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 Message Boards » » Flawless Outlook integration with Gmail? Page [1]  
All American
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I read somewhere that gmail can actually work and sync with Outlook now. As in if you send an email from Outlook, it appears in gmail sent items, and vice versa - much like the iphone!

Has anyone done this? Why wasn't it made known more publically? What are the codes/numbers to put in Outlook?

7/19/2011 1:02:20 PM

All American
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Use IMAP, tell Outlook to store sent items in your gmail sent folder

You've been able to do this for years

[Edited on July 19, 2011 at 1:07 PM. Reason :]

7/19/2011 1:07:21 PM

All American
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Lol. Yeah Imap support was added yeeeears ago.

Its not secret, but I suppose Google would rather you use the web interface on a computer... they get more ad revenue.

7/19/2011 1:12:34 PM

All American
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If you're using gmail for work/school.

7/19/2011 1:47:42 PM

All American
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I guess I sought out an answer after I got tired of emails with pictures and graphics not displaying at all in gmail, and for some reason gmail isn't allowing you to keep more than one account one on the same computer, ie personal in one tab and ncsu in the other...

7/19/2011 9:45:45 PM

All American
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Ummmmm I do that... ncsu in one standard gmail in the other...

7/19/2011 10:02:41 PM

All American
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Nevermind...I thought they had something new. I knew about the current features. But...

If I delete a message in outlook, it deletes ALL traces of it in outlook and doesn't appear in gmail's trash.

I can't see my previous sent items in outlook that were sent in gmail.

It coughed up sent emails and trash emails from my ncsu account into my gmail account since I used to use outlook as an undergrad.

Why can't it be just like the iphone interface.. [/rant]

^Don't close that window!

Quote :
You are trying to access Gmail with the following Google Account:

However, you are already signed in as:

You can either cancel this request, or switch to a new Google Account to access Gmail.

[Edited on July 19, 2011 at 10:28 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on July 19, 2011 at 10:37 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2011 10:10:27 PM

41758 Posts
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I guess my question is with all of the features available in Gmail now why the hell would you want to use outlook??

I still open it occasionally to send from craigslist links or a form software that I use but other than that it is worthless, bloated, and slow. Search takes forever, folder structure is not cloud based, etc.

Also the bulk mail folder in Gmail is the best thing to happen to email since spell checker.

7/19/2011 11:43:45 PM

All American
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^the spell check (google's is bad), word formating, being able to see half the emails that display graphics in them. Generally, if it's an important email, I'll type it up in MS Word and Copy/Paste into Gmail.

Outlook is still a mess, MS Office for that matter is a mess - I went to open Outlook to try and set it up and it crashed mutiple times and displayed "Not Responding" a few times. ugh

7/20/2011 8:03:17 AM

5052 Posts
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get a mac, or firefox or chrome. the spell checker is aces!

7/20/2011 9:03:33 AM

All American
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I am frustrated at the one account open issue, since I can't keep my personal G+ open in one tab and NCSU gmail in another

7/20/2011 11:01:53 AM

Thots and Prayers
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why anyone would use outlook when they could use thunderbird or any other MUA is beyond me.

7/20/2011 11:08:10 AM

All American
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^^ Gmail must have made some changes recently, since as of yesterday I had the same problem using FireFox. You can get around it by linking your accounts :

It's annoying and there are warnings of how some features may not work.

[Edited on July 20, 2011 at 12:52 PM. Reason : .]

7/20/2011 12:51:46 PM

All American
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Yea, its dumb you can be in two accounts at once. Maybe it was messing things up on their end, but I don't see why that would be a bad thing. You'd see twice the ads!

7/20/2011 9:04:41 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Flawless Outlook integration with Gmail? Page [1]  
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