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All American
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Who is gonna win?

6/30/2011 7:36:39 PM

All American
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6/30/2011 7:38:43 PM

All American
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i dunno, i think facebook is established enough

google buzz only lasted a couple weeks vs. twitter

6/30/2011 7:40:40 PM

All American
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Buzz was clunky and awkward. Plus is giving controls of sharing info with specific groups...

Which, face book will let you do that, but it's cumbersome, and groups were not established first for long time users... I can't remember who to add from x organization that I've got 80 friends in... and even still, once you post I don't think you can change which group gets to se the content...

Plus at least makes you share things to specific circles of friends. I like that.

That said, it may be what we need to force Facebook into being more private... and opt in to share content with groups as opposed to opt out.. face books stance on privacy is aggravating.

[Edited on June 30, 2011 at 7:46 PM. Reason : ..]

6/30/2011 7:45:11 PM

All American
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i dont know how to use facebook anymore to be honest, other than posting things as my status

6/30/2011 7:46:16 PM

All American
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And, its a little simpler... I'm still messing around with it though. Maybe my opinion will change

6/30/2011 7:47:52 PM

All American
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Facebook attracts me most for sharing pictures. Other functions have been developed stronger by other websites such as twitter and linkedin.

6/30/2011 8:49:30 PM

All American
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dweedle said:
Quote :
"google buzz only lasted a couple weeks vs. twitter"

Eh? Buzz is still around. I and several friends use it. In fact, I have my Twitter account linked to it.

6/30/2011 8:55:34 PM

All American
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twitter for keeping up with news/info/people of interest
linkedin for professional networking ...

I have a hard time seeing myself using anything else of a social nature more than once a month ... no time for it.

6/30/2011 10:22:27 PM

All American
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ok, it's not literally dead

but it's not exactly booming

6/30/2011 10:26:20 PM

All American
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To be honest, my gut reaction after using Google Plus was initially, “Why on earth would anybody switch to this from Facebook?”

However, when I loaded up Google Finance as I do every morning, I suddenly realized that I was asking the wrong question. The reality is that users won’t have the option of not using Google Plus.
Google already has more users than Facebook, over one billion. They aren’t going to suddenly leave Facebook in droves, they’re just going to spend more time on all the sites in Google’s network. That big notifications box in the top right of all Google sites is the reason why.

6/30/2011 11:06:35 PM

All American
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That too, excellent point. Its also an ad targeting scheme I'm sure, though there's an opt out so that Google won't give you ads based on plus content on third party sites.. but on Google's domain wide services, fair game. Its pervasive and they can provide massive integration. Far better than face books connect package. Outside of tww, fark, and a small handful of sites, I seldom directly go to a site that wasn't from something linked off Google. News, stocks, etc.

But Google did claim 1 billion unique visitors last month, to their search page. I'd love to know what the number was in the us. I'd also be curious to see if they counted my phone and my tablet and my computer (potentially three unique IP addys, maybe more due to dynamic IP shit), or if they got lumped as one since my Google account was logged in... either way... an impressive figure.

[Edited on July 1, 2011 at 1:26 AM. Reason : .]

7/1/2011 1:24:04 AM

All American
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Google will win. Facebook is shitty and the only reason they are leading is because myspace was shittier.

If google actually commits to their privacy claims, that will be a huge leg up for them.

All google needs is a facebook importer to make the transition easy.

[Edited on July 1, 2011 at 7:31 AM. Reason : .]

7/1/2011 7:30:44 AM

All American
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I think facebook is easy to surpass because the tech behind it is not difficult to learn.

7/1/2011 12:09:30 PM

All American
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i think the generic facebook user's reluctance to completely rebuild their friend-base on an alternative web service is underestimated

7/1/2011 1:01:56 PM

7062 Posts
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heh, honestly i kinda like starting fresh with google+ vs cleaning out my friends list.. though it's just the stage in life that i'm at. would be pain to move _everything_ over.

will definitely be interesting to see how it shakes out.

[Edited on July 1, 2011 at 3:36 PM. Reason : .]

7/1/2011 3:34:43 PM

All American
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The world has changed since facebooks rise and I predict that barring a ground up rewrite, google plus will kill Facebook within 5-7 years (an Internet generation), just like Facebook killed myspace.

Most Internet access will be mobile, and google was built with this in mind, Facebook wasn't. There is too much legacy code in Facebook that it's going to seem glitchy and clunky next to plus. I already like the google ui better based on what ive seen on coworkers that have it.

7/1/2011 5:48:18 PM

41758 Posts
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I am not in a rush to sign up for something that only my nerd friends are going to use.

I can reach pretty much anyone I have ever known in my life on facebook. (except the ones who are in relationships with trust/cheating issues....those I can track down through mutual friends)

I will see how this google+ thing plays out but at this time I do not think there is room in the market for it.

7/1/2011 10:01:20 PM

56200 Posts
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Facebook is working with Skype to add video chat next week... or at least announce it next week

7/1/2011 11:28:16 PM

37709 Posts
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Great, just what I want, losers from high school trying to skype me when I'm on Facebook. I already have enough of a problem with them trying to talk to me on Facebook Chat

7/2/2011 12:21:17 AM

All American
3046 Posts
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Quote :
"Great, just what I want, losers from high school trying to skype me when I'm on Facebook. I already have enough of a problem with them trying to talk to me on Facebook Chat

Then turn off chat.

7/2/2011 3:44:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The world has changed since facebooks rise and I predict that barring a ground up rewrite, google plus will kill Facebook within 5-7 years (an Internet generation), just like Facebook killed myspace. "

I dont think you could be more wrong. I doubt many of you guys even know why Facebook killed myspace.

This is not a "who has the most ppl, where am I going to post my updates in the future" battle. I think Google+ VS facebook is a manufactured scenario. I don't really think their services are really directly competing. Social means something different on each platform, and neither is really going after the other's turf.

I am JUST now really beginning to understand the large scale impact and opportunities of social platforms, and its scary shit.

7/2/2011 4:53:55 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Then turn off chat."

That's the problem. There are people on Facebook I would freely chat or Skype with, but there is a much vaster majority of people that I would generally be inconvenienced if they decided to chat me up. Those acquaintances are people I'm still friends with, but not someone who I would want to chat all the time.

Yes, you can block people on your chat list, but to have to micromanage a large amount of people to leave yourself open to another group of friends becomes tiresome, and hell the Facebook chat system buggy enough that it sometimes doesn't even work correctly.

It shouldn't become a hassle to use a good feature, and its a problem when the maintenance to use it overwhelms the benefit of said feature...especially when there are much more efficient alternatives (Google Talk, AIM)

G+ avoids this by easily arranging people into circles, and then you selectively make your google chat and Hang outs available (or rather limited) to one or more circles of people you WANT to talk to.

7/2/2011 11:55:01 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"i dont know how to use facebook anymore to be honest, other than posting things as my status"

7/2/2011 11:58:54 AM

40915 Posts
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Quote :
"I am JUST now really beginning to understand the large scale impact and opportunities of social platforms, and its scary shit."

care to elaborate?

the only thing i really use facebook for these days is for sharing photos of my kids and for keeping up with maybe like 30 people's day to day goings on. occasionally i'll post a status update. i have chat disabled for everybody except for a custom group for my wife and my sister. i usually open fb for about 20 seconds to check what's going on and then close the tab. starting a chat conversation that's going to require my ongoing attention for any extended period of time is more of an annoyance, regardless of how much i like the person

7/2/2011 12:39:24 PM

All American
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^See, that's how I (and most of my friends and acquaintances) use Facebook too. I've come to realize we aren't really a part of "the social". We have TWW which skews us tremendously away from facebook.

Really anyone who participates regularly in forums of any kind has missed the boat. MOST people have never used community forums like this, Facebook IS their forum. It's still a total mindfuck for me, but imagine TWW having 200 million users. Then add games and apps. Cut the IQ per user by half. There you have the juggernaut that is Facebook.

It's amazing how much time per day the average facebook user spends on the site.

7/2/2011 2:26:31 PM

56200 Posts
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I use it a TON for work (business development, marketing, networking) and now that I am using Rockmelt (in addition to my iPad and iPhone) I am pretty much on FB 24/7. I agree totally with Noen. And I think its more prevalent the bigger the city you are in... I probably get literally 100+ "cool/cheap/free/new things to do in Atlanta today!" things on my wall that I am constantly taking advantage of...

7/2/2011 2:58:29 PM

37709 Posts
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Facebook is rolling out groups to put your friends into. You can allocate what list to put your friends into. Looks like it still has some work, but I expect very soon that you can make your status very selective between each group.

Its based on the groups that you make per the chat block/allow lists illustrated above

7/2/2011 3:31:53 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Facebook isn't nearly as shitty as Myspace was when Facebook appeared, but the privacy issue could really put Google+ over the top. I see it as 50/50 right now.

7/2/2011 3:44:04 PM

All American
6458 Posts
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^^Different friend lists and selective posting have been around for several years on Facebook, unless I'm misunderstanding the feature you're talking about

Even before I graduated I had a limited profile group that only sees a barebones profile page, coworkers group, and regular friends that all have different visibilities to my posts and wall

7/2/2011 4:16:12 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Different friend lists and selective posting have been around for several years on Facebook, unless I'm misunderstanding the feature you're talking about"

No you're right, but it is very clunky and not user friendly. Right now you can indeed make a status update and lock it out to (customize), friends, friends of friends, and further from there. When you click the customize option, you get a dialog box and you have to select "Specific People..." and then type in whatever lists, and you can also hide the post from specific people or groups by typing those in as well.

With G+, all you do is click in the Share With text box, click the circles who can see it, and publish it.

I even think that with one previous version of Facebook you could only privatize a post after it had been made.

Not to mention that G+ is making this private/selective posting method the basis of the system, while with Facebook it is a secondary feature that you have to jump through hoops to use.

7/2/2011 5:28:54 PM

All American
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Interesting, I doubt I'll switch any time soon, but a little healthy competition should drive features and improvements across the board

7/2/2011 5:38:24 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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Best part so far? No apps.

7/3/2011 2:30:09 PM

All American
34404 Posts
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Quote :
"This is not a "who has the most ppl, where am I going to post my updates in the future" battle. I think Google+ VS facebook is a manufactured scenario. I don't really think their services are really directly competing. Social means something different on each platform, and neither is really going after the other's turf.

I am JUST now really beginning to understand the large scale impact and opportunities of social platforms, and its scary shit."

Facebook was the Apple of social networks in their time. Facebook was more limited but it was neater and cleaner. Obviously it wasn't about who had more people in the beginning. I'm not saying Facebook is dead by any means but I guarantee we see an inflection in facebooks development due to google.

And social networks, like every new technology, has had a huge insidious effect on society. It's had as big an impact as tv or phones. It's amazing how people, esp younger people, don't realize this.

7/3/2011 8:41:55 PM

Flying Tiger
All American
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^A lack of good spelling and punctuation comes to mind.

I have about 75 photo albums on Facebook. Is there a way to transfer them over to G+ without too much of a headache?

7/3/2011 8:47:10 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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peter..... i'm sorry i try to talk to you at fb all the time?

7/3/2011 10:28:08 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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All google needs is a facebook migrate tool that will move all info and photos over

7/4/2011 11:48:11 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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they made a chrome extension that will bring over all your friends' info

7/4/2011 11:52:04 AM

40915 Posts
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they being some guy not affiliated with either facebook or google

7/4/2011 12:11:27 PM

37709 Posts
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Lol Bill I don't think you've tried to talk with me. I don't even think you're my FB friend

7/4/2011 1:36:28 PM

All American
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7/4/2011 3:18:36 PM

State Oz
All American
1897 Posts
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I certainly hope you have to opt-in to use Skype on facebook, or at least click confirm to open the video chat box..

Otherwise, girls need to be prepared for their screens to be filled with video chat boxes that display a penis and for the phrase "Hay gurl, u lik dat big dik?" coming over their speakers or in the chat box.

7/4/2011 4:13:50 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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For those of you who use FF and are eternally annoyed by the FB chat feature and want to have it disabled completely:

Quote :
"What I did find out is that if you use FireFox, you can stop Facebook Chat cold in its tracks. For me I have a few extension in Firefox. One of them is AdBlock. What I did is I opened it up and did the following

1. Right-click on your AbBlock symbol,
2. Choose “Preferences,”
3. Choose “Add Filter,”
4. Then in the blank window line that comes up, add the following (WITHOUT the quotes):


Be warned that it also eliminates the twitter-like feed on the right hand side, if you care about that sort of thing. It's helped me from being pounced by well-meaning people who want to chat.

7/5/2011 8:23:48 AM

All American
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How is that a better solution than just signing out of chat

7/5/2011 8:46:27 AM

All American
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With some of the changes they have made, you are automatically signed you in when you open facebook. I'd rather not have to sign out each time I want to look at FB, so I just eliminated it all together.

7/5/2011 9:34:50 AM

All American
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I signed out about two seconds after the first time I saw it and haven't had a problem since

7/5/2011 9:51:47 AM

40915 Posts
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7/5/2011 11:37:47 AM

5052 Posts
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i like it.

Only issue I have that google will leave ads of things I've searched for weeks on sites that use adsense.

7/5/2011 11:40:59 AM

All American
12212 Posts
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Quote :
"I signed out about two seconds after the first time I saw it and haven't had a problem since"

Mine did not work this way, it would even LET me sign out of chat - it had the contacts listed at the top and the options gear at the bottom which I could not even click on to sign out.


7/5/2011 12:19:12 PM

32337 Posts
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only difference in chat features i like in facebook that it just notifies you that someone has messaged you with a number of messages, google force opens the window, and allows all windows to be open at once

7/5/2011 12:29:54 PM

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