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 Message Boards » » Google+ rip off of Jumpino? Page [1]  

15145 Posts
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They say they want to sue, and have like patents a couple of youtube videos or something. Compare and decide:

Plaintiff: Jumpino

Defendant: Google+

What say you the high court of TWW?

[Edited on July 5, 2011 at 10:04 AM. Reason : add court definitions]

[Edited on July 5, 2011 at 10:12 AM. Reason : patents... yeah...]

7/5/2011 9:53:31 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Google+ wins, flawless victory, without even looking at the videos

Jumpino sounds like something I would dip pita chips in

7/5/2011 9:55:23 AM


15145 Posts
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Jumpino is totally the next Facebook killer.

7/5/2011 9:56:28 AM

All American
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i rule in favor of the plaintiff based on my finding that the google video has a circle called "epic bros"

7/5/2011 9:57:54 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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my guess is that Google has 100 lawyers/employee of Jumpino.

Their "security officer" hasn't even graduated from college yet Sounds rock solid.

7/5/2011 10:00:32 AM

32337 Posts
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it doesn't look like jumpino has anything private. you have to join into more public circles (but maybe that was just my 5 second tour of jumpino and looking at their circle system.

in the end one of them will change the name of it and go on with their life

7/5/2011 10:07:31 AM


15145 Posts
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^ They have private circles too. I think it's kind of a public/private mix.

And I don't think Google+ will be changing anything. I think Google is sufficiently unconcerned at this point.

7/5/2011 10:24:52 AM

32337 Posts
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gotcha. i figured you might be able to make them private, but i didn't wanna put any effort into a website that will probably be gone in a few weeks

7/5/2011 10:29:45 AM


15145 Posts
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it's already been around for over a year I think. But it never had enough users to matter worth squat, and we have every reason to think it will stay that way. It's noteworthy only for having the "feel" of Google+ before it rolled out.

7/5/2011 11:19:16 AM

All American
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I don't understand these upstarts trying to overtake facebook. Why not just write a plugin for facebook and pump ads into it? And if the idea is good enough facebook would come along and buy it up. Then you'd have income and user base to whine to the courts about google stealing your idea.

7/5/2011 1:00:33 PM


15145 Posts
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^ because that would give facebook more power and revenue? I mean, Jumpino was trying to go after facebook when it started. It was only after Google did G+ that they saw an unintended opportunity of complaining about Google instead.

7/18/2011 12:47:41 PM

All American
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Because no one has ever thought of the concept of social circles before

7/18/2011 1:54:31 PM

All American
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Jumpino is probably just hoping that Google will settle and give them a bunch of money.

7/18/2011 2:28:02 PM


15145 Posts
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welp, now they're both irrelevant

5/4/2012 1:16:16 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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Quote :
"Because no one has ever thought of the concept of social circles before "

5/4/2012 1:26:27 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"What say you the high court of TWW?"

Cripple fight. Let them battle it out.

5/4/2012 1:53:26 PM

All American
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5/4/2012 3:29:03 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Google+ rip off of Jumpino? Page [1]  
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