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 Message Boards » » Attn: Greg Hy[i][/i]er Page [1]  
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8/29/2011 7:15:05 PM

13089 Posts
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More crack jokes plz

C is kicking my black ass back to work

8/29/2011 7:15:43 PM

All American
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Nice HTML in the title.

8/29/2011 7:15:48 PM

All American
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8/29/2011 7:16:16 PM

All American
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that's not even html

8/29/2011 7:16:23 PM

All American
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Yeah, it is.

8/29/2011 7:17:03 PM

13089 Posts
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it works in normal post....stupid site 2!!!

Greg Hyer hacked my thread

8/29/2011 7:18:04 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Wouldn't HTML require <i></i>?

This is just some second-rate forums code CRAP

8/29/2011 7:18:47 PM

All American
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Greg Hyer is lurking ITT, wondering how we can do this magic.

[Edited on August 29, 2011 at 7:26 PM. Reason : Take me Hyer]

8/29/2011 7:19:06 PM

All American
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^^ yes

8/29/2011 7:19:38 PM

13089 Posts
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thats BTML

It will replace HTML in the near future when I unleash Internet 2.0BJ on the world. Coding it as we speak.

8/29/2011 7:20:31 PM

All American
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I could use a 2.0BJ right about now

8/29/2011 7:20:49 PM

TX R. Snake
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8/29/2011 7:22:52 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"it works in normal post....stupid site 2!!!

Greg Hyer hacked my thread"

aww, how cute. The n00b thinks this is site 2.

8/29/2011 8:07:04 PM

All American
8704 Posts
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i think our Greg Hyer can kill bushes cause several times i Greg Hyer out a window and like there was a bush outside that window and then like a few months later i noticed the bush was dead

8/29/2011 8:35:23 PM

13089 Posts
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ok wetback plz to share with us which site this is.

8/29/2011 8:44:09 PM

El Nachó
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Sorry, while I was kind of aware that you were a shitty poster and thread creator, I was unaware that you were a racist piece of shit. I try my best not to interact with scumbags such as yourself and thus will be ignoring you from here on out. Have a nice day, or failing that, kindly die in a fire.

8/29/2011 9:07:07 PM

balls deep
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8/29/2011 9:08:28 PM

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thank you now I dont have to read your ignorant ass remarks in my threads.

Deuces amigo

8/29/2011 9:38:21 PM

TX R. Snake
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Quote :
"Sorry, while I was kind of aware that you were a shitty poster and thread creator, I was unaware that you were a racist piece of shit. I try my best not to interact with scumbags such as yourself and thus will be ignoring you from here on out. Have a nice day, or failing that, kindly die in a fire. "

Does one feel satisfied after this kind of "insult"?

I'm genuinely curious.

8/29/2011 10:20:48 PM

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yes I believe he thought that would hurt my feelings. *Hint* *Hint* I really don't care what you think of my posting style.


8/30/2011 12:43:34 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Does one feel satisfied after this kind of "insult"?

I'm genuinely curious."

It wasn't really meant to be so much an insult, as a couple of statements. As far as I know, I've never had any personal interactions with BlackJesus up to this point, but I've seen lots of people comment on what a horrible poster he is and I've yet to see him post anything to suggest otherwise. I posted a little quirky comment that could have lead to some genuine knowledge about the history of this site, but instead he chose to attack me with a racial slur (one that doesn't even apply to my race, BTW, but the little guy tried so hard). So even the phrase "rasist piece of shit" wasn't really so much an attempt at an insult, but another statement of fact (one that has been reinforced several times over since then, I might add).

Sadly, I've learned that when you are forced to be exposed to lesser mentally developed people such as BlackJesus, the best course of action is to ignore them, as engaging them in any sort of debate just gives them the attention they so obviously and desperately crave. But no, I don't take any pleasure in being forced to simply ignore problems like that. I'd much prefer to have the power to do something about it, but short of being able to go back in time with a coat hanger, I suppose it's too late to do anything about this guy.

8/30/2011 12:54:34 PM

All American
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Do you live in a fantasy world?

You made fun of him for thinking this was site 2, and he came back and insulted you. It's called reaping what you sow. No need to write your dissertation on how justified you are in thinking you're better than everyone else; because no one cares.

8/30/2011 1:00:14 PM

El Nachó
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I would have been ok if he had insulted me for real but the best thing his tiny little brain could come up with was a racial slur. I just don't have any desire to deal with people who are that limited in the scope of their thinking.

[Edited on August 30, 2011 at 1:04 PM. Reason : You've been riding my nuts a lot lately, am I gonna have to start charging rent?]

[Edited on August 30, 2011 at 1:06 PM. Reason : BTW, I don't think I'm better than everyone else, but I KNOW I'm better than BlackJesus]

[Edited on August 30, 2011 at 1:06 PM. Reason : that bar is set pretty low though.]

8/30/2011 1:03:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"aww, how cute. The n00b thinks this is site 2."

This is advanced insulting, far above racial slurs. Please take notes BlackJesus; the ubermensch here is on a whole nother level.

[Edited on August 30, 2011 at 1:30 PM. Reason : ;]

8/30/2011 1:30:27 PM

El Nachó
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So far the only person in this thread that has called that an insult has been you.

I see I'm dealing with yet another mentally underdeveloped person ITT.

[Edited on August 30, 2011 at 1:48 PM. Reason : Sorry, I don't see it as boastful if I think I'm smarter than idiots like you and BlackJesus.]

8/30/2011 1:47:58 PM

All American
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Forgive my trespass OH GREAT UBERMENSCH.

8/30/2011 1:54:16 PM

balls deep
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I don't get it. This isn't site#2.

8/30/2011 5:58:26 PM

All American
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Read the lyrics to Rebecca Black's Friday very slowly. Then you will understand.

8/30/2011 5:59:26 PM

13089 Posts
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Oooooooooooooooooh I don't get why he had to open his wetback mouth in my thread.

Quote :
"thus will be ignoring you from here on out
8/29/2011 9:07:07 PM

Quote :
"August 30, 2011 at 1:48 PM. Reason : Sorry, I don't see it as boastful if I think I'm smarter than idiots like you and BlackJesus."

Sir this is not ignoring me.

Quote :
"It wasn't really meant to be so much an insult, as a couple of statements. As far as I know, I've never had any personal interactions with BlackJesus up to this point, but I've seen lots of people comment on what a horrible poster he is and I've yet to see him post anything to suggest otherwise. I posted a little quirky comment that could have lead to some genuine knowledge about the history of this site, but instead he chose to attack me with a racial slur (one that doesn't even apply to my race, BTW, but the little guy tried so hard). So even the phrase "rasist piece of shit" wasn't really so much an attempt at an insult, but another statement of fact (one that has been reinforced several times over since then, I might add).

Sadly, I've learned that when you are forced to be exposed to lesser mentally developed people such as BlackJesus, the best course of action is to ignore them, as engaging them in any sort of debate just gives them the attention they so obviously and desperately crave. But no, I don't take any pleasure in being forced to simply ignore problems like that. I'd much prefer to have the power to do something about it, but short of being able to go back in time with a coat hanger, I suppose it's too late to do anything about this guy."

Cry me a river. I think you are assuming that I care what you think of me....and I do

Quote :
"User added to block list"
Go home mexican

8/30/2011 11:59:05 PM

13178 Posts
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El Nacho is just a pompous dick.

8/31/2011 12:04:38 AM

13089 Posts
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The only thing I like about Mexicans is that I now have a race I can look down on. Now I know how white folks felt for soooo long.

8/31/2011 12:06:43 AM

All American
8852 Posts
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greg hyer sold me on the importance of social networking

9/4/2011 10:04:52 AM

926 Posts
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social networking of cutting cocaine-based product with deworming agent

9/4/2011 10:08:41 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Attn: Greg Hy[i][/i]er Page [1]  
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