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Quote :
"as Nemeroff points out, there is a certain irony to this position, at least when viewed from the perspective of a water engineer. You see, we are all already basically drinking water that has at one point been sewage. After all, "we are all downstream from someone else," as Nemeroff says. "And even the nice fresh pure spring water? Birds and fish poop in it. So there is no water that has not been pooped in somewhere.""


8/31/2011 12:07:01 AM

All American
4549 Posts
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are all of your threads sewage?

8/31/2011 12:07:35 AM

41010 Posts
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I posted that on my Facebook when it was first aired. The psychological explanation is really very fascinating

8/31/2011 12:08:33 AM

New Recruit
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this just in


8/31/2011 12:08:38 AM

All American
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I have tried poo water once at a wastewater treatment plant...tasted nasty like deer park or dasani. I like my water to be fluoridated and full of chlorine.

I would support adding this to poo water to make tap water if this were added.

[Edited on August 31, 2011 at 12:15 AM. Reason : .]

8/31/2011 12:14:47 AM

All American
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There's a couple of things I have noted. I'm a huge fan of municipal water on the basis of sanitation, safety and cost. They test the bejesus out of that stuff and I'm sure Aquafina is not going to waste that time and money if they don't have to.

On the other hand, I regularly get reddish rings and horrible taste for about 2-3 days when they're running that cleaner stuff. While it's safer, I'm more confident in the consistent taste of Aquafina.

So we have a crossroads. Do I reach for the safe and cheap tap water and risk it tasting like chalk or reach for the potentially unsafe Aquafina that cost 100x as much but practically carries a "going to be tasty" guarantee? Well, there's a reason it's a multi-billion dollar industry.

8/31/2011 12:20:38 AM

Thots and Prayers
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you know aquafina (and most other bottled water) is just purified municipal water, right?

8/31/2011 12:24:18 AM

18598 Posts
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^^get a Brita filter

8/31/2011 12:26:04 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"As described in Dune, a stillsuit is a "body-enclosing garment" of Fremen design which performs the "functions of heat dissipation and filtering bodily wastes," as well as retaining and reclaiming moisture.[22] As the planetologist Liet-Kynes is assisting Duke Leto Atreides with the fitting of his stillsuit, he explains it in this manner:

It's basically a micro-sandwich — a high-efficiency filter and heat-exchange system. The skin-contact layer's porous. Perspiration passes through it, having cooled the body ... near-normal evaporation process. The next two layers . . . include heat exchange filaments and salt precipitators. Salt's reclaimed. Motions of the body, especially breathing and some osmotic action provide the pumping force. Reclaimed water circulates to catchpockets from which you draw it through this tube in the clip at your neck... Urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads. In the open desert, you wear this filter across your face, this tube in the nostrils with these plugs to ensure a tight fit. Breathe in through the mouth filter, out through the nose tube. With a Fremen suit in good working order, you won't lose more than a thimbleful of moisture a day..."[7]

I may have to re-read Dune...

8/31/2011 12:26:45 AM

All American
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In portland oregon (and probably lots of other places), tap water comes DIRECTLY from an open-air reservoir.

Quote :
"The reservoirs are drained twice a year for cleaning, and workers have found animal carcasses, paint cans, construction material, fireworks debris and even the plastic bags people use to scoop up after their dogs, said David Shaff, administrator of the city water bureau."

But some guy peed in the reservoir, and they ended up draining all 8 million gallons at a cost of $33k because of the psychological effect.

8/31/2011 12:29:09 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Yeah I laughed at Portland when they did that. Hundreds of other animals already pee in there daily

8/31/2011 9:13:32 AM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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i drink water straight from the tap.

my parents had well water and i never thought about it, even now with city water :shrug:

i honestly do not have many reservations against it.....i'm not grossed out easily.

[Edited on August 31, 2011 at 9:21 AM. Reason : is from the tap a country term??]

8/31/2011 9:18:59 AM

All American
2642 Posts
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If there was ever a thread for pdrankin.

8/31/2011 9:20:12 AM

All American
6475 Posts
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Sweet drinking some poo tea then right now and eating vomit!

8/31/2011 9:22:01 AM

All American
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There has been and always will be a limited amount of water on the earth. Do people think that every time they drink it's new water?

8/31/2011 9:27:39 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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Quote :
"If there was ever a thread for pdrankin."


8/31/2011 10:09:45 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ I'm sure there are people out there that think that.

8/31/2011 10:11:41 AM

45912 Posts
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I thought everyone knew this? It's old news.

8/31/2011 11:38:36 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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Quote :
"my parents had well water and i never thought about it, even now with city water :shrug:"

Ditto. It tastes fine, suck it up bitches.

8/31/2011 11:42:08 AM

best gottfriend
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8/31/2011 11:45:37 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"And even the nice fresh pure spring water? Birds and fish poop in it"

actually, if it's "spring water", it's coming directly out a spring, so birds and fish can't poop in it.

but whatever, i drink straight out da tap.

8/31/2011 3:40:04 PM

45912 Posts
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^you don't think that that water could have been collected, treated, released, consumed, pissed out, treated, collected, shit in, treated, released, evaporated, collected, treated, then consumed?

[Edited on August 31, 2011 at 4:12 PM. Reason : .]

8/31/2011 4:12:21 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Fish can live in springs. I've seen it on the Discovery Channel.

8/31/2011 4:18:18 PM

114670 Posts
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8/31/2011 4:19:16 PM

All American
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8/31/2011 4:26:57 PM

16786 Posts
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This just in: All things are made up of atoms

8/31/2011 4:40:03 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Drinking Sewage Page [1]  
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