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 Message Boards » » Another NCCU Scandal Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"Students lose in alleged money-skimming scheme at NCCU

Coleman, the director of the NCCU Historically Minority Colleges and Universities Consortium, allegedly siphoned more than $1 million into a secret bank account, withdrawing thousands of dollars at ATMs, writing herself checks and even shopping at clothing, jewelry and makeup stores, according to a state audit released last month. The investigation also indicates former NCCU provost Beverly Washington Jones received almost $62,000 from the account, even though she told auditors she didn't recall providing any services to the program outside her duties as provost. (Lawyers for both Coleman and Jones declined the Indy's requests for interviews.)

But as chatter about the report circulates in the NCCU community and beyond, Thomas and other parents say they weren't surprised to hear the accusations.

"I knew it would come out eventually that things weren't right," said Cynthia McEachin, a Durham teacher who also enrolled her son in AAMLA."

This is so sad to me. Money meant to help students with limited opportunities used so some chick can go on a shopping spree

7/14/2011 9:20:51 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 14, 2011 at 9:23 PM. Reason : ]

7/14/2011 9:22:32 PM

All American
4898 Posts
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That's disgusting.
How long was she getting away with it?

7/14/2011 9:22:50 PM

32337 Posts
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thats unfortunate

7/14/2011 9:22:52 PM

bonerjamz 04
All American
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Quote :



7/14/2011 9:23:23 PM

13089 Posts
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Robin Hood Strikes Again

7/14/2011 9:24:40 PM

All American
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Looks like the problems started around 2005 and got progressively worse.

Quote :
"Payments Nan Coleman allegedly made to herself and family, 2004–2009
Check card purchases $67,362.37
Checks payable to Coleman's company $62,000.00
Checks payable to Nan Coleman $60,770.00
ATM withdrawals $46,643.50
Checks written for credit card payments $34,595.41
Wire transfers $8,345.00
Checks payable to "cash" endorsed by Nan Coleman $7,500.00
Checks payable to Coleman's husband $500.00
TOTAL $287,716.28"

7/14/2011 9:25:52 PM

Dick Danger
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way to advance the cause of african americans

you fuckin nigger

Ladies and gentlemen, you want to know what a nigger is? THAT is a nigger. a fuckin hoodrat in a high place

[Edited on July 14, 2011 at 9:37 PM. Reason : w]

7/14/2011 9:35:04 PM

All American
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dude this shit happens every day ^

don't take it so personally like it's automatically a reflection of the black community

I didn't take it personally when Casey Anthony killed our daughter.

7/14/2011 9:36:49 PM

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7/14/2011 9:37:38 PM

Dick Danger
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it is a detriment to the people that are supposed to be helped. i said nothing about the black community who the fuck are you

7/14/2011 9:37:54 PM

All American
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7/14/2011 9:38:26 PM

Dick Danger
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i just wish we went back to the principles of "leave it cleaner than it was when you got there"

7/14/2011 9:39:42 PM

13089 Posts
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That is not a nigger.

This is a Nigger.

7/14/2011 9:41:13 PM

Dick Danger
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thats not a knife thats a knife

7/14/2011 9:41:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I didn't take it personally when Casey Anthony killed our daughter."

Finally! We know who the father is!

7/14/2011 9:44:15 PM

All American
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by the way, "scheme" is giving too much credit to the process of taking money from an account that's not's not exactly a scheme...just poor financial controls...not a magical "scheme" here....just taking stuff that's not yours

7/14/2011 9:49:37 PM

All American
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Yeah pretty sure that's just straight up theft

7/14/2011 9:56:46 PM

All American
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Video about the scandal:

7/15/2011 10:01:35 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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they look kinda smug in these pics

7/15/2011 10:21:58 AM

All American
6606 Posts
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^ "I got a great idea lols!" | ^ "But do you think we'd get caught??"

[Edited on July 15, 2011 at 10:37 AM. Reason : ]

7/15/2011 10:37:19 AM

All American
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I wonder if they'll even face charges. They should just like anyone else that steals.

7/15/2011 10:43:23 AM

All American
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well, they probably felt entitled to it and i guess there were others that must have felt that way and protected nan coleman. I just don't see how someone blowing all the money on shopping managed to steal that much and go undetected for so long without more professional help.

7/15/2011 10:57:58 AM

18598 Posts
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Quote :
Checks payable to Nan Coleman $60,770.00
Checks payable to Coleman's husband $500.00


7/15/2011 11:01:20 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Dang, The Indy did their homework here.

And big props to Cheryl Thomas and Cynthia McEachin.


[Edited on July 15, 2011 at 11:08 AM. Reason : Already noted.]

7/15/2011 11:07:51 AM

All American
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7/15/2011 11:17:14 AM

All American
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Yeah the Indy is usually good about doing their homework on their main stories. It's kind of sad I find them much more informative than the N&O.

Quote :
"I just don't see how someone blowing all the money on shopping managed to steal that much and go undetected for so long without more professional help."

Oh I totally agree. Something tells me as this gets investigated there's going to be more people that fall.

7/15/2011 11:17:17 AM

Double Entendre
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Quote :
"thats not a knife thats a knife"


7/15/2011 11:23:53 AM

All American
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The latest on the scandal:

Quote :
"Two months after a state audit alleged she siphoned $1 million from a program at N.C. Central University, Nan Coleman has yet to face criminal or civil charges. Meanwhile, public records obtained by the Independent Weekly show that the money Coleman is accused of skimming amounts to nearly 40 percent of $2.5 million in revenue from a federally funded tutoring program that she oversaw.

From the structure of the programs, it appears that the money Coleman is accused of pocketing was profit from the tutoring program that should have stayed in the consortium's coffers. Instead, the audit found Coleman allegedly used money from her clandestine account to pay for personal items and services, and withdrew large amounts of cash. The audit also shows that former NCCU Provost Beverly Washington Jones and her private company received $62,000 without providing any services to students..

Meanwhile, Jones is running an education consulting business, Academic Enrichment Services and Systems (AESS) that is providing the same after-school tutoring services available to students at underperforming schools who qualify under federal law.


So glad our taxpayer dollars are paying for these two women to have a fancy wardrobe. I can't believe Jones is allowed to stay in business

9/1/2011 2:45:06 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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she got some man hands

9/1/2011 3:11:16 PM

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