think. Off the top of my head I have Barnes, Herb, Howland, Crean, Sampson, Roy, Doherty, Purnell, etc.

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 9:21 AM. Reason : x]

2/13/2011 9:18:45 AM

Not suspended
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it is rare for someone who is highly successful at a bcs level job to leave that school for a non-top tier job.

of that list, barnes and howland got much better jobs and neither got past the sweet 16 prior to their current jobs (also came from schools without any kind of recent history of basketball success), herb and purnell left the pressure and weren't that successful, crean and sampson left for indiana (probably one of the 5 biggest jobs in basketball), Roy and Do "went home" (I don't think you can name a single coach who accomplished what Roy did and left on his own accord for any other reason)

I'd say since we're not a top tier job anymore and since we don't have any alums lighting it up at the college level, the odds of us landing a guy who is highly successful at a BCS level job (in the way that Barnes and Wright are/have been) are pretty low.

2/13/2011 9:39:00 AM

11687 Posts
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BCS??? Are we talking about bball?

2/13/2011 9:54:14 AM

All American
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i don't agree with this thread...the credibility thread is plenty right now considering he is our current coach.

this situation is different from herb's situation...this is our former player guys, come on

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 10:02 AM. Reason : df]

2/13/2011 10:01:26 AM

All American
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It means the power 6 conferences. Pretty common talk there bud.

Quote :
"herb and purnell left the pressure and weren't that successful"

I could be wrong but I thought Clemson fans were pretty happy with Purnell. They are in fact a big football school or so they think.

2/13/2011 10:02:51 AM

Not suspended
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Sort of. They were getting tired of the late season collapses. Clemson basketball had expectations again. Most Clemson fans I talk to are happy he left and that they have Brownell now.

2/13/2011 10:08:26 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Most Clemson fans I talk to are happy he left and that they have Brownell now."

Well yeah they hired a good coach not an unqualified former player. If we had gotten Barnes, then everyone here would have been happy as well.

Not all searches end in disaster Lee Fowler style.

2/13/2011 10:10:16 AM

10254 Posts
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lol Rick barnes

Milkboner, you HAVE to be the best troll ever. Or you are some pack pride dumbass after all.

2/13/2011 10:11:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"THE biggest prospective event going on right now around NC State sports and will define our future for several years and we don't even have a real thread to discuss"

You can talk about it until you're blue in the face, but Debbie Yow doesn't give a damn about what you gotta say

2/13/2011 10:32:35 AM

934 Posts
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^ That's so true, just like having a thread to discuss the Wake Forest game won't guarantee a win today.

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 10:41 AM. Reason : .]

2/13/2011 10:40:12 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"this situation is different from herb's situation...this is our former player guys, come on"

I don't see it as different. In fact, I see this as more legitimate considering his abject lack of success...

In any case, I'm not going to put up with ANY personal insults thrown at Lowe in this thread. This is your fair warning to everyone. Any of that and you can take a few days off...

** Oh and did anyone catch Wichita State's thumping of Northern Iowa last night? Just saying...

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 10:42 AM. Reason : x]

2/13/2011 10:41:43 AM

All American
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^^^Actually DY does give a shit. This is an AD that personally responds to everyone who emails her.

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 10:46 AM. Reason : we aint getting Barnes though]

2/13/2011 10:45:34 AM

934 Posts
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I've said the chance for getting Barnes is small, but I still think we have a chance. If we are willing to spend the money then we absolutely have to ask him, similar to Cowher and the last football coaching search.

2/13/2011 10:54:36 AM

All American
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We have no chance at Barnes. Texas is the largest University in the country, they have an immense alumni base, huge donors, and an almost unlimited budget for athletics. Barnes isn't going to leave a program that he has built into a perennial top 15 team in a weaker conference to come to a program in shambles in a much more competitive league.

We need to go after a very successful mid-major coach who is ready to make the move to the next level.

2/13/2011 10:59:22 AM

All American
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^So true. Also we don't want to waste the time pursuing all of these pipe dream coaches because then we may have to settle again. I would rather pursue several coaches that we realistically have a chance at as opposed to pursuing a bunch of big names who aren't likely to come and will string us along in order to leverage raises and then leave us hanging.

2/13/2011 11:10:53 AM

All American
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Barnes would've been a great hire 5 years ago. Now, not so much.

2/13/2011 11:15:43 AM

Sup, Brahms
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face it guys, Monty Towe will be our next coach and we will suck even worse in the upcoming years.

i love the Barnes talk in here. it just proves how delusional you people are. Texas is #3 in the country, probably going to #2 after tOSU's loss. yeah, he'd leave there in a heartbeat for a shit school like ours...

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 11:27 AM. Reason : k]

2/13/2011 11:25:50 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Complete shit will fill this thread until the actually time comes, then we'll have to make a new one.

2/13/2011 11:38:30 AM

All American
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like this:

2/13/2011 11:43:36 AM

Sup, Brahms
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the more i think about it, the more classless i think this thread is. we have a basketball coach. he has not been fired, has not stepped down. this thread is like talking with your girlfriend about other chicks you'd like to fuck before actually breaking up with her.

delete this shit until we actually have a coaching search.

2/13/2011 11:44:38 AM

All American
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^ that's right on

2/13/2011 11:50:41 AM

10254 Posts
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Quote :
"similar to Cowher and the last football coaching search"


enjoy this coaching search man

also, agreed about deleting this thread, but NYM in his infinite wisdom will continue to let this devolve into people smearing shit on each other's faces.

[Edited on February 13, 2011 at 11:59 AM. Reason : have fun folks]

2/13/2011 11:57:21 AM

All American
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2/13/2011 11:59:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the more i think about it, the more classless i think this thread is. we have a basketball coach. he has not been fired, has not stepped down. this thread is like talking with your girlfriend about other chicks you'd like to fuck before actually breaking up with her.

delete this shit until we actually have a coaching search."

2/13/2011 12:17:33 PM

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