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 Message Boards » » Sadlack's Being Torn Down?! Page [1] 2, Next  
141 Posts
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WHAT?! I'm NOT happy!!

8/24/2011 9:19:10 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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you forgot to mention Schoolkids as well in your thread title

Mannnnn bummer

8/24/2011 9:20:39 AM

All American
27291 Posts
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Dr. Funderlic will be happy. He hated that place.

8/24/2011 9:21:45 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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I should get over there before its least to say I went there

8/24/2011 9:22:20 AM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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Sadlacks always smelled of hobo taint. Also, I'm pretty sure an unicorn was raped there a few years back.

8/24/2011 9:22:55 AM

Gottfather FTL
12586 Posts
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damn sadlacks and schoolkids? that sucks.

8/24/2011 9:28:19 AM

All American
23473 Posts
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didnt they just revamp that fucking place?

8/24/2011 9:30:34 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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8/24/2011 9:33:06 AM

Collector of Gnomes
422 Posts
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that whole block is being torn down and they are putting a hotel and nice rest.

8/24/2011 9:35:39 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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son of a bitch, I need to hit that place up one last time on the Hike, for old time's sake.

8/24/2011 9:39:09 AM

All American
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8/24/2011 9:51:51 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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There is a reason it was called Sadlack's Weirdos.

8/24/2011 9:54:28 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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I had no real interest in either of the places mentioned in the article (I never seemed to get the invite when everyone went to sadlacks, so I never grew an attachment to it, and I never went to school kids). I am kinda bummed about the wing place, even though it isn't the same as when I worked there, and buddha's belly, cause those are two places I went to a lot in school

although, I gotta say... this is the cost you gotta pay when all of you guys were bouncing up and down about hillsborough street renovation- the stuff you like has got to go for this new stuff...

8/24/2011 10:03:34 AM


15145 Posts
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oh well

8/24/2011 10:10:06 AM

141 Posts
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The regulars may be a weird, but the sandwiches and tater tots are delicious! I'm going to miss the southwest turkey...

8/24/2011 10:14:38 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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That's not even the original schoolkids location anyways.

so good riddance. it's a trashy area that makes the University look bad, so I look forward to it being replaced.

8/24/2011 10:34:15 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
" it's a trashy area that makes the University look bad, so I look forward to it being replaced."


8/24/2011 10:36:19 AM

All American
4127 Posts
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tear it all down i say

and the warehouse district too

8/24/2011 10:37:28 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"I should get over there before its least to say I went there "

lol I was thinking the same thing.

And I'm sure Schoolkids will just move somewhere else. That's their 3rd location on Hillsborough anyway. They're like the hobos of the retail world

8/24/2011 10:37:44 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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yeah that whole corner just seemed like "the restraining order border"

8/24/2011 10:38:18 AM

10517 Posts
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Schoolkids will move, right? Someone on here works there, I think.

Sadlacks should have never been rebuilt. The gutter punk kids have other places to go. The meth hobos are resourceful, they'll make do.

[Edited on August 24, 2011 at 10:43 AM. Reason : x]

8/24/2011 10:41:56 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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I like the sandwiches at Sadlack's--I'll have to drop by for lunch a couple of times before it comes down. Used to go there a lot when I worked next to the Court of NC.

Good riddance to the ugly-ass Bell Tower Mart building. Schoolkids can find location #4, I'm sure. I don't think they've been in the Electric Company Mall yet--how about there?

8/24/2011 10:48:48 AM

All American
4030 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm going to miss the southwest turkey..."

Southwest turkey ftw

8/24/2011 10:55:34 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't think they've been in the Electric Company Mall yet--how about there?"

God that building is such a shithole. The interior, which used to be a mall of sorts, is downright scary if you've ever been back in there. Rape central

8/24/2011 11:07:37 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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A hotel there seems like a horrible idea to me, but what do i know...

8/24/2011 11:09:31 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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As long as this hotel has nice event facilities, I think it will do fine. It's also good that they plan on having street level retail and not just a hotel. Worst case the hotel fails and they turn it into dorms

8/24/2011 11:12:00 AM

10517 Posts
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I worked in one of those 10000 places that has been through the Electric Co. Mall. My boss then showed us all the stuff left behind by the old movie theater that was back there. They should bring that back.

According to a coworker, it was a porno theater in the 70s.

8/24/2011 11:13:17 AM

37709 Posts
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8/24/2011 11:14:11 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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A hotel actually isn't that bad of an idea... aside from the brownstone, there isn't anything really near campus. I know when my family came into town, they stayed in places much further away than they should have had to. this hotel keeps you close to campus, close to the stadiums, and close to downtown- it is ideally where I would stay if I moved away and came back for a game. Assuming it isn't a total shit hole, that is

8/24/2011 11:15:11 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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you know i like sadlack's, but i agree, it's trashy, tear that shit down.

8/24/2011 11:18:04 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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I thought they were doing well, just last year they were talking about adding a rooftop deck

friend of mine said "sadlacks looks like a place that was really cool in the 70's and no one ever left", pretty fitting

8/24/2011 11:23:13 AM

50085 Posts
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That whole area looks like shit... About time they are doing something about it. Given the positive changes downtown, it'd be nice if the NCSU area followed suit.

8/24/2011 11:25:59 AM

All American
21263 Posts
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8/24/2011 12:02:34 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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meh, nowhere near as bad as the brewery/farmhouse area

have they torn that down yet?

8/24/2011 12:04:40 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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8/24/2011 1:42:07 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ Yes.

8/24/2011 1:44:00 PM

All American
39569 Posts
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people bitching about Sadlack's looking trashy obviously haven't been there since the remodel

8/24/2011 1:49:15 PM

All American
12803 Posts
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Quote :
"I worked in one of those 10000 places that has been through the Electric Co. Mall. My boss then showed us all the stuff left behind by the old movie theater that was back there. They should bring that back.

According to a coworker, it was a porno theater in the 70s."

The theater and one time porno theater and one time McDonald's was at what is now Hillsborough Street Textbooks... at least it was a book store the last time I saw it.

8/24/2011 1:58:26 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"Sadlacks should have never been rebuilt. The gutter punk kids have other places to go. The meth hobos are resourceful, they'll make do."

lol what did those people ever do to you

they stay in their corral, leave them be

(referring to the idea that they shouldn't have this bar to hang out at, not redevelopment)

8/24/2011 2:04:55 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"Worst case the hotel fails and they turn it into dorms"

hell yeah, North Hall II

8/24/2011 2:40:48 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Wasn't North Hall created to keep the brothers away from the freshmen white girls?

8/24/2011 2:41:56 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"North Residence Hall, located on Hillsborough Street, was originally the Lemon Tree Inn, a privately-owned hotel. Later it became the John Yancey Hotel, offering a restaurant and "Merry Monk" nightclub to visitors. The hotel was a favorite establishment among legislators and other politicians during the 70's. When enrollment increased at NC State in the 1980's, the University bought the hotel to serve as a residence hall.

Yancey donated all of the furniture and North Hall became the first dormitory on campus to have air-conditioning and other amenities. A strict conduct policy was designed to make sure that the new residents, who called the building "Merry Monk Dorm", kept it in good condition. The adoption of North Hall became the first time that NC State had independently purchased off-campus property for student housing. "

8/24/2011 2:46:46 PM

50085 Posts
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I'm indifferent towards Sadlocks but that trash strip mall type building is pure filth. They've done a nice job renovating Hboro so far and that shut building is akin to the Chop Shops right across from $1b Citi Field..

8/24/2011 2:47:56 PM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
7202 Posts
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Good, that place had a real rapey vibe.

8/24/2011 2:55:10 PM

All American
612 Posts
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Lived in Raleigh for 5 years, never been to that dump... along with most of Hillsborough street.

Tear it all down, expand Cameron Village.

8/24/2011 3:34:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Your objective opinion brings much wisdom to this thread.

8/24/2011 3:45:03 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12778 Posts
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Quote :
"good riddance. it's a trashy area that makes the University look bad, so I look forward to it being replaced."

and lol

Quote :
"Good, that place had a real rapey vibe."

8/24/2011 3:52:38 PM


21814 Posts
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Quote :
"aside from the brownstone, there isn't anything really near campus. "

is the Velvet Cloak Inn gone?

8/24/2011 3:59:43 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^ condos

8/24/2011 4:01:02 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12778 Posts
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^ You can still get a room there though right? I seem to recall my mom stayed there one time when I was first starting up or around orientation

8/24/2011 4:03:52 PM

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