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 Message Boards » » Why'd we stop building pyramids? Page [1] 2, Next  

15145 Posts
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If we had kept upping the ante of pyramid size like back in the day of the ancient Egyptians we would have some fucking rocking pyramids by now.

I mean think about it, we've had like 6000 years of wasted pyramid building time here. If we had just spent like 1% of GDP on pyramid building we could be like SUCK THAT PHARAOH!

In 1000s of years, whoever is on Earth is just going to see a bunch of used and unordered plastic, concrete, metal, and devices, but if we had kept building pyramids they'd be like "shit guys, look at that" and it would all have been worth it.

This thread is dedicated to the glory of the great pyramids that we could have, but didn't, build.

7/23/2011 9:47:58 PM

All American
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7/23/2011 9:49:28 PM

All American
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7/23/2011 9:49:51 PM

37709 Posts
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We stopped because the aliens left, obviously

7/23/2011 9:50:54 PM

All American
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7/23/2011 9:51:57 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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7/23/2011 9:52:56 PM


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7/23/2011 9:54:21 PM

The E Man
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We didn't stop

not a pyramid but still cool as hell

7/23/2011 9:55:54 PM

All American
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7/23/2011 9:57:44 PM


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^^ With the possible exception of North Korea, all of those nations spent a miniscule amount of their wealth of the pyramids. I'm talking about the BIG KAHUNAS here!

7/23/2011 10:02:22 PM

The E Man
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We don't build things that aren't functional anymore. We have a pentagon if you're into polygons. We could take all our church money and build one huge temple like the Egyptians did but that kind of thing goes against all of the modern religions. We also have Amway.

[Edited on July 23, 2011 at 10:15 PM. Reason : k]

7/23/2011 10:14:05 PM


15145 Posts
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This comes close. Kind of.

7/23/2011 10:24:16 PM

All American
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7/23/2011 10:39:44 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Pyramids are not very space efficient compared with normal highrise type buildings.

7/23/2011 11:13:17 PM

All American
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^ but incredibly stable, and an easily accessible fire escape is already built into the design no matter what floor you're occupying

If anyone has seen the Ancient Aliens series on History Channel, you'll know that they pretty much built a great case for the pyramids having been power plants. You have to see the awesome and an awesome conjecture

7/23/2011 11:36:44 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"they pretty much built a great case for the pyramids having been power plants"

nobody understands what you just typed there.

I see no prime mover. I see a pile of rocks.

7/23/2011 11:42:13 PM

37709 Posts
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I've watched a few episodes, cool shit. I need to watch the pyramids and flight ones though

7/23/2011 11:45:09 PM

All American
9198 Posts
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needs more geodesic domes

©buckminster fuller

7/23/2011 11:50:26 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"If anyone has seen the Ancient Aliens series on History ChannelTRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen, you'll know that they pretty much built a great case for the pyramids having been power plants. You have to see the awesome and an awesome conjectur"

7/24/2011 1:12:06 AM

New Recruit
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7/24/2011 1:44:12 AM

All American
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Because the egyptos were fascists

7/24/2011 2:22:30 AM


15145 Posts
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Man, just think if we had built a 800 m high pyramid.

8/2/2011 11:00:00 AM

All American
6606 Posts
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Quote :
nobody understands what you just typed there.

I see no prime mover. I see a pile of rocks."

Ancient Aliens pretty much covers the explanation for the pyramids as power plants better than I could.

But basically a scientist analyzed the king/queen chambers for residue and found such a proliferation of
saline content that he did a chemical analysis and concluded that there was a flow of some kind of
conductive material and that the orientation of the chambers, etc. was positioned for
some sort of microwave energy from some kind of atmospheric source.

Pretty interesting.

8/2/2011 11:04:16 AM

All American
12803 Posts
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Quote :
"Why'd we stop building pyramids? "


8/2/2011 11:14:02 AM

All American
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A: Because we never built them.

There is a lot of forensic evidence that aliens visited us.

Including placing high valuation on gold as part of a worldwide culture.

The only reason humanity ever gave a shit about gold is because the material was valued
for its electrical conductivity by extra terrestrial visitors who used us to mine it.

[/history channel]

8/2/2011 11:20:00 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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and now we wear it on our fingers....

8/2/2011 11:31:25 AM

All American
18177 Posts
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i was going to say "no slaves" but someone beat me to it.

fuck a pyramid..

8/2/2011 11:58:23 AM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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ancient aliens is a really cool show.

8/2/2011 12:00:58 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"a scientist analyzed the king/queen chambers for residue and found such a proliferation of
saline content that he did a chemical analysis and concluded that there was a flow of some kind of
conductive material and that the orientation of the chambers, etc. was positioned for
some sort of microwave energy from some kind of atmospheric source."

Quote :
"The only reason humanity ever gave a shit about gold is because the material was valued
for its electrical conductivity by extra terrestrial visitors who used us to mine it."

I guess making a thread about pyramids is kind of like putting up a sign on the internet that says
"insert crackpot here"

8/2/2011 12:30:01 PM

All American
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Hey man, I am just quoting the show.

8/2/2011 12:35:29 PM

All American
3729 Posts
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if aliens lived here along time ago shouldn't the question we ask ourselves be why did they leave

8/2/2011 12:36:30 PM

All American
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^ they actually proposed that question

and then tried to answer that question on the show too lol

8/2/2011 12:38:33 PM


15145 Posts
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Maybe we should work on being better hosts

8/2/2011 12:42:04 PM

All American
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Ancient Aliens definitely made me want to read The Manna Machine. I will keep you posted.

8/2/2011 12:46:41 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"It explains how the Israelites survived their 40 year wandering in the Sinai Desert. It is said by Sassoon and Dale that the manna machine was stored in the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was supposed to have powered the machine to run continuously, producing manna for six days. On the 7th day it would be taken apart for cleaning so it could run the following week. This is where Sabbath is thought to come from."

It explains so many things that I didn't consider to need explaining!

8/2/2011 12:48:41 PM

All American
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how about the fact that meteorites (even to this day) falling from space contain critical building blocks for unique amino acids?

Much in the same way that indingenous lizards eventually populate an entire archipelago separated by hundreds of miles of open ocean, could it be that life moves across the galaxy to various planets in a metaphorical manner?

[/eerie sci fi soundtrack]

Alright I am off the kick now.

8/2/2011 12:53:07 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Much in the same way that indingenous lizards eventually populate an entire archipelago separated by hundreds of miles of open ocean, could it be that life moves across the galaxy to various planets in a metaphorical manner?"

That could be a mystery. If there was a lizard that had a proven common ancestor with other lizards
on the mainland x number of million of years ago and were were 100% sure there was no possibility
of a land bridge during that time then shoot, we just wouldn't know. But then again, we really don't
know squat about the specifics of evolution on this planet. We know it happened, and we've drawn
lots of links, but natural history is expansive beyond our imagination.

There is no telling what kind of crazy junk nature has pulled that we have no idea about. Did you know
biologists have found that some phytoplankton in the ocean are born without the ability to
photosynthesize and are then infected by a virus that implants the genes to do it? Really nature, wtf?

Nature is totally whack just on its own, it doesn't need aliens.

8/2/2011 1:55:31 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Africans got lazy

8/2/2011 2:01:44 PM


15145 Posts
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Hole is 3/4th a mile deep. We could have just taken all that rock and piled it up into a pyramid.

8/2/2011 2:48:43 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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jbtilley won this thread.

I'll be at the Luxor in LV in a couple of days and will take a picture verifying that OP is wrong.

8/2/2011 3:02:34 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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got tired of Goa'uld motherships landing on them.

8/2/2011 3:07:42 PM


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How The Government Could Save The Economy By Constructing A $2 Trillion Pyramid To The Sky

10/19/2011 3:18:32 PM

Deucefest '04
7584 Posts
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The Nubian Kingdom continued the build pyramids long after the Egyptian Old Kingdom fell apart. Building huge pyramids is expensive though

10/19/2011 3:23:43 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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That's in Salt Lake City.

[Edited on October 19, 2011 at 3:28 PM. Reason : image size correction]

10/19/2011 3:27:07 PM


15145 Posts
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I advocate a pyramid as opposed to a space elevator. Just keep building.

10/19/2011 3:32:41 PM

5357 Posts
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Quote :
""shit guys, look at that""

i lold

10/19/2011 3:33:43 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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why did m.Obama have to recreate the food "table"

10/19/2011 3:34:38 PM

11097 Posts
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10/19/2011 3:51:57 PM

148886 Posts
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Why'd we stop building great walls?

10/19/2011 4:02:25 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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The one they had in Berlin was pretty dope.

10/19/2011 4:03:07 PM

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